Dhi'rauta Hult'ah (Cunning Watcher)

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Dhi'rauta Hult'ah (Cunning Watcher)

Post by SaltyMouthful » 26 Sep 2017, 23:31

Byond ID: SaltyMouthful

Marine Name (so we know who you are; if you play alien mostly, state that here):

Jin Polari, but as of recently I've been playing more as Kazimir Tvardovsky.

Name of the character you want whitelisted (The name your predator will use. This must match your in-game predator name):

Dhi'rauta Hult'ah (Cunning Watcher)

Are you familiar with the Predator Code Of Honor?

Yes, I have read it multiple times, at first the classifications between unworthy and worthy prey was daunting at first, but due to the further explanations added to it, the differences between the two make much more sense.

Character background (An ADEQUATE description and story of your predators background):

Description and mannerisms:

Dhi'rauta Hult'ah, from the day of their birth was very quiet and solitary compared to his peers. Considered to be a dwarf compared to his peers and standing at a meager 6'7'', Dhi'rauta was not considered strong or powerful whatsoever. What he lacked in raw power, he had in patience, observation, and cunning.

Dhi'rauta does not have much to say, typically using gestures, or subtle sounds to convey emotions and feelings. He speaks rarely, and when speaking very briefly. However, he listens, he takes in every detail heard. Sometimes even mimicking where it proves useful for social interaction.

When hunting, he learns about his prey, learning their patterns, their social structure. He discovers the relation between potential prey, meticulously choosing which one should be hunted first, which one would prove the greatest trial. Which one was the most worthy. Most importantly of all however, which one had the more desirable trophy. He believes that the time spent preparing to hunt prey should equate to the prey's worth.

The Proving.

Dhi'rauta eyed the canopy of the jungle's forest. The light from the twin moons around the planet diminished due to the dense leaves of the trees. Around him, it was dark, a veil impenetrable to the naked eye. With single motion, his biomask gave him a greater and illuminated view of his surrounds.

A fresh pair of tracks, where the creatures ran about. He was on the right path, and far from the others. And from what was observable, the tracks had disappeared into the brush. Quickly, upon noticing this, the un-blooded Yautja turned on his thermal vision, allowing him to peer into the brush, to sense the hard-skinned prey within, but none was to be found. Perhaps they had fled, he thought. And those who flee typically return when it was considered safe.

His gaze shifted over to a tree, one that was thick enough around to climb, sporting branches high enough to keep him out of view, but low enough to allow him to jump upon any prey below him. He planned on climbing up it, holding fast to the branch. Eyes shifting to the dirt below him, he founded a spot below the branch, a perfect place for a trap, and with the presence of the demons known within the forest, he had little time to act. With haste, he retrieved a trap from his pack, akin to that of a bear trap, in which it would ensnare and hold the prey still, allowing for a more careful hunt, and care must be taken, especially when dealing with the kiande amedha, and with this being his first hunt of them, he was not going to let careless mistakes cost him his life.

With the trap set, and hidden beneath the brush, the crouching Yautja went to stand, examining his trap. To the unknowing, it looked no different than the rest of the jungle floor. This made him quite proud of himself, and to show such, he quietly clicked his mandible to himself in delight. This, however called for an unexpected and unwanted response. From around him, he heard a single long hiss, unsure where it was from. His thermal vision was on, and quickly, he began scanning the surrounding brush. Unable to locate the demon, he drew his combistick from his pack, extending it to its full length. Being the young and unexperienced Yautja he was, his combistick was rather clean and un-tarnished, a sign of its un-use, due to this being Dhi-rauta's first hunt. The sharp edge of its head glimmered with the stray rays of moonlight passing through the canopy.

He stood there, still, listening, and cautious. The winds rustled through the trees, giving it a ghostly howl. The rustle of the leaves, the coolness of the breeze, it gave the jungle a deceptive feeling of tranquility. His gaze shifted upwards to the branch in which he wished to rest upon, while he waited for his prey, but to his dismay, he spotted it. A quadrupedal kiande amedha, sporting a shell crimson in color. A lesser tier in the caste system, but a daunting foe nonetheless. The young Yautja held his combistick infront of him, in a guard of sorts, emitting a few clicks, challenging the demon. A hiss reciprocates the clicks, and from that, the beast pounced upon the hunter.

