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Thread: Staff Report - Backsea

  1. #1
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    Staff Report - Backsea

    Staff Report
    Your BYOND Key
    Date of Incident
    August 24, 2022
    Your Character Name?
    Bill 'Ass' Bashline
    Their BYOND Key
    Approximate time and date of the incident
    Around 5:30 PM (17:30) GMT
    Which Staff Protocols (//showthrea...-and-Protocols) were broken
    Protocol 2: Failing to investigate the situation properly
    Description of the incident
    (Sorry in advance for possible text errors - English is not my first language)

    Part 1: Shipside events
    I spawned as CL Bill 'Ass' Bashline, but had huge troubles with my connection (ping around 500) so i really mostly stayed in my office, talking to people and writing papers until approximately (can't remember exact time, but i spent a lot of it shipside) 50 minutes into the round, when my connection stabilized. I made my way to CIC, and learned that xenomorphs have really low numbers, which was an opportunity for me to acquire eggs with the help of a marine agent.

    To get that agent i pitched to Major Maxina Song that i can deploy and give someone "augmentations" (of course i left out the part where those augmentations would make the augmented person heavily dependant on me). Major agreed, and after discussing it with CMP Bill Sutton provided me with a temporary Honor Guard MP Rex Texas. I don't know the exact arrangement, but i guess he was to follow me and get in touch with the XO (that was deployed) to become his Honor Guard.

    There was also a criminal planetside, with a warrant for his arrest and lethal force usage authorized, so probably they thought that it would be better to keep an eye out on that as well. I have chosen J.D. Bishop as my manipulation target, mostly because everyone else who knew what they were doing were already dead and spending high-point cost items on someone who may die quickly is just a waste of perfectly good round time. Bishop was not really happy when i notified him on the radio about his augmentations, but agreed.

    Part 2: Planetside events
    Me and Rex Texas deployed on Alamo and made our way to tablefort, which was fully caded. There i gave Bishop some ultrazine and implanted him with a coded neurochip. I stayed mostly at tablefort (which was fully caded and eventually got beefed up with multiple lines of defense), at one point i saw that wanted criminal from before open fire at Rex Texas and die from buckshot. After that MP took the criminal in, and had to leave the planet (probably because XO turned out dead, so there was no reason for an HG, but i think i only found out about it later).

    After that i mostly stayed behind cades, watching marines fight through my binoculars. At some point marines have pushed into caves, so i followed, but i tried to stay away from the frontline where actual fighting happens, and i definetely did not engage xenomorphs either in melee or ranged. No other marines except J.D. Bishop had access to ultrazine, although there were research stims grounside, so a lot more marines were later running around at supersonic speeds - this has no relation to my actions, though.

    At some point of the cave assault someone brought a xenomorph egg to a safe zone behind the frontline, so i discreetly stole it and stashed it away inside the APC (nurse saw it, but i think he was too new to understand, and APC driver either didn't see or didn't give a damn), thinking that if marines get pushed back i will be able to meet with the APC at the FOB and retrieve my precious package. Later marines got pushed back, CO had to SSD for a couple of minutes, so i took over the job of telling marines what to do at that time (not much happened during this part). Mostly i used my comms to repeat the meaning of Bishop's words to other squads while observing the fight through my binoculars. Since leaving with the egg now would make JD go through withdrawl and eventually kill him - a constant stream of pills was required to keep him alive, i couldn't remove a player from the game by leaving, disrupt the round that way and breach the rules by griefing Bishop by ultrazine death, so thanks to recent CL nerfs i had to stay planetside so he wouldn't die.

    Somewhere after two hour mark (can't remember when exactly) i was messaged by Backsea asking why i'm "giving hyper to marines", asking what "RP reason" do i have for deployment and ordered me to go back shipside while they're giving me an LRP note, to which i responded that CO asked me and that i would have a druggie marine that follows my orders. After that Backsea went silent, JD died and was surrounded by aliens without hope of recovery, so there was no reason anymore to stay planetside. I made my way back to LZ, hoping to find APC there, but after i was on Alamo Backsea messaged me again, stating that they're going to jobban me from CL because i deployed without reason, gave out ultrazine without reason and somehow lied about Major authorizing me to deploy (Maxina Song player stated to me in Discord that it was revealed to Backsea that she had no problem with it).

