Th'syra Agaj'ya (Skull Realm)

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Th'syra Agaj'ya (Skull Realm)

Post by Adjective » 29 Apr 2016, 23:44

Byond ID:


Marine Name (so we know who you are):

Ashe White

Name of the character you want whitelisted (As in, the name your predator will use):

Th'syra Agaj'ya (Skull Realm)

Are you familiar with the Predator Code Of Honor (

I am familiar.

Character background (an RP description as to why this character would be in this position, such as clan information. This will weigh HEAVILY on the decision, so make the information count):
Th'syra Agaj'ya was born in the dry deserts of Yautja Prime during a searing heat. Her clan the Kaijj claimed a minor area of the desert as their territory, often feuding with larger clans seeking to stake claims in their hunting grounds. Her clan was known for their favor of close combat and utilization of wrist-blades. Her clan was also known for their practice of blooding female warriors alongside males, although in short practice. Th'syra Agaj'ya was one of the few that was privileged in becoming one of these female warriors. Training under the teacher Thwei Thei-de(Blood Dance), Th'syra Agaj'ya and her fellow young bloods learned the basics of hand-to-hand combat and general weapon usage, Yautja code being hammered into their minds at every corner of their training. The Kaijj had only ever been disgraced once and the dishonorable had been hunted and executed in a matter of days. He had been charged with killing his peer hunter in a fit of rage and fleeing from the tribe. His head adorned a pike at the communal grounds of the village to demonstrate what happens to the dishonorable.

Th'syra Agaj'ya developed quickly as a hunter, formidable in combat and at tracking, eventually becoming a somewhat formidable hunter. However, it isn't until she is observed stalking that she is to be admired. Light on her feet and balanced to pair, Th'syra Agaj'ya is capable of getting within centimeters of her prey without it knowing the wiser, often allowing her to easily study prey to further her understanding of its weaknesses and strengths.

On the eve of her 91st birth anniversary, Th'syra Agaj'ya was given a chance of proving her worth to her clan. Boarding a small clan vessel alongside two other young bloods, the three geared and prepared. When they were finally delivered to the hunting grounds, Th'syra Agaj'ya quickly separated herself from the other two, preferring to locate her prey alone. She knew she had to locate a serpent and return to her clan with its head, or destroy herself for failure. At all costs she was to show she was capable enough as a hunter to kill the greatest prey her clan had ever encountered.

When she had finally located a beast black in color with a spear like tail protruding from behind it, she knew it was the creature she needed to defeat. Allowing herself to get as close as she could, she unsheathed her wrist blade and gave a roar to alert the beast to her presence. This creature was like no-other she had ever encountered and saw why it was considered the greatest of prey. It was agile and quick to avoid her attacks and tactical in the way it lunged in retaliation with its claws or tail, and it displayed no visual weakness at all; it was a remorseless killer and it knew it. It was a long battle, Th'syra Agaj'ya and the creature were relentless in their assaults against each other, stabbing and dodging where possible, never allowing themselves to submit to exhaustion for knowledge the other would succeed. Th'syra Agaj'ya only gained the upper hand when she slashed at the beast's tail near where it connected to the body, severing it. Green acid frothed from the wound and sprayed across her armor and wristblade, causing the metal to rapidly corrode. Th'syra Agaj'ya reacted quickly and broke the clasps connecting the armor to her body. Dropping the dissolving gear to the ground to prevent the deadly blood from corroding into her flesh. This left an opening for the creature to leap at her, and she only had to step aside and pull her knife from her belt followed by a quick lunge. The strike quickly and effectively cut the creature's head near half-off before it toppled to the ground dead. Removing her mask and marking her flesh and her mask with the blood of her fresh kill, Th'syra Agaj'ya gave a roar in achievement of her victory. Removing the head and tail of the creature as trophies to adorn a wall she would hope to honor with many more, she set off to the clan ships. Th'syra Agaj'ya returned to the vessel, only to find the other young bloods now blooded as well, their own trophy kills in hand.


Th'syra Agaj'ya now having lived her 398th birthing anniversary and having hunted dozens more of the serpents amongst other prey is now honored amongst her tribe as an Elite. Wielding an impressive whip, crafted herself with the tail of a serpent queen guard and adorned with metal blades immune to their corrosive blood. Th'syra Agaj'ya has set her eyes on a new planet and a much more challenging prey. Aged with her trophy’s and now charged with her own vessel and lands. Th'syra Agaj'ya has set her eyes upon a another serpent with a much larger crest, and far more superior in size and strength than any common serpent. She finds the greatest challenge in hunting queens, each intelligent and each just as capable of ending her as she it. Honored to partake of another great challenge for another trophy to adorn her collection, she sharpens the blades of her whip in anticipation.
Why should we whitelist you?

I feel I should be whitelisted because I have a clear understanding of rules and punishments for violating them. I am not one to push limits, I know where to draw lines and what to do and what not to do. I am ready to bring honor to my clan and to supply a challenge to 'Xenomorphs' and 'Marines' alike. Additionally, I feel I could contribute to the RP and improve immersion for others.

Do you understand that any player - donor or otherwise - can have their whitelist status revoked should they break our rules or disobey the Predator Code of Honor?

I understand the consequences completely and would be willing to accept punishment for violation I partake of.
Last edited by Adjective on 30 Apr 2016, 00:06, edited 3 times in total.

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Byond: coolsurf6

Re: Th'syra Agaj'ya (Skull Realm)(Elite Rank)

Post by coolsurf6 » 29 Apr 2016, 23:53

I dont know much of the lore behind predators but the story seems legit, its shorter than some i have seen but its the best i have seen. I dont have much say on if you are accepted or not but i would say you have a good chance!
The FitnessGram™ Pacer Test is a multistage aerobic capacity test that progressively gets more difficult as it continues. The 20 meter pacer test will begin in 30 seconds. Line up at the start. The running speed starts slowly, but gets faster each minute after you hear this signal. [beep] A single lap should be completed each time you hear this sound. [ding] Remember to run in a straight line, and run as long as possible. The second time you fail to complete a lap before the sound, your test is over. The test will begin on the word start. On your mark, get ready, start.

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Byond: forwardslashN

Re: Th'syra Agaj'ya (Skull Realm)

Post by forwardslashN » 30 Apr 2016, 00:43

This is really good and hits all the important stuff. I think just about everyone in the CM community is familiar with Adjective, and I have no doubt they will do well as a Yautja. I offer my support for the Skull Realm!

Looks like I wasn't paying enough attention. Yeah, the format is wrong...
Last edited by forwardslashN on 30 Apr 2016, 11:52, edited 1 time in total.
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Byond: Feweh

Re: Th'syra Agaj'ya (Skull Realm)

Post by Feweh » 30 Apr 2016, 02:10

Nothing but good experiences playing with you as Predator


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Re: Th'syra Agaj'ya (Skull Realm)

Post by LocalizedDownpour » 30 Apr 2016, 06:10

I'd like to point out this is using the improper format, as the new format asks several questions not on the older format so. -1

Edit: I could change to a +1 given those other questions were answered, given the 'how you intend to play' is the most important thing to me at least.
Last edited by LocalizedDownpour on 30 Apr 2016, 13:19, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Th'syra Agaj'ya (Skull Realm)

Post by