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Thread: Rule re-work/changes, discussion think tank thread

  1. #11
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    Historically the dropship has always launched at 12:20 at the earliest. It’s very rare the ship launches any earlier. As was mentioned (and I agree), “metarushing” is only a problem on Big Red because tinelocks have not been implemented on that map. If xenos are getting destroyed on other maps then it’s simply a lack of strategy on the xenos’ part.

  2. #12
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    As I mentioned in the metarushing thread, the "metarush" issue is more about xeno having this aging mechanic that gimps them early game rather than any other reason. Remove the aging mechanic, and set DS timer to 12:25 or 12:30. If xeno can't get up defense by that time, well sucks to suck but they're gonna lose. You should stop preventing marines from going on the offensive early, and you should definitely stop with the whole "let's spawn more xenos and stall this game out because marines metarush, waaah". If a round is fucked due to a bald or griefer queen, just let it be over so there can be a new queen.

  3. #13
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    In regards to MPs and MP law in general I think there needs to be an overhaul on how an appeal/trial is done, and the minimum standards for what constitutes evidence to convict.

    Right now you can be charged based on "his word vs mine" nonsense, and you just have to eat the charge because an appeal takes longer than the timer.. and no one cares.

    The number of times I have been told to "appeal your sentence" write something; and then just have it be ignored because "command is too busy".

    And I think all of the above is why people hate MPs so much. Because they bust you on stupid shit, on shitty to no evidence, and you have no way to do much about it.

    I think the CMP should take over the power of pardoning from the CO. And emphasis should be placed on a CMP acting more in as a warden/judge. This could include the option to order an execution. But the function of the job should be ensuring the ship runs smoothly. Not arresting people over hats.

  4. #14
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    Since we are on about silent rule, I just realised that Metagrudging is prohibited but isnt listed in the rules nor rule clarification. I guess it is about time you add this.

  5. #15
    Senior Member Lumdor's Avatar
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    Change the mutiny rule. Currently, as it stands you can get five people together and ahelp bad orders and get a mutiny accepted. Mutinies are huge round changers because taking a CO out of commission could ruin a round. Instead of saying bad orders they have to give an actual good reason. A commander BEing a marine for a horrible reason that's a good mutiny reason but just saying bad orders isn't. This can also be abused with the current way mutinies are handled because five people can get into VC and act like they're talking in-game, and then ahelp "bad orders". It should be an actual reason, and then when the actual reason is given the staff member accepting the mutiny should go look and see if that's a real reason; either by looking at logs, or watching the CO for a bit. You could also give examples for staff when they go and look reasons for accepting a mutiny, so they know if that reason is good one for drastically changing the round.

  6. #16
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    Typically mutinies occur becuase delta was made FOB, had a deltard arrested, or helmets(see deltard arrested). Otherwise it is becuase bravo wasnt on FOB. But why? Becuase doing it with an actual reason ussally is too late. Oh everyone died going down the elevator on ice? Well who going to mutiny? They all dead. Mutinies ussally occur for meme reasons. Now should they? No.

    Mutinies should be limited to bad command, but instead have an overthrow if they dislike command or the MPs or the USCM in general. Overthrow would make you basically CLF, force it that you have to leave the sector in 30 minutes or face a death squad and or aliens coming after you and req is disabled if you succeed. Basically overthrow is horrifically bad idea unless you really REALLY hate command and have enough marines willing to join. Without the willing marines the other players are likely to put the rebels down to prevent the negative effects.

    Bam you get legit mutinies and the bastard brother of mutinies that only the most insane or bored marines will want.

  7. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by DefinitelyAlone0309 View Post
    As I mentioned in the metarushing thread, the "metarush" issue is more about xeno having this aging mechanic that gimps them early game rather than any other reason. Remove the aging mechanic, and set DS timer to 12:25 or 12:30. If xeno can't get up defense by that time, well sucks to suck but they're gonna lose. You should stop preventing marines from going on the offensive early, and you should definitely stop with the whole "let's spawn more xenos and stall this game out because marines metarush, waaah". If a round is fucked due to a bald or griefer queen, just let it be over so there can be a new queen.
    Instead of removing the aging mechanic, you have all the Xenos that spawn at the beginning of the round already at Elder status. Therefore the aging mechanic only hinders new Xenos later in the round or if all the start Xenos die. Which is fine, because it allows Xenos to be on even ground at the start and if they do poorly they are punished with young and weaker versions of themselves.

  8. #18
    CM-SS13 Host ThesoldierLLJK's Avatar
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    Thanks everyone for your responses we’ve adjusted some rules accordingly and will continue to tweak them.

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