With a thud, the hunter lands on his back, grunting. His combistick between them, pushed outwards to prevent the beast from slashing at his mask, in an attempt to keep it at bay. The two struggled, a tug of war between life and death, and in either situation, it seemed the young Yautja was going to get the worse of the outcomes. In a slip of strength, the kiande amedha found an opening and was able to slash at the Yautja's face. The biomask that offered protection abosrbed the majority of the blow from the clawed strike, but was knocked off of Dhi'rauta's face. Claw marks were engraved within the masks cheek, but that was not something that the Yautja had time to notice, or worry about. From this, he was able to force a foot between him and the beast. His short height making this easier for there was less leg to get between him and the runner, and with a forceful kick, he freed himself from the beast, sending it a a meter and a half from him.

This gave the hunter but a few moments to prepare and collect himself. quickly rising to his feet and once more securing his combistick, he held it outwards to fend off against the beast, deterring it from making a direct attack. With his mask off, his mandibles parted, his back arched, and his eyes widened. Unable to clearly see the kiande amedha, he had to focus on his sense of hearing, and his memory of where it last was.

The beast did not take long to attack once more, from where it landed, it attempted to pounce upon the unmasked Yautja, its open maw looking to mutilate the un-blooded's face. Quickly, in retaliation, Dhi'rauta braced against the beast with his combistick, as he had done before, but instead of absorbing the full blow of the pounce, and sending him to the ground, he instead redirected the beast's path so that it went into the direction of the trap. A single click, followed by an intense hiss followed. Using this as a mean of guiding him to the true location of his prey, the young hunter came upon it. Combistick poised to strike, he found the beast had been ensnared. Its legs caught within the trap, and unable to move, it was susceptible to an attack. Blood seeping from its wounds due to the trap had spilled upon the ground. The Yautja could see the faint glow of the ichor, which was his true prize, the substance in which he had sought and had gone on this hunt for.

Dhi'rauta did not act quickly to finish off his captured prey, not yet. He knelt down, picking up his mask, and with it, he turned on his night optics, allowing him to see more clearly in the dark. As curious as he always was, he stood by, watching and examining the creature, knowing that an opportunity to witness and encounter a still living kiande amedha that was incapable of fighting back was rare. It hissed wildly at him, struggling to break free of its trap, slashing wildly with its tail. The sharp knife-like appendage upon it was the most interesting part, or at least Dhi'rauta thought so.

Deciding it has been long enough to allow the abomination to live, Dhirauta carefully poised his combistick. Using the sharp edge of the head, he severed the beast's tail. Green acidic blood pooled from the wound. The creature's hissing and thrashing about only became more aggressive. But there was a reason to this, the Yautja wanted to observe the creature's tail in action. Wielding his newly acquired tool, the young hunter poised the tail carefully, and with a quick and sudden movement, he had sent the tip of the bladed appendage into the chest of the beast.

A low guttural growl was heard, slowly dying down, the beast had lain dead, its thrashing stopping slowly as the life left its body. In a delighted manner, the un-blooded hunter had seeked to become blooded. Taking his mask off, he pulled the tail from the beast, and with the blade of it, he began marking himself, and his mask. The acid steeping deep into the claw marks that had been sustained within the mask, it shall prove a reminder to him to not be careless. And on that night, the newly and young-blooded Yautja left, a proud, but also very cautious hunter, having almost lost his life to his carelessness.

How do you intend to play your predator (as in, describe HOW you will act/play your predator)?

I intend to play my predator in the way I have described him in his story. As a predator, I plan on singling out the most powerful of the prey witnessed, be it the specialist in a group, a formidable marine, a lone hunter that is also on the hunt for humans, and having singled them out, I will learn their mannerisms and their nature. With marines, I will find out who their friends are, their comrades, and whether or not they like to branch off alone. If that is the case, I will draw them in with mimicry, and I will challenge them to single combat. If I spot a survivor, I will use them as bait for larger game, not encountering them, and instead waiting for aliens to come upon them. In which, I will deem the prey worthy. I am not sure as to if i will be using traps as is mentioned in the story, but it is a consideration I have. The problem is, the traps may not catch whom I plan on hunting. If i do use them, however, it will mostly be to set up an arena, so I may duel the single combatant I choose, and it would prevent those from escaping, and others from interfering. As mentioned in the character's description. I will use few words when communicating, and will instead use the /me verb to display actions. This does not mean I will outright not speak as a predator, this means I will speak few words, and do most of my role-playing through actions.

