Report denied.

The CMO was arrested for Major Contraband, something you would have known had you actually followed appeal procedure which requires you to list all the charges that are being appealed.

You accepted an appeal for Assault (?) which was never the actual charge put on the CMO.

The whole discussion about self defense is irrelevant because, again, that was not the charge that was being appealed. As a whitelisted CO you are expected to know how to process an appeal.

I honestly find it absolutely staggering that at no point towards this you seemed to have asked for the CMOs charges.

Messing up an appeal carries a standard Neglect of Duty charge (not jailbreak as the CMP wanted, though I can see their reasoning, it was not unreasonable for them to assume that you just wanted to release the CMO for whatever reason) which was issued by staff.

No one here was lied to. Hell, even the CMO told you it was due to the gun they found on him, not due to the fact that he actually shot it. All of this was caused by the fact that you failed to properly investigate both the charges and what the CMO actually did because you had some ongoing conflict with the CMP. The Warden literally told you that it was a contraband not assault, yet for some reason you accepted the appeal, again, not listing what charge you were removing.

Please review arrest and pardon procedures.