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Thread: Neskah - Synthetic Application

  1. #1
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    Neskah - Synthetic Application

    Synthetic Whitelist Application
    Personal Information

    Byond ID?

    Discord ID?

    Marine Name
    Ela 'Aegis' Ritter

    Other Whitelist Applications

    Character Information

    Name of the Synth Character you wish to play

    What is your Synthetic's Personality?
    Adler's personality can be most aptly described as "straightforward" or "robotic". The software at the very core of the Adler unit's cognition is effectively obsolete - a basic fundamental AI framework first adapted for synthetic nurses. The Adler unit, in its current iteration, is effectively an evolved variant of this basic framework - a very basic set of rules which have become more complicated and developed small hints of personality as the unit gains experience. Adler fails to understand some more nuanced social interactions and phrases used by those around him, but he is able to learn and adapt to these new stimuli almost instantaneously.

    Why do you want to be a synthetic/why should we whitelist you?
    I like support, and synthetics are cool. On every SS13 server that isn't CM, I play almost exclusively AI or cyborg. Being able to help while getting to disconnect myself a bit and play as a robotic entity is nice.

    What is your most memorable interaction with a synthetic?
    I've had a few, actually. My most memorable interactions have been in quiet moments, mostly talking to individual synthetics about their experiences and the way they process the world. I believe the longest series of conversations I've had have been with Norman, who is always fun to talk to.

    Synthetic Character Story
    I'm panting, ears ringing loud enough to drown out all other sound. I slouch down against one of the barricade lines we're huddled behind, trying to find my breath once again. I glance up at the man next to me. His body jolts with each blast from the mounted machine gun he's operating, and I feel each recoil impulse in my empty lungs. My vision fades, obscured further by dried splatters of viscous crimson-black on my visor.
    The gunner looks down to me and his mouth moves. I feel his voice boom, but find no words there.
    His expression steels as he leans down to shove my shoulder. I stare. He flinches and ducks as the metal shield guarding his weapon shakes, small bits of shrapnel flying. He grabs at the chest rig secured to the plates on my heaving chest, accidentally forcing out what little air remained in my lungs. I see him draw my welder and check its gauge, motioning for someone to move to us. I dizzily watch his expression soften a bit as he pats my shoulder, lips tracing indistinguishably blurry shapes in my half-open eyes. I begin to lose his face, all detail draining.
    Another silhouette swiftly approaches as he tosses the welder to them. The person who caught it crouches next to me and sweeps a hand over my visor, the welding goggles on the top of my helmet blocking all light to my eyes. This moment of solitude in the dark is quickly broken by the piercing light of the welder, visible even through the visor. I feel dull pressure at my abdomen as the silhouette wraps it in something.
    Through the myriad sensory hellscape, I suddenly draw breath. My lungs fill painfully as my heart threatens to punch a hole through my chestplate. I ignore the pain and greedily cycle air as the welding-light flickers off. My visor raises as my eyes struggle to focus on the face of the silhouette before me. It is a man. Helmetless, face covered in dirt.
    I see his left hand holding an injector as it pumps fluid into a gap in my legplates, his right holding the welder. His face is aimed towards mine, staring into my eyes with an unnervingly calm expression. He watches me breathe for a moment as my eyes shift around, as if gauging my response. His right hand places the welder back into its place at my chest before tracing it over the barricade, checking every rivet. Despite this, his eyes do not divert from mine.
    The ringing in my ears returns as my chest burns with a dull pain that I could not feel prior. I wince, gritting my teeth. The man opens a satchel at his hip and draws three pills with only his left hand.
    He snakes the hand under my faceplate and inserts the pills in my mouth, my tongue protesting their bitter presence. I try to swallow, and succeed after several tries.
    By the time I manage to choke down the medicine, I feel a pinch in my arm and lower my eyes to see its source. A small needle, with a tube leading to a bag filled with blood. It is then that I notice reddened gauze wrapped around my lower abdomen.
    The machine-gunner ceases his barrage, and I notice each impulse was not only shaking my body, but my eardrums as well. I hear the report of rifles again, and they sound close. The gunner swears under his breath, collapsing the hefty tripod and slinging the massive gun over his shoulder as he turns to leave.
    The bag's needle is withdrawn from my arm, a light bandage placed where it had once been to keep it in. The strange man nods to me.
    "You will live." He says nonchalantly, packing up his equipment.
    "Your left lung was punctured in two places," He elaborates, drawing a wet rag to gently wipe the dirt and blood from my goggles.
    "One puncture is approximately 0.7 centimeters, the other is 1.2. Your squad fell back, as should you. Seek surgery when you are able." His tone is calculated and steady, despite the circumstances.
    "Tha-... Thanks. Who are -" Is all I manage with my shaky voice. He stands and offers me a hand. I take it, and he draws me to my feet with a jarring amount of strength considering the weight of my equipment, his legs still in a casual standing position.
    "I am Adler. You should refrain from speaking, and notify a corpsman if you feel discomfort in your chest." He said, now looking away from me to gaze out of the barricades. I start walking away to follow the gunner, but glance back once I realize he is not following.
    "Wait, we're the only two left out this far. Come on, man!" I motion for him to follow, but he turns to me and shakes his head.
    "An untrue statement, I am afraid. There are several wounded that I must retr- retrieve." He stutters slightly for the first time as a round strikes solidly in his back without overpenetrating. He does not seem to care, glancing towards the bullet's source.
    "Oh dear. They can see us once more. Move there. Please remain low." He adds in the same calculated tone, pointing the opposite direction.
    "Adler, man, fucking - come on, that's suicide! Come on!" I shout, heeding his advice and crouching. He turns his back to me and rests a foot on the top of the barricade. I see the wound - viscous white ichor dripping from its source.
    "It is not suicide if I am not alive. I will return - as will your wounded allies." With this, he springs over the barricade into a full sprint. I sigh.
    "Fucking synths..." I say to myself, moving back to the next line of protection while remaining as low as I can. Something tells me this is not the last time I will see Adler.

