yeyin thwei (brave blood)

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Byond: Boba_Fett12

yeyin thwei (brave blood)

Post by BobaFett07 » 16 Dec 2016, 20:32

Byond ID:Boba_Fett12

Marine Name (so we know who you are, if you play alien mostly, state that here):
Ezekiel Bell, Im playing a lot of alien recently

Name of the character you want whitelisted (The name your predator will use. This must match your in-game predator name):

Are you familiar with the Predator Code Of Honor?
yes I always read it

Character background (A very BRIEF description of your predators background):
Yeyin Thewi was a predator who had always been excited to hunt serpents, he used to hear his father's stories everyday about the hunting and his tatics, his father gave him alot inspiration during his hunt, his father taught everything he knew... but then came his first hunt.
The hunt
during his first hunt he founded a squad of 5 marines, he always kept in his mind what his father taught him. "let them see you before you kill them, your opponent is weaker than you... Usually". The first marine that he killed was wandering in the jungle, trying to find enemies... but he found a hunter, when he appeared the marine was in shock for some seconds, looking at the eyes of his hunter. He called for help but nobody heard him.
"What the hell is this!" he screamed
Nobody knew he was in great danger, Yeyin Thwei charged into his position, the marine tried shooting him with his MK2 pulse rifle, but it was too late...
the hunter slashed his enemy in his chest.
"they are comming, they are comming for you" -whispered the marine
"Marines! something attacked one of us. KILL IT ON SIGHT!
He knew they were comming he needed a distraction, fortunally a russian outpost was near, his plan was to lure the marines to the russians and kill the survivors who could fight. He did it without a second tought. he got the marine headseat and hacked it, sending a coordinates to the Squad Leader. The squad leader tought that it was Coordinates to Yeyin Thewi, little did he know, there wasn't any hunters there, only foes. When the marines reached the soviets it was a bloodbath, every russian started firing at the jungle and the marines did the same, many died many fell and bled to death, but the squad leader didn't.
"Do it! End my suffering" said the squad leader, before blacking out. Yeyin Thwei carried him to safety and gave him a sword, the duel was settled, his father watched as he fought to the death, the marine stunned didn't understand what was happening, but soon enough he realized what he needed to do. Yeyin thwei charged the squad leader's position, but it didn't work this time, the marine slashed Yeyin's stomach and saw him fall on the ground, but it wasn't the end, Yeyin threw a spear at the squad leader throwing him on the ground, but just when he tought he was safe Yeyin decapitated him, Yeyin screamed, looking at his father who had a face of approval.
(I have realized my mistakes, and I doubt that it will get aproved but I will do my best to fix it)

How do you intend to play your predator (as in, describe HOW you will act/play your predator. This will weigh HEAVILY and frequently breaking from this MAY result in removal)?
I want to be a xeno hunter so I will focus more on attacking xenos, I have seen lots of preds dancing with the xenos, my plan is to watch my enemies see closely when I can attack them, if a crusher tries to attack me I will focus on the side, if a hunter tries to attack me I will attack him right in his face and in the chest. My way of acting as a pred will be a stealth hunter but a honorable one, I will destroy the humans by lurking them until the time come. I will make sure that I kill all my enemies, while they look me in the in the eyes, I have plans of using plasma casters, but not much.
I will focus on stealth and stalking my prey.

Why should we whitelist you?
I'm a person who always tries to be a better player, everytime someone says I shouldn't do something, I don't I will never disobey the code of honor or the rules, I swear. I want to make players enjoy more this game, I want to make epic battles for the xenos to fight and for the observes to watch. I really want to be a predator too, I looove being a predator in games, when I discovered that I could play as a predator I almost went to the suggestion forums so I wouldn't need to be whitelisted

Have you been banned from CM in the last month for any reason (we will check, and lies may result in immediate denial)? no, never actually

Are you currently banned from any other servers and if so, why? No, I don't play much on other servers

Do you understand that any player - donor or otherwise - can have their whitelist status revoked should they break our rules or disobey the Predator Code of Honor?
Yes of course, it is on the rules of the server
Last edited by BobaFett07 on 16 Dec 2016, 20:58, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: yeyin thwei (brave blood)

Post by Boltersam » 16 Dec 2016, 20:36

Very low forum activity, barely makes the one month requirement, terrible grammar and spelling present throughout the application, and play style focused on attacking solely one side.

I'll go with a preemptive -1 and do a full review in the morning.

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Byond: Boba_Fett12

Re: yeyin thwei (brave blood)

Post by BobaFett07 » 16 Dec 2016, 21:08

I know I have a bad grammar but I really wan't to be a pred, I made my best, even if I get denied at least I learnt from my mistakes

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Re: yeyin thwei (brave blood)

Post by Sarah_U. » 16 Dec 2016, 21:18

Good attitude, I already stated most of my opinion on MChat and I'll stick with Bolter. I have nothing against you as you're still a pretty nice person and all, but you need to stay back to learn even more and show us some more of your potential.
One thing I'd like to note though, is that contrary to what Bolter said, I read you'd attack both sides; Furthermore, you'd start big combats and chaos for both...
Not sure how to react to this, as most predators try to be selective of their preys not to sway the balance too much.

PS: I'm really glad you took the time to fix the formatting even just a bit. Its one of the points that makes you stand as a nice candidate for the future if you learn and improve from your mistakes.
PPS: Sorry, my reply was long. I know english isn't your first language and it's not mine either. Try and learn a few grammar tricks like placing a , infront of all but and ask around if you're unsure of wordings. That's mostly how I learnt (+School).
CM was obviously inspired by Starcraft: Ghost opening. At least when marines takes too long to deploy. ...
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Byond: Feweh

Re: yeyin thwei (brave blood)

Post by Feweh » 17 Dec 2016, 02:55

