Har'te Kan (Blood Seeker) Predator Whitelist Application

Nikolai Vasily
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Har'te Kan (Blood Seeker) Predator Whitelist Application

Post by Nikolai Vasily » 19 Dec 2017, 08:30

Byond ID: GunGuy Games

Marine Name (so we know who you are; if you play alien mostly, state that here): Nikolai ‘Stalin’ Vasily

Name of the character you want whitelisted (The name your predator will use. This must match your in-game predator name): Har’te Kan (Meaning Blood Hunter) (Clan)- Neer o'kas (Meaning Brave Hunters)

Are you familiar with the Predator Code Of Honor? Yes, I am.

Character background (An ADEQUATE description and story of your predators background): When Har’te Kan was a young Yautja he always thought of himself as the *Best Hunter* and would always pick on anyone for every imperfection they had, and if someone did that to him he would go out of his way to prove them wrong, succeeding mostly. Although always trying to prove himself and showing off his father never cared of his achievements which furthered his drive to be the *Best Hunter*. When sent on his first hunt with his two fellow Young Bloods/Unblooded he fought against a significant host of Xenomorphs. In that specific battle he fought with his two wrist claws and they proved to be a significant weapon to his liking. Har’te Kan, eager to fight and claim trophies, strayed from the group as soon as the hunt began and started hunting for prey. After encountering his first opponent he got to excited and ignored his surroundings so he charged in straight for the kill, but was jumped by another Xeno lurking in the shadows. After being knocked over Har’te Kan staggered to his feet and slashed towards the Xeno that jumped him, the Xeno let out a screech before it was slashed again with more precision, the Xeno let out a final cry and was sliced through the neck which decapitated the alien. Pleased with his kill he turned to face the other Xeno but it was nowhere to be seen, Listening closely he heard it behind him just in time to turn and dodge the tail attack, but he was slashed across the arm when the tail flung back, angry that he was wounded by an *Inferior* race he turned to the Xeno and charged it, swinging his claws around in a frenzy, but the Xeno, seeing his rage took it to its advantage and slashed at Har’te Kan, landing on his face it made a claw mark in his helmet but did no physical damage. Har’te Kan after calming down slightly, brawled with the Alien until landing enough blows to the Xeno that its head couldn’t take any more damage and caved in. Afterwards he went looking for his fellow Young Bloods only to find that one had perished and the other severely injured he looked around to see that the large Xeno host was already eliminated disappointed he took his injured clan brother to safety. After the Hunt was over and returned to the ship, he was greeted by many who were proud and happy, but his father just dismissed, him still not proud. Weeks later Har’te Kan woke to a Clan member knocking on his door, and Har’te Kan knew that this was his chance to please his father once and for all. The Hunt Begins.

How do you intend to play your predator (as in, describe HOW you will act/play your predator)?
He enjoys taunting and laughing at his prey because he believes they are *Inferior* and that he can beat anything so typically he will fight/challenge every foe he can and will plant traps where ever he and if a prey deems unworthy will use his other weapons in a blink of an eye and is enraged when hit or wounded. So basically he is a taunting cocky fighter that just wants to spill blood as said in his name who is always up for a challenge, all it takes is a mere point.

( I don't know if that's to short or not :/ )

Why should we whitelist you? Because I love this game and play it a lot and is one of the only games I play and I want to try and get every experience from Colonial Marines. (I will only be offline if something happens which I will tell you if I can)

Have you been banned from CM in the last month for any reason (we will check, and lies may result in immediate denial)? No I have not, my computer has been in for repairs.

Are you currently banned from any other servers and if so, why? No I don’t play other servers; I did a while ago but they got boring.

Do you understand that any player - donor or otherwise - can have their whitelist status revoked should they break our rules or disobey the Predator Code of Honor? Yes, I do.

(Is it okay to Apply to Whitelist multiple things or nah? just wondering, also thanks for reading it too)

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Re: Har'te Kan (Blood Hunter) Predator Whitelist Application

Post by TheMusician321 » 19 Dec 2017, 08:40

Backstory was a bit bland, Playstyle is ehhh, Not very unique but hey, unique playstyles are hard to make.
Saw you advertising in OOC, that kinda sorta puts me off a bit as well but there's no official rule against it.
Lastly, I don't recognize your character and this is literally your first post on the forums, be more active on the forums and in game, get known, stuff like that.

