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Thread: Unknown - Honor Code

  1. #1
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    Unknown - Honor Code

    Player Report
    Your Byond ID?

    Date of Incident
    December 3, 2020

    Your Character Name?

    Accused Byond Key(if known):

    Accused Character Name
    Clan Leader Rhuu'Nhon

    Approximate time and date of the incident (Central US Time for fastest results)
    7:50pm - 8:50pm

    What rule(s) were broken:
    Honor Code

    Description of the incident:
    During this round xeno were trying to kill the preds. During the fight with this predator in particular, multiple actions were committed that seem unsanctioned. The following is a list of incidents witnessed:

    1. Cloaked combat - During the fight with this predator, he would go invisible to avoid stuns, heal, or reposition a couple tiles away when he felt he was about to loss. Note that this predator continued to fight upon retreating to heal by going invisible.

    2. Laser Rifle Sniping - After running away to heal, the predator would go off screen and fire a plasma rifle shot into the crowd of xeno in hopes of stunning a xeno. After stunning a xeno the predator would drag them off to a secluded location to kill it. This is how the Queen was killed.

    3. Self Destructing a dead Yautja into a group of Xeno - The predator ran away towards a dead Yautja and then dragged his self destructing body into a group of xeno to get some kills.

    4. Bullying EZZ - After Xeno EZZ called this Yautja a coward for running away before death, and continuing the fight when fully healed. This Yautja stunned the xeno and dragged it off to a secluded location where it then proceeded to bash it against a window until it died.

    During this incident I, xenomorph EZZ was having connection issues so I was standing still for most of it. After reconnecting I tried running away but was dragged back to the window. After regaining control of my character made a mad dash away from the area, but the Yautja finished me off with an arm blade.

    In conclusion this Yautja gives off the impression of a psychopath, and has serious problems with losing.

    Evidence (screenshots, logs, etc):

    How you would punish the accused:
    I don't decide what happens to people, that's your job.

  2. #2
    Whitelisted Predator ChainsawMullet's Avatar
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    I am the councillor being reported, allow me to tell you what actually happened.

    Xenos won the ground and began boarding the dropship, most of the preds online gathered around the LZ as is normal, and after a little while xenos started killing them. I stood by and watched because I wanted to see how the other preds would fare, and two or three of them ended up dying, after that I didn't see any other preds so I assumed I was the last alive.

    It was at this point xenos started noticing me, and for the most part were just harmlessly bumping into me, which was normal behaviour in my experience, I didn't really react other than bumping them back or grabbing them around. Then the larger part of the hive including the queen starts attacking me.

    Now, when you're a Predator and the entire hive ganks you, you have a couple options:

    1) Fight them all, kill as many as you can and due

    2) Fight them and make them disengage so you aren't forced to derail the round

    3) Run

    As you can probably tell, I chose option 2. I skirmished with the hive heavily multiple times, and disengaged after wounding xenos several times in the hopes the xenos would just give up, stop delaying the round, and go hijack. They did not. Because of this I decided that since the queen was so determined to fight me, I'd just get it over with because continuing to disengage was only delaying the inevitable, so during one of our confrontations once too many xenos gathered I HPC'd and dragged her to an isolated position. It's worth noting that only 2 xenos followed, I don't know why the rest of the hive gave up on her.

    Now, onto the accusations:

    1. Cloaked combat - During the fight with this predator, he would go invisible to avoid stuns, heal, or reposition a couple tiles away when he felt he was about to loss. Note that this predator continued to fight upon retreating to heal by going invisible.
    Cloaking during combat is not a rulebreak. It would be a rulebreak if I used the cloak and attacked while invisible, which I did not. I only cloaked when the queen screeched me in the middle of 10 xenos, and this happened multiple times. Retreating to heal is also not a rulebreak, and is borderline necessary to deal with a hive gank of that scale.

    2. Laser Rifle Sniping - After running away to heal, the predator would go off screen and fire a plasma rifle shot into the crowd of xeno in hopes of stunning a xeno. After stunning a xeno the predator would drag them off to a secluded location to kill it. This is how the Queen was killed.
    This is the HPC, it exclusively stuns, and is allowed to be used on worthy prey as long as you do not attack or kill any target stunned by it, which I did not. I exclusively used it for breathing room and to isolate xenos as needed, which is the intended use of the tool.

    3. Self Destructing a dead Yautja into a group of Xeno - The predator ran away towards a dead Yautja and then dragged his self destructing body into a group of xeno to get some kills.
    I did not make any effort to SD the Yautja on Xenos, in fact I dragged it away from them and they followed me. It is not my problem if people want to kill themselves on the SD, though I saw no xenos die when I watched the SD go off.

    4. Bullying EZZ - After Xeno EZZ called this Yautja a coward for running away before death, and continuing the fight when fully healed. This Yautja stunned the xeno and dragged it off to a secluded location where it then proceeded to bash it against a window until it died.
    Bullying? Are we school children? You were directly hostile and had been attacking me for a good ten minutes, and then all of a sudden gave up to go on a rant about how I was a "coward" and should be "kicked out for being a pussy". You were talking mad shit after being directly hostile, so yes, I attacked you, crit you, and killed you in a disrespectful manner. The new queen healed you and I crit you again, and continued window slamming you. I did not stunkill you.

    During this incident I, xenomorph EZZ was having connection issues so I was standing still for most of it. After reconnecting I tried running away but was dragged back to the window. After regaining control of my character made a mad dash away from the area, but the Yautja finished me off with an arm blade.
    Literally not my problem, you were talking mad shit, fighting me, and gave off the aura of a petulent child who didn't get his way. In my experience people like you just stand still and pretend to afk out of pure rage, or bait being killed for a report (oh hey look where we are). It is not my problem or concern if you were having connection problems during this, especially since you never mentioned it in LOOC.

  3. #3
    Admin Novacti's Avatar
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    Despite this report past the 48 hour mark;
    8. Reports may only be made for violations that have occurred within 48 hours of when it had taken place. Anything beyond that is null and void, and also you may only make a report for violations in that time frame. No reports or evidence making allegations of rule breaks going beyond that time frame will be accepted.
    An internal investigation was conducted, and Chansawmullet was find not guilty of any HC breaches. It was rather clear that you attacked them first and then insulted them. They did not throw the body of the predator anywhere after dragging them away and activating their SD. Chainsaw's accounts regarding the useage of the HPC is accurate, and without further evidence, you cannot prove that they attacked while being cloaked.

    How a predator fights is up to them. Them smashing you into a window and killing you is perfectly fine after you attacked them first, insulted them and continued to fight them shortly before you stopped doing anything.

    This report is Denied, however if any additioal evidence is brought up, I am willing to conduct a re-evaluation accordingly.
    Last edited by Novacti; 12-06-2020 at 04:40 AM.
    Ex- Predator Council Senator, Mentor Manager, Discord Moderator and Moderator Trainer
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