D'anh D'u-Pred App

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Te Matei Cego
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Byond: Te Matei Cego

D'anh D'u-Pred App

Post by Te Matei Cego » 11 Jan 2018, 11:21

Byond ID:Te Matei Cego

Marine Name (so we know who you are; if you play alien mostly, state that here):Joe 'Smoker' Constantine,I play quite a lot of crusher and every once in a while I like playing pretorian

Name of the character you want whitelisted (The name your predator will use. This must match your in-game predator name):d'anh d'u

Are you familiar with the Predator Code Of Honor?Yes, I read a lot before registering

Character background (An ADEQUATE description and story of your predators background):
At last his feet touch that new ground, the not very well-known and young yautja, there to be present and to be recognized, to leave his mark and to prove his honor.

When little D'anh D'u learned all that he knows today by himself and shows himself clever in his tricks, always seeking to innovate and be recognized for something he himself did, and to show that the name D'anh D'u was given to him for being worthy.

He arranges his mask and shows calm waiting for the right moment to finally have his last battle with the serpent, he hears the rumbles that that species can do with whom she considers intrusive, he shows himself prepared and does not fear his destiny, he raises her arm and the blades make sounds as if she were cutting the air in two parts, then the awaited moment arrives, the serpent shows itself ferociously, quickly it leaps to end the intruder,D'anh D'u in a quick blow spike his blade in the chest of the creature leaving her weakened, he waits for her to recover as a way to honor the duel, the creature without many options rises and immediately jumps again, D'anh D'u who was ready to attack the blades on the creature's head giving only to hear his last grunt, at that moment D'anh D'u realizes he left his mark and that at last honored his name.

How do you intend to play your predator (as in, describe HOW you will act/play your predator)?As the story says D'anh D'u to be present, I intend to do this using emotes and even taking off the mask as a way to honor the opponent.
I will not be hostile to any of the species but if they are very hostile to me I will consider them hunting and I will hunt them by following the code of honor.
I will be willing to accept duels of all kinds (Xenos / Humans / Pradators) as I will be willing to die for my honor.
I'm not here to ruin the PR and make it more interesting.
I will not be unfair like attacking for banal reasons or even get people out of the rounds ruining their RP.
I intend to make friends mainly with predators and in extreme reasons with another species.

Why should we whitelist you?tenho a intençao de deixar o RP mais interessante e que as pessoas possam aproveitar o maximo dele,Nao sou muito velho no SS13 mas com minha experiencia nos RPs tenho certeza que posso desfrutar de uma partida mais interessante tanto para mim quanto para outros jogadores.

Have you been banned from CM in the last month for any reason (we will check, and lies may result in immediate denial)?No, I try to follow the rules of the server without committing slips

Are you currently banned from any other servers and if so, why?I have no problem on any other server

Do you understand that any player - donor or otherwise - can have their whitelist status revoked should they break our rules or disobey the Predator Code of Honor?Yes and I'm even more comfortable when I know you look at those who do not follow the rules.
USCM Charlie:Joe 'Smoker' Constantine


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Byond: manezinho

Re: D'anh D'u-Pred App

Post by manezinho » 11 Jan 2018, 11:42

I wish you good luck but the chances of this getting accepted are pretty low man. It's your first post on the forums, the story isn't anything special, and your play style just sounds like a regular predator. Take my words with a grain of salt as I'm not a well known player or great roleplayer but I have a feeling the same things will be said by others. Be sure to read other applications and see what they do to get a better understanding. Play more often, interact on the forums, get known.

In Game: Andrew Bryson

I do pixel art here. Manezinho's Art Bin

Also check out Okand's stuff, it's pretty neat. Pixel Marines
(PS: Deadchat is best chat.)

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Re: D'anh D'u-Pred App

Post by James5734 » 11 Jan 2018, 11:48

The story wasn't that good, part of it is Spanish, what is in english is poorly written, the playstyle is very bland, and this is your first post. I'd advise at the very least trying to be more active on the forums, the more known and respected you are, the higher your chances of being accepted will be. I'm going to have to go -1 for the aforementioned reasons.
"And your name is badluck, lol"- runner who captured me after I spawned behind the hive

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Te Matei Cego
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Byond: Te Matei Cego

Re: D'anh D'u-Pred App

Post by Te Matei Cego » 11 Jan 2018, 12:03

manezinho wrote:
11 Jan 2018, 11:42
I wish you good luck but the chances of this getting accepted are pretty low man. It's your first post on the forums, the story isn't anything special, and your play style just sounds like a regular predator. Take my words with a grain of salt as I'm not a well known player or great roleplayer but I have a feeling the same things will be said by others. Be sure to read other applications and see what they do to get a better understanding. Play more often, interact on the forums, get known.

Thanks for your opinion, I know I have a lot to learn and I want to interact more in the forum.
USCM Charlie:Joe 'Smoker' Constantine


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Te Matei Cego
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Byond: Te Matei Cego

Re: D'anh D'u-Pred App

Post by Te Matei Cego » 11 Jan 2018, 12:05

James5734 wrote:
11 Jan 2018, 11:48
The story wasn't that good, part of it is Spanish, what is in english is poorly written, the playstyle is very bland, and this is your first post. I'd advise at the very least trying to be more active on the forums, the more known and respected you are, the higher your chances of being accepted will be. I'm going to have to go -1 for the aforementioned reasons.
Thanks for your opinion, it happens that I do not speak fluent English, I'm Brazilian, I want to be more active in forums and learn more.
USCM Charlie:Joe 'Smoker' Constantine


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Byond: Feweh

Re: D'anh D'u-Pred App

Post by Feweh » 11 Jan 2018, 19:05

Not up to par with other apps.