My verdict would be a -1, try again in about 3-6 months.

Oh and just remember, don't give up man, it took me 3 tries to get my pred accepted and on the 4th I got in, just gotta keep working on it and keep getting better, no where to go but up.
Last edited by TheMusician321 on 19 Dec 2017, 08:46, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Har'te Kan (Blood Seeker) Predator Whitelist Application

Post by NethIafins » 19 Dec 2017, 08:42

I won't be the only one who tells you that... I'm sorry
Don't make the predator app as the first post on the forums. Don't make predator app so lackluster. It's a roleplaying game, not a document with few checkboxes that you just happen to have to fill. This app will be used by others to judge how you play predator. It will be used to judge if they should remove you from predator whitelist FOREVER...
Don't... lurk the forums for few months, get yourself known ingame AND on forums, then reapply.
Also... never seen your marine character

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Re: Har'te Kan (Blood Seeker) Predator Whitelist Application

Post by Nikolai Vasily » 19 Dec 2017, 08:46

Thanks for the feedback from both of you i agree with most of it so eh, but i do play the game a lot and am surprised you've never seen me ingame

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Re: Har'te Kan (Blood Seeker) Predator Whitelist Application

Post by Heckenshutze » 19 Dec 2017, 09:16

Main issues I see from this app:

1) Not enough forum activity
2) Not enough player activity
3) Your predator is at best, a cliche within their kin. The way you intent to play the character is how all predators play as a standard.. we're looking for original stuff.

Check the approved apps to have some help about how to make your own, and of course, get to known more both in the game and the forums.
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Re: Har'te Kan (Blood Seeker) Predator Whitelist Application

Post by Shyguychizzy » 19 Dec 2017, 13:19

From the standpoint of a predator, it does seem a bit dull/blandish. Just your average sounding application, the cockiness does sound quite well however if your constantly engaging due to wounds in which is constant happening as predator I see issue going in blood rage/murderous state. As predators, we don't simply hunt everything in hindsight; not a murderboning role though it my seem some if they have hunted many...with your intent it differs.
(You are NOT a murder-spree antagonist - You have MUCH more leeway than a standard marine or alien, but you are held accountable for every life you take. Try to limit yourself to killing prey only, and using your other things tools to chase people away who are interfering.) Every life we take, we take people out of the game essentially however with xenos its a bit different scale being there is xeno respawn.

Another thing, from engaging only seen your character few times and yes activity is severely low being been here for many months increasing your activity helps and highly dissuades people time to time. Your marine character, the RP intent from a engagement didn't quite like, rather brash, as some may say quite power gamey or somewhat choosing to hunt a predator knowing of their weakness and exploiting such this was experience and RP stand point wasn't quite liked. For time being gonna be going with -1 from reasons stated and from engagement I witnessed and encountered among your marine character.
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Long time ago, I, Ka'Torag-na Halkrath, Skilled Master Hunter Of Prey, Unleashed an unspeakable evil upon Xenos and Humans! But a foolish Xeno Hunter wielder of robustness stepped forth and opposed me. Before the final blow was struck, I tore a gate of Salt of Solitude and flung em into the world of CM, and took out their Facehugger Capabilities! Now, this Xeno Fool seeks to return the favour, and undo my evil reign and of many other predator predecessors!

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Re: Har'te Kan (Blood Seeker) Predator Whitelist Application

Post by Recounted » 20 Dec 2017, 22:27

Your playstyle is pretty bland the moment I read "taunting and laughing" Like, I get it you like to see your prey get nervous and shit but just about every other pred do that also. Backstory isn't something I look much for in preds cause im looking/reading at how you will be playing. it's nothing much I haven't seen already.

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Re: Har'te Kan (Blood Seeker) Predator Whitelist Application

Post by Feweh » 22 Dec 2017, 17:32

Bad application, denied
