5. FALSE accusations may be met with YOU getting punished instead of the accused.
We have rules in this forum for a reason, which I REALLY DO NOT UNDERSTAND WHY, people seem to forget, or outright ignore
So I'm not happy about this report. I'm getting multiple DMs from players, staff, and managers about this. People are literally demanding your head on a platter Cheng, and I kinda want to give it them and community ban you for your actions. This is a videogame, yes sometimes emotions get the best of people. But like I always say "QUIT GETTING MAD AT VIDEOGAMES." people just ignore it, and end up doing bad things, and now here we are.

The logs don't lie, the players who have come forward, the staff, they're all not lying. I 99 percent believe that you truly made false allegations to get Nicksone in trouble. Anyone who would do such a thing, is not welcome in our community and should just be cast off like a pariah.


When I say 99 percent I believe, there is 1 percent doubt here in what you've said. If a video came forward that showed the complete opposite of what had taken place, your goose would be cooked. My policy is give people the benefit of the doubt, even if it's one percent.

However, I find your actions disgusting, shameful, and I think you contribute nothing to this community but drama and your bi-polar bullshit. As far as I'm concerned you've killed your chance at ever getting a whitelist back, or any whitelist for that matter in the future. One more slip up and it's gonna be curtains for you.