    Part 3: Argumentation
    Just so we're perfectly clear: i have deployed a LOT of times as CL. Sometimes first drop, sometimes later. Sometimes i hired marines to be my personal guard, sometimes i hired marines to be my hands planetside, to retrieve items or keep me safe. I saw other CLs distrubute their items to marines and did so myself, even before CL nerf. I saw other CLs deploy, i saw other CLs go with marines, sometimes i even saw CLs fight back against xenos if they were attacked. Somtimes i asked for authorization to deploy, but mostly i just notified the command and saw other do the same, there was no problem - CLs life was his responsibility, and not ONCE i was told that it is bad or that i need some special RP reason other than "I'm going to ensure that this operation is going according to Weyland-Yutani wishes" while secretly trying to obtain a bioweapon specimen (or other valuable stuff, or whatever). Compared to me staying shipside though, my deployments were relatively rare, i had no notes about my CL behavior and no staff member spoke to me about it, i have no knowledge about any CL being punished for deploying, so i naturally assumed that CL deploying is allowed and CL giving out his items is allowed as well (otherwise why would he have them?). I fail to see how this supposed issue was investigated properly, which may have led to improper punishment.
    Evidence - Initial exchange with Backsea, i failed to find most of my responces since they're not different in color and i can't stop the chat from moving away, after that my connection got broken and i tried to reload (i later found it that it was due to automatic 3 hour ban on any jobbans) so i lost access to logs and only had these quick screenshots, pulling logs may clear things out if necessary. - A player's POV which shows the fire exchange between an MP and a wanted criminal, my character is in the top right corner at the Tablefort, behind cades. - Backsea stating that there's going to be a jobban and bantext. - CO player stating that they spoke to Backsea and had authorized my character to deploy, further images have been screenshotted by Bill Torres after the round end, they were in his chat due to death, but he only managed to capture those phrases before getting revived, proving that i was indeed speaking with Major, again - pulling logs may clear out the full conversation if someone needs it.
    What resolution are you seeking?
    If Backsea's actions were conducted wrongly i suggest that staff trains Backsea on properly investigating the issue and giving proper punishments.
    If Backsea's actions were correct i suggest making a discord/forum/wiki clarification that Corporate Liasons need to notify staff about their "RP reasons" to give out their items and deploy (despite Commanding Officer's authorization), clarifying what these "RP reasons" may be, giving examples and making sure that CL players get the message, otherwise any CL that gives out their items without revealing their plans or the one who deploys may face an LRP note/jobban on first "offence" without even knowing it.

  2. #2
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    I'd just like to state that throughout my time in the round, I never once saw Bill go and rush xenos with a gun to fight them, I mostly saw them sitting at the tablefort(fully enclosed with cades) watching the fight with binoculars and can confirm that they were supplying JD with ultrazine, they had asked me as well if I wanted some of their stimulants or ultrazine(i forgot which was it) and had not forced it onto me despite me saying no.

    in the image below was what tablefort looked like on the north side(on the south side it was the same, also caded)

    Later in the round it was extended east, but I am just vouching for Bill's case of staying inside cades and maintaining as a non-combatant.

  3. #3
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    Hi, J.D. here.

    As far as I know, I was only the one supplied with ultrazine.

    Now, it's important to know that Bill was given permission by the Commanding Officer to supply my character with a neurostim and ultrazine pills as a way of 'augmenting' my character. This was because the situation groundside was looking poorly and a lot of Marines chose to feed captures. Bill even said on command channel that he got permission to J.D. and is coming down. The Commanding Officer also said for my character to receive the stimulants.

    Now, even though the CO gave permission, Bill still offered my character both ultrazine and the neuro stim. He did not randomly come up and inject or feed my character with the stimulant or pills.

    In my honest opinion, this situation was handled poorly and not properly investigated. Key points were overlooked, I wasn't even contacted by staff about it when I am heavily involved in the situation.

    Many other players even rejected the ultrazine and stimulant from him when he offered. Not once was this force, not once did he do something without permission.

  4. #4
    CM-SS13 Host ThesoldierLLJK's Avatar
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    It's been resolved due to a rigorous investigation by GrimreaperX.
    We determined that another player had given bad information to Backsea during the investigation. We don't find fault with Backsea's actions because of what they were provided. However we are not going to disclose other the player's identity at this time because we do not believe there was malice. We believe this was a miscommunication, and can't fault them for it.

    We've apologized directly to Anon, and we've reversed the note and jobban. We've also posted a rule clarification on when a CL can give out his contraband type items.
    Unhinged retiree boomer man
    Get off my lawn you kids

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