[Halp] IceColony Code

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[Halp] IceColony Code

Post by Infernus » 24 Sep 2015, 05:05

The Ice Colony map is somewhere near-ish being done, but there are several coding issues that I cannot fix/do.
It would be very nice if any of you coders could skim in and help me solve these issues. I will provide you with the description of the problem as well as how it should work.

1. Smooth Snow Layers ->[code/game/turfs/simulated/IceColony.dm]
-The code I wrote is messed up. I kept modifying it more and more after the first attempts failed. The way it should work is that on Update_icon(), the icon clears the overlay on itself, and the surrounding snow turfs. BUT, it must only delete the overlays ADJACENT to it, as in not delete the overlays that has nothing to do with the affected snow turf. Here is how it should work:

Overlays have 8 directions: 4 sides and 4 corners. Each Overlay has it's own depth (snow layer). Overlays are ONLY placed on top of other snow turfs that has a LOWER s_layer.

So, snow turf with s_layer of 1 WILL NOT place a layer of snow on adjacent snow turf with s_layer of 2, but will vice versa.
The Snow Overlay has the same depth(s_layer) as the turf that placed it. (This only has to do with the image)

If the snow turfs get updated, it should only update overlays on top of itself and the selected adjacent turfs.

Let's say I want to update the middle layer. It should update itself and the overlays represented by the red lines. Note that both red and black lines (overlays) are on the same turf that needs updating.

Here are few examples:

-This one works fine. as you can see, the snow layer I placed updated all 8 sides correctly on top of shallower snow.

-Watch what happens when I place another one at this spot. The overlays get deleted even if I didn't want it to happen.

-I raised the layers and this happened. The southern, darker snow layer is deeper, thus the placement of all overlays is correct, but the shallower one on the north west side did not place overlays under the deeper snow overlays.

It simply needs some logic work.
To test the snow stuff, include the 2 ice Colony maps and exclude LV planet. Compile, teleport there, find the snow shovel and use it on the snow. Click on it to select modes.

2. Double Doors ->[code/game/machinery/doors/multi_tile.dm]
-Having doors with opaque set to 0 will only affect one tile, meaning that you can see what is on the other end at the second part. Density still works fine.

3. 2-Wide+ blast doors ->[code/game/machinery/doors/poddoor.dm]
-Similar issue as double doors, but neither opaque nor density wont work. The code already has "fillers" that will do that job, but they don't work. Neither 2-Wide, 3 nor 4-Wide Blast doors don't work

4. Weather ->[code/game/turfs/simulated/IceColony.dm]
-I'm not looking at anything fancy, just that at every x seconds, one random tile gets one more layer of snow and has it's icon updated. Just something cheap.

5. Computer3 files ->[code/WorkInProgress/computer3/file.dm]
-In computer3, if you try to open a text file, nothing will happen. Either it is unfinished, or bugged. The text file should literally just pop open a window with the text that is defined in that file datum. Files would be a nice touch to RP as research or personal logs.
