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Thread: Need tips for CAS

  1. #1
    Senior Member Swagbag's Avatar
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    Need tips for CAS

    Alright, I'll be honest, I don't use CAS much but when I do I try to lase where xenos cant see it and offset, specifically on prison.

    What kind of roofs/cave roofs can signal flares not be used on? Can I lase a CAS lase outside a cave and offset north or anywhere else into a cave? Anything else I should know?

  2. #2
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    Flares work for everything BUT deep underground (lv caves) You cannot CAS into deep underground in any way, it just wont work. Just shift click a tile to examine it. It'll tell you what kind of roof there is

    You CAN CAS into normal metal surfaces/caves (big red caves) either by lasing in the open (the southeast filtration caves are actually in the open for example) or by using flares (fucking label them! It helps a shit ton)

    The CAS Pilot CANNOT see his target area when looking at flares under metal/caves or when he looks with offsets from the open into a cave/metal (Lamba lab entrance for example, lase outsire and do full east offset, dont just lase the entrance itself tho thats too obvious lase north a bit so you conceal the laser and you can hit deeper into the cave) so you have to give him clear, solid target and offset BEFORE you want the strike. Kill off your laser as soon as the run commences when aliens might see the laser so they cant predict it. Sometimes you dont want the CAS run directly to hit the current position of the boiler for example but where he'll most likely will run. Its mostly about observing your targets at that point. Are they smoothbrains? Do they react to other dangers, how much do they value their life/are they taking risks and so on. Depending on the information you can try to predict your targets movement the moment the CAS run commences/they hear the WOOOOOOOOSSSSHHH.

    It also helps to tell the CAS PO what kind of run you want? Do you want a short/medium/long range run (2,6,12 FM lenght for example, firemission lenght is how far from the initial offset the CAS run travels) Usually you want to keep it to medium range (6 tiles) but depending on target area and targets in the area you might want to switch it. Make sure the CAS PO has these kind of firemissions set up so you can call for them when needed

    Shameless plug if you havent seen it yet:
    Last edited by dasWurmtMich; 05-26-2019 at 05:53 PM.

  3. #3
    Senior Member
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    Great shooting, but using t to speak instead of just tabbing is weird man.

  4. #4
    Junior Member
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    That Video made me excited

  5. #5
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    looks very fun but i'm too handicapped to use it

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