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Thread: Ceyella - Ban Appeal (Timed Ban)

  1. #1

    Ceyella - Ban Appeal (Timed Ban)

    Ban Appeal
    Byond ID?
    Character Name?
    Evelyn Meer
    Type of Ban?
    Timed Ban
    Admin who banned you (if known)
    Total Ban Duration
    24 hours
    Remaining Duration
    23 hours
    What other servers do you play on?
    Are you now or have you been banned on any servers? Which ones?
    aurora, paradise.
    Reason for Ban
    "Met supposed grief with grief. had altercations with another player that they desrvied as "grief" and took it into thier own hands trying to deny said player a revive from doctors. logged when ahelped before we could finish talking."
    Link to previous appeals for the same ban (if applicable):
    Your appeal, including evidence (screenshots, etc)
    So, so at round start, this guy bust into south req, and beated me to KO, and nearly kills me, bravo SL hops the table and medics me, and detains anothony. two medics have to save me, bravo SL hands anthony over to a MP who lets him go, so anothony procceeds ot attemp to kill bravo SL at FOB, and all FOB engineers.
    my ban is because i told doctors not to defib anothony
    when he came back on the ship
    due to him trying to kill all of the FOB
    he griefed req and basically shut req down at roundstart
    via nearly killing RO
    then griefed fob and tried to kill all of bravo
    nd started a big inciddent where delta and bravo fought
    and im really frustrated im getting a ban
    and not him

    my ban was put as

    420Myk/ Alice'Snow'FalknerToday at 7:56 AM
    Hey sorry for putting the ban through i waited a good long time for you to come back so assumed you had just logged, if you hadnt logged or had gotten back in time i woulda left it as a warning, But following protocol with Griefing back against grief, mixed with your note history and honestly a number of 3 hour bans it was time to escalate to 24 hours, you cant appeal the ban but if you disagree with my actions do feel free to file a staff report

    I immediately on crash posted in staff help, that i had crashed, and talked ot forest about my worry im getting banned over it, which i did because the mod didnt check that first. they even said in thier own words, it would have been a warning, if not logging. it was a crash.

    420Myk/ Alice'Snow'FalknerToday at 8:02 AM
    Oh well sorry i didnt get the ping from discord it was in my backbar, End of the day you fought grief with grief and have a bad note history that alone would have been enough, Though i will talk to headstaff and see if i can reverse the ban, but something like that usually gets questioned if it just happens without being talked about. I do understand and see that you crashed/messaged staff help which is why im happy to take it to whatever head it needs to. Yes they may or maynot have been griefing, i dont know about any of that as i only joined the server maybe 10 minutes before dealing with you, if other staff saw it/ dealt with it then it musnt have been seen as so, but even so youve been around long enough to know you dont meet grief with grief. Give me some time to get in contact with emerald or another head and see if i can clear the ban, the note will remain though i hope you know

    They joined 10 minutes into a complex situation spamming nearly an hour and a 1/2, then just banned me instead of attemping to figure out the situation, or what was going on. furthermore, all i did was demand the Mp get revived before anthony. because i like my MPs stable and alive, BEFORE the guy who tried to kill everyone. i feel thats a insufficent reason to ban someoone.

  2. #2
    1. Forest was like you cant appeal 24 hour bans, oops.
    2. the ban has been removed by the mod who banned me after talking to staff.
    remove thread.

  3. #3
    CM-SS13 Host ThesoldierLLJK's Avatar
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    Dec 2018
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    In the future remember 24 hour bans or less cannot be appealed.
    However as the ban has been removed


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