Hi there, Dusanking123

We have had a chance to read over your app and have found your story to be of insufficient quality to approve it.

Your story lacks depth and flavour to it. "My Yautja goes and hunts several R'ka and Ooman's, get's trophy and leaves with honor" has been done to death. We encourage you to create a fun and interesting character that breaks this mold. Yes, Yautja hunt, yes Yautja society involves the hunt, but that doesn't mean that you should to shoehorn your character into that trope. Give us some detail about who your character is and what motivates them. Where did your character grow up? Did he have a rough pup hood? What did he do break that? Did that play into his training to become blooded? Did he have a god or gods that he worshipped? Did he pick up any particular skills or quirks? Tell me more about your character!

What I will say is that you have more than enough time (In last month alone!) played. You have more hours in last month than I probably do in the last 5.

This application is denied.