Why should we whitelist you?

I feel I should be whitelisted because I have been a part of this community for a few months. I have been on this server for at least four months, having joined in May, and I have had many opportunities to RP.
My best showcases of RP have been as my character Jin Polari, whom I started playing as when i first started. He was a character that was very caring of his comrades, and for me was a very deep character, however as of late, I made a new character, in hopes of playing the game with a new role-playing style, Kazimir Tvardovsky, admittedly, I have not grown into his character yet, and sometimes I neglect who I try to make him be, but I grow better with every passing round.

I also have a deep understanding of rules, which is why my favorite roles are those that MUST adhere to USCM Marine law, like the MPs or more specifically, the Chief MP.

I try to be friendly in OOC, and I never take OOC to IC, or IC to OOC.

Admittedly, I am not very active on the Forums, but I lurk often. I hope I am well ingrained enough in the in-game community that I am a recognizable player.

Have you been banned from CM in the last month for any reason (we will check, and lies may result in immediate denial)?


Are you currently banned from any other servers and if so, why?

I am not banned from any servers.

Do you understand that any player - donor or otherwise - can have their whitelist status revoked should they break our rules or disobey the Predator Code of Honor?

I fully understand this.
Cpl. Irwin Polari

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Re: Dhi'rauta Hult'ah (Cunning Watcher)

Post by NethIafins » 28 Sep 2017, 15:41

I never seen you in game (probably timezones or that I play mostly during weekdays), you don't have history on forums. That's a minus
However, the app is very good (actually superb, except for formatting) and if you are correct with whatever you wrote in whitelisting, then I'm ready to give +1 just for story and promise of great RP from your side.
If what you wrote in that section turns out to be false, it will quickly switch to -1
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Re: Dhi'rauta Hult'ah (Cunning Watcher)

Post by Kerek » 30 Sep 2017, 02:28

Only 4 posts, and I've never seen either of your characters, what is your time zone. But you need far more activity, just that is kinda negative.
I will read the story later, but I am thinking its gonna be a -1 from me just based on your activity currently.
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Re: Dhi'rauta Hult'ah (Cunning Watcher)

Post by Ghostdex » 30 Sep 2017, 02:46

Yeah, what Kneez said about you only having four posts on the forums really puts me off on this app, if you had more forum activity this would be a pretty good app.

The story is good in my own opinion, everything is pretty much fine, I believe.

Also, I dont recall seeing you on the server too often, but that could be due to different time zones, or the such.

Based off of the reasons above, I'm going to go with a neutral leaning towards -1, try to up your forum activity a good amount.
Last edited by Ghostdex on 01 Oct 2017, 15:40, edited 1 time in total.
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Byond: SaltyMouthful

Re: Dhi'rauta Hult'ah (Cunning Watcher)

Post by SaltyMouthful » 01 Oct 2017, 15:16

My timesone is EST. I have seen Ryan 'Firebug' Steelberg before, and my usual playtimes are 10PM-1AM EST on weekdays, weekends they can vary due to my work schedule, but I do believe I need to be more active on the forums. But, I think it would be doing myself and those looking at my app a diservice to artifically inflate or begin posting now to increase my forum activity. However, I will begin browsing it more, in hopes to naturally increase it by involving myself with topics I find interesting. Thank you all for the compliments, and the constructive feedback!
Cpl. Irwin Polari

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Re: Dhi'rauta Hult'ah (Cunning Watcher)

Post by Kerek » 03 Oct 2017, 23:49

Overall, I really like your story, and as of late our timezones conflict just because I have a small amount of time to play. I'll go ahead and switch my vote to a +1 if you get a little more active in the community and if someone can vouch for you being a good RPer.
Ryan 'Firebug' Steelberg
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Re: Dhi'rauta Hult'ah (Cunning Watcher)

Post by Feweh » 11 Oct 2017, 13:18


More activity overall required.
