Rak'Leh Vor'mekta (Frozen Stalker)

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Rak'Leh Vor'mekta (Frozen Stalker)

Post by New525 » 25 Jun 2017, 19:32

Byond ID: New525

Marine Name (so we know who you are, if you play alien mostly, state that here):I play a pretty even split of alien or marine, when I play marine im Horatio Jiggles

Name of the character you want whitelisted (The name your predator will use. This must match your in-game predator name): Rak'Leh Vor'mekta (Frozen Stalker)

Are you familiar with the Predator Code Of Honor? Yes I am

Character background (A very BRIEF description of your predators background):
The rain poured downward. I could feel its chill tapping against my head and rolling slowly down my back. Maybe it was just my nerves or maybe it really was the rain, but I felt cold.
I opened my eyes slowly as they adjusted to the ever-present darkness. I had to retrieve the honor our clan had taken from it by my father, a bad-blood. The wind howled as I stood up on my perch.
It was time. The elders would be watching with increased scrutiny because of my lineage. Then a bright flash filled the sky for but a moment, but a moment was enough I could see my prey.
It was not the small black serpent I was told I would be hunting, but rather a tall red beast. It roared into the night almost as if it were calling to the thunder. Its features only being visible for seconds at a time during flashing of thunder.
I began to stalk it encircling it, observing it. I darted from a perch and slashed the beast across its arm. A spray of hissing green fluid comes spurting out, but by then I was already back into the trees.
As I stalked it, euphoria overwhelmed me, this was the thrill of the hunt. I rushed from the darkness for another strike at the beast but it caught me first and left a deep slash into my torso. I slashed back removing it's offending hand. The beast charged me. I stood firm as it grew closer once it was close enough I darted towards it and impaled it through the chest on my blade. My wrist blade remained firmly in its chest, but the beast was not finished yet. It roared with such fury even the best would feel fear. I poised to strike once more and as the beast approached, I leaped above it sticking my other blade into it's head and sliding down. As the beast fell, the pleasure I was experiencing faded. I felt only a chill, I felt...Cold.

How do you intend to play your predator (as in, describe HOW you will act/play your predator. This will weigh HEAVILY and frequently breaking from this MAY result in removal)?
I love theatrics i enjoy every aspect of toying with marines and xenos and making a storyline to follow. When I play runner i like harassing survivors I enjoy stalking them, tapping on windows, roaring when just out of sight, etc.
I would continue this style of stalking and toying with both factions.

Why should we whitelist you? I feel I am not only a great RP'er but competent in the mechanics and combat systems in the game. In addition I am a massive fan of the AVP universe and would love for the chance to rp as a predator in-game

Have you been banned from CM in the last month for any reason (we will check, and lies may result in immediate denial)? No; Although I was once banned quite some time ago for end round grief.

Are you currently banned from any other servers and if so, why? No

Do you understand that any player - donor or otherwise - can have their whitelist status revoked should they break our rules or disobey the Predator Code of Honor? Yes I completely understand this.

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Byond: TehSpoderman

Re: Rak'Leh Vor'mekta (Frozen Stalker)

Post by TehSpoderman » 25 Jun 2017, 19:33

-1 My problem with this is that you only have 3 posts. You need to be more active on the forums.
Duke 'Oddshot' Stroh - The Bamboozler
Mentor: June 5th - September 1st
Check out my mapping dumping grounds: http://www.colonial-marines.com/viewtop ... 14&t=14204 . It's where people share their mapping projects and ask for feedback. Check it out pls <3

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Re: Rak'Leh Vor'mekta (Frozen Stalker)

Post by New525 » 25 Jun 2017, 19:37

I figured that might be an issue. Ive just recently come back from a 3 month or so break from ss13 in general. I have a alot more free time now than ive had in the past. I definitely intend to be more active on the fourms, as CM has drawn my attention like no other server has. Apart from the fourm inactivity did you have any other thoughts about the application?

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Byond: TehSpoderman

Re: Rak'Leh Vor'mekta (Frozen Stalker)

Post by TehSpoderman » 25 Jun 2017, 19:46

New525 wrote:I figured that might be an issue. Ive just recently come back from a 3 month or so break from ss13 in general. I have a alot more free time now than ive had in the past. I definitely intend to be more active on the fourms, as CM has drawn my attention like no other server has. Apart from the fourm inactivity did you have any other thoughts about the application?
well I think your backstory is lacking something that i dont know myself. Your playstyle isnt going to much detail as it pretty much says that you will try to scare the marines and xenos, which isnt anything new. I also havent seen you in game, so i dont know about your RP ability. Be a marine so everyone can see how you RP.
Duke 'Oddshot' Stroh - The Bamboozler
Mentor: June 5th - September 1st
Check out my mapping dumping grounds: http://www.colonial-marines.com/viewtop ... 14&t=14204 . It's where people share their mapping projects and ask for feedback. Check it out pls <3

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Re: Rak'Leh Vor'mekta (Frozen Stalker)

Post by New525 » 25 Jun 2017, 19:54

To elaborate on my playstyle, I really enjoy harassing and messing with my foe, its the main reason I play xeno so often. Ive always found it somewhat unfun to straight up kill a marine once hes already down, but slicing his leg off and then watching him desperately struggle to make it back to his allies is far more interesting and entertaining to both parties than the alternative. Yes it not be the most unique sentiment, but I don't think it has to be. I will be playing marine more often these coming few days so others will have the opportunity to see me RP so thank you for that advice.

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Byond: Feweh

Re: Rak'Leh Vor'mekta (Frozen Stalker)

Post by Feweh » 25 Jun 2017, 20:50

