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Thread: shyguychizzy - Predator Guidelines and rules

  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    shyguychizzy - Predator Guidelines and rules

    Player Report
    Your Byond ID?

    Your Character Name?
    Henry 'Grandpa' Gadow

    Accused Byond Key(if known):

    Accused Character Name
    KaTorag-na Halkrath

    Approximate time and date of the incident (Central US Time for fastest results)
    11:40 PM CST

    What rule(s) were broken:
    Predator Guidelines and rules

    Description of the incident:
    Predator was running around the south of fob on prison station, shooting walls with a plasma pistol in order to open up holes into it for the charger which was constantly charging the walls/cades.

    Could not get a picture of them in the act of it but the first picture shows the chatlog, the second shows the damage to the wall in front of me and another one in the bottom right corner that they were shooting down before we shot them away.

    They were not hunting marines or xenos, just using a plasma pistol to shoot holes into the FOB. Not much a predator gameplay there.

    The senior admin of the round confirmed such as well and gave me the preds ckey for reporting this.

    Evidence (screenshots, logs, etc):
    How you would punish the accused:
    If its not their first incident of such? Removal of their whitelist on the role.
    Last edited by Denthamos; 05-10-2019 at 06:03 AM.

  2. #2
    Whitelisted Predator
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    Hello, this Ka'Torag-na Halkrath aka Balto''Crunk''Dreg. As you should be aware this should have been posted after round, not in the middle of such as per protocol. Of my intents during this time, prior the events of me demolishing of the wall in which was blasted into girder. Was the lure of bravo lead earlier on after managing to land a presumed UGL with the aid of motion tracker. In which, a wall that already had a dedicated barricade was already placed at the time. Surely afterward, I was severely flamed twice through the girder inplaced, I recall having to retreat by said this particular bravo marine which was you at the time defending that southern bit. I did come back once again and there you were all alone. I did expose a wall which hand vendor behind such though I should have left it a girder which I was warned and by Ordu san which was admin at the time in which I ceased such actions. The accusation of me assisting or ensuring this said charger is false. I was unaware of a charger in my area at that time only one time recall of a charger was previously set a fire by the tank with other predators were talking with marine called Tess. Charger at southern at the time dont recall such nor aid such as for 1. That be against the code. 2. Broke of the wall for my personal entrance. I deemed you worthy of a prey hence managed to afflict massive amount of damage then got yourself hurt then disengaged. At the time I was hunting primarily southern of the FOB a bit which I did slay a marine there earlier. I do apologize if my actions were brash on the matter. Wouldnt have the time to respond or chance for tomorrow do have work tomorrow all day.
    Last edited by Shyguychizzy; 05-12-2019 at 06:32 AM.

  3. #3
    Senior Member Lumdor's Avatar
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    The council has been discussing this and will reply in due-time. Also, shyguy I�m not sure if you can�t speak English properly but stop speaking like a pirate or whatever the hell you're doing here.

  4. #4
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    It should be noted that making a wall for a crusher would be one of the most pointless things, as a crusher can just break a wall down in a few charges anyways. Regardless, no rule was broken so no action is required, resolved.

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