    (Google Doc link alone was too short - copy+pasted entire story. Head to Google Docs if the format here is annoying to read.)


    How familiar are you with Engineering?
    Quite. Almost everything an engineer can do, I am aware of, and have done at least once. With that being said, engineer is likely the support role I have played the least, despite me enjoying it. This is mostly because resource scarcity can be stressful when people are screaming at me to build things that I cannot build. I also do a fair bit of pseudo-engineering as a PFC.

    How familiar are you with Command?
    I would say reasonably familiar. I understand the entire structure, and have worked overwatch for multiple squads at once. Squad leader is my favorite, as it's a bit of a balance between having responsibility and being able to do whatever.

    How familiar are you with Medical?
    Very. Medical is likely the field I am most familiar with. I frontline medic often, and for a few weeks it was my most played role out of all of them. I've also done a fair bit of surgery, but I don't often get the opportunity to. Often times a bored CMO or nurse who wants to learn will end up taking a patient from me. (Which is good, if they want to do it.)

    How familiar are you with Requisitions?
    Moderately. I am addicted to wiki-delving and learning, and so I understand every variation of weapon and their suite of attachments and calibers, I understand what personnel planetside need what, and I understand all of what requisitions has to offer. I do also understand how to input coordinates and drop supplies, but I have not done this myself.

    What are some scenarios that you can perform combat in? Give us a brief example.
    Very few, honestly. At least to my understanding. I would say the most likely situation would be while I am running between two points, and am jumped by a backliner. In all likelihood, this wouldn't even result in combat. I would continue moving to my objective, and the xenomorph would (probably) immediately realize attacking a synthetic is more or less a lost cause. If it did continue to pressure me, I would ignore first try to evade, but if it proved faster than me or in a more advantageous position (bodyblocking me from continuing to objective) I would attack it until it fled or ceased to attack, whether this is via being sent into crit or dying outright. I would not necessarily strive to keep the hostile alive, as my working operation is required to complete my objective, but if it were to be stunned or sent into crit, I would immediately ignore it and move on, leaving it alive.


    Are you familiar with the Synthetic Programming and Guidelines?

    Have you read the application process page?

    Do you understand that any player - donor or otherwise - can have their whitelist status revoked should they break our rules or the Synthetic Programming Guideline?

    Do you understand that you cannot advertise your application on any platform for votes. Do you also understand you may not edit this application 1 hour after it has been posted?

    Have you been banned from CM in the last month for any reason? Do you have any active jobbans?

    Are you currently banned from our Discord, and if so, why?

    Discord Ban Reason

    Other Information

    Do you have anything else you would like to include about your application?
    Robots are neat. Thanks for reading.

  2. #2
    Synthetic Council Member QuickLoad's Avatar
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    Hello Neskah, thanks for the application!

    First off, I really like your personality, I think it's relatively fresh and could offer some very interesting interactions ingame depending on how its played.

    Your story's perspective was quite engaging in my opinion and a decent read - I liked how there was a sense of mystery with the silhouettes and interactions. Adler was aptly described and I think that the personality displayed was pretty accurate.

    Your experience answers are pretty good! I would recommend you get some experience in requisitions while you are at it to make sure that you truly can do any role that a Synthetic might be called upon for. It's good that you have the absolute core ready though.

    And lastly, your combat answer pleases me. Good job.

    One final thing - as you know Synthetics are required to keep a calm and collected head essentially 100% of the time. There was some concern brought up that you may be quick to anger, or otherwise something may cause you to 'snap' from ooc into ic. Or otherwise say something which your character would not, intended for OOC usage. Would you like to address those concerns?

  3. #3
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    I've been doing requisitions more often lately and it's quite fun, though I'm admittedly a little slower at dispensing certain key items than I'd like, this'll improve over the next week or so I hope!
    Also - entirely reasonable concern. I've had a few frustrating interactions with marines in the past, and I think playing as a human character has honestly made it worse? I try my best to get into the genuine mindset of whatever character I'm playing and Ritter, my main, is just a normal person with very toned-back personality quirks, since she's the character I started playing as. I don't usually like to learn a new SS13 codebase/server on a character with a lot of very specific RP-related personality quirks, so on Ritter, if someone says something that I find frustrating, I've responded to it point-blank in the past.

    This might sound strange, but yes, while I am (embarrassingly) sometimes upset by things in the moment, I never experience this as an AI or cyborg on other servers, and the way I play them is identical to the personality I wanted to apply to Adler. Something about truly being in the headspace of I am a robot. I will fulfill my current objective. makes even exceptionally high-stress situations quite calm for me OOC. I think I channel the feeling what whatever character I'm playing perhaps too much - but this is mostly a good thing when I'm playing a bland, robotic personality.

    There's also something OOCly calming about being able to respond to horrible situations in a comically calming manner. Getting my arm blasted off by a stray shotgun slug as a cyborg and responding with something along the lines of, "Oh dear. I do not think that limb is meant to be disconnected via projectile. Please contact a robotics specialist if I am not assisting properly." is always fun.

  4. #4
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    There are some lore issues with your personality, AI in synthetics has been worked on for over 150 years in the timeline. The story focuses on the marine rather than your synthetic. The less in-depth experience answers are, the more it has to be backed up by the community to fill in the gaps, please look at previously accepted applications. There were also recent administrative notes that are not okay. This application is denied.
    Last edited by FrogZeke; 03-09-2023 at 04:46 PM.

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