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Thread: What is your biggest assist/kill count?

  1. #21
    Ancient Member
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    90% of the hive which would be about 20ish xenos,

    Neth fucked up somewhere and made the parastock godlike when it was first introduced on the M39. So I loaded my entire belt with M39 AP and just ran through the LV caves in a timely manner when the fog dropped at 12:30. About 20 minutes later I somehow ended the round at 12:50.

    It was nerfed 4 days later. But god damn I miss the M39.

  2. #22
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    Ehhh around 15 when 3 tile buckshot oneshots were a thing

  3. #23
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    2 assists and one kill as far as i remember the last time i went full unga vanguard and actually tried my best

  4. #24
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    I got three kills as marine on the ship, ran through the maintenance shafts firing a shotgun at benos. That's the most confirmed kills I've ever managed to get in one round though...

  5. #25
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    One time as Bravo SL I CAS'd the LZ, atleast 4-5 marine deaths

  6. #26
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    >29 xenos
    >pratically 2/3 of a 80/100 pop round
    TOP KEK.

    Seriously i consider myself REALLY above average and my personal record is 10 xenos plus the queen (last surving xeno, wandering), and most of the xenos were t1/t2's that ate point blank buckshot (when it used to be OP as fuck).

    Even got a nice medal that day.

    I really shouldn't say that you people are lying, but it REALLY does sound like one.

    Besides, kills doesn't matter, you wont win the round all by yourself(Miss the old days of rambo survivors though).
    Last edited by Damous; 07-28-2019 at 10:19 AM.

  7. #27
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    One day, on a planet called Shiva's Snowball, Goddard Pearsall and I were rocking and rolling in our M34A2 Longstreet, "The Herald". A grueling three hour round of blood and bullets, we lost the planet after a good hour long siege of LZ1. As all hope was lost, and we consigned ourselves to a 41 xeno boarding....I hear six glorious words over command comms. "Guys, I called up the Alamo". Our PO, bald as a baby's ass, managed to call up a 41 xeno strong hive. EVERY MARINE WAS IN THE HANGAR, KATASHI JURO WITH A MACHETE LEADING THEM. East and west Alamo entrances had double sandbag and plasteel lines, and the south door was clear. We parked our tank, and we waited. Caught in a hammer and anvil, the xenos didn't stand a chance. We rained flamer blasts and minigun rounds uprange into the dropship in a deadly crossfire. Before the deed was done however, the Queen initiated take off. And in that moment, Goddard and I knew what had to be done.

    We drove in.

    As the Alamo set course for the surface, the most gruesome rage cage I have borne witness to in my seven year SS13 career kicked off. Every non fire immune xenomorph was cooked alive desperately clawing at the tank, and the couple ravs were gunned down without mercy. The only survivors were those who managed to reach the cockpit, where our flames and minigun rounds couldn't reach them. When the queen managed to slay The Herald upon landing and dismount Goddard and I, we went down fighting. Goddard died on his feet, and I ignited the 600 fuel welding kit on my back, taking an Ancient Drone with me. Forty one xenos boarded the Alamo, only five survived. Our tally numbered 36 kills, and Unga Prime smiled on us that day.

  8. #28
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    i dont know man i dont keep track of kills all i do know is i die alot

    either A I die to xenos on planet by either Gas acid shit i dont remember the name of and get dragged off or some Baldie rushs the xenos with only a Uniform and a M41A he picked off the ground and i die because i was trying to put more people on the firing line
    or B i live til Xenos Broad and either Die in a Last stand,Die running to Escape pods,Crushed Or Escape with my ass intact
    like when i got my Heroism medals for trying to Evac dammed marines i managed to escape as South Pod Cades were Overrun and i escaped just in time to Watch a Warrior Try to Duck in and get Noped by pod eject

  9. #29
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    11 kills as sniper spec.

    Goddamn i fucking love flak.

  10. #30
    Senior Member scsnv's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MaximusRex View Post
    I remember that. Pretty much the greatest slaughter I've ever seen, if not period. I was a bit annoyed they didn't manage to rescue you guys, but holy shit did you go bug hunting that day.
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