Lar’jaluar-ke - Young Blood

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Lar’jaluar-ke - Young Blood

Post by Google » 24 Apr 2016, 22:51

Byond ID: T_Makoto_T

Marine Name (so we know who you are): Mainly play Alien, but I do play marine, I've used a few different names, but the most recent be Clerc Donaldson.

Name of the character you want whitelisted (As in, the name your predator will use):
Lar’jaluar-ke (Dark Moon)

Are you familiar with the Predator Code Of Honor (viewtopic.php?f=57&t=2693)? Yes, I've read through it several times elsewhere and here.

Character background (an RP description as to why this character would be in this position, such as clan information. This will weigh HEAVILY on the decision, so make the information count):

Lar’jaluar-ke (The Dark Moon) is a young blood. During his years as pup and unblooded he was known very well for his sporadic appearing fighting style, but to the trained eye, it could be seen that even if his movements seemed unplanned, that they were indeed calculated. With a heavy emphasis on confusing the enemy to lure them into a trap was his specialty, instead of using his raw strength like the others.

While on his last hunt with the pack, the current Blooded lead had slightly increased the amount of Xenomorphs to truly push his pack to the brink to find the true worthy hunter, he did so at his own risk as well. In the end, his tactics were very effective against the Xenomorphs, though the pack slowly died out, the numbers were overwhelming. At the end of the hunt, there was only the Blooded in critical conditions and himself. The Elders took much interest in him after this encounter, but they still didn't promote him to Blooded. They believed the Blooded had aided too much in the situation. The Blooded had came back far more injured then the Young Blood, so they were even more curious if this was from aid or had he been more superior then the Blooded. Another test would be conducted.

The news of not being promoted hurt his pride greatly, though he continued to train. He felt betrayed after everything. Had any other Young Blood gone through what he had, they would of either died or been promoted, but he was different. From a young pup his skin was always much dark then the other Yautja, a very dark green, practically black. This is what he figured caused the Elders to turn down his new title, as many other Yautja carried a prejudice against him for this reason.

Before he became too unsettled, the Elders gave him a new mission on a far away human colony to decide his fate..

How do you intend to play your predator (as in, describe HOW you will act/play your predator. This will weigh HEAVILY and frequently breaking from this MAY result in removal)?
It all depends on the situation. First thing my character would do would be to do basic recon. Checking on numbers of possible hostiles and weighing which side would bring the most honor. He previously was rejected from being promoted, so he will want to take the side that seems like the overwhelming force. After that, collecting tools and setting traps would be second objective. He would prefer to work alone, as any outside force could be seen as help and from his past experience he needs to make sure the Elders found him to be doing the majority of the work or they might reject him once again. If the side that he isn't planning on eliminating finds him, he will not attack unless provoked. He is going for the big trophy, the else is not of interest unless they prove themselves far more worthy. He may or may not explain the situation, though he prefers to work alone, so he will make this clear and leave them to their own for the most part. Working with the humans is against his experience, but using them to lure in Xenomorphs would be effective in his eyes. So, he will set traps and hunt alone, though neglecting the humans all together would be against his better judgement, as they are hosts for the Xeno. If the humans seem to have the more overwhelming force, he will use the same tactics like above. Prefers to work alone, sporadic attacks to lure - not kill, set traps, and engage smartly to finish prey, but unexpectedly. He will use his "allies" but not work directly with them.

Why should we whitelist you?
I'm a heavy roleplayer in forums and otherwise, so I understand how to create a world and keep things interesting within rules and keeping it fair. I know the Lore fairly well, been reading up for some time and rewatched all the films, for a more visual look.

Have you been banned from CM in the last month for any reason (we will check, and lies may result in immediate denial)? Have not been banned.

Are you currently banned from any other servers and if so, why?
Not banned from any other servers.

Do you understand that any player - donor or otherwise - can have their whitelist status revoked should they break our rules or disobey the Predator Code of Honor? That I do, which I can understand. No favoritism.
Last edited by Google on 24 Apr 2016, 22:52, edited 1 time in total.

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Byond: Apophis775

Re: Lar’jaluar-ke - Young Blood

Post by apophis775 » 24 Apr 2016, 22:52

Failed to follow directions and use the proper template.


Also, I find it VERY HARD to believe that you are familiar with our honor code and rules so that you can make a post MOMENTS after I open it, especially when the previous version was a Draft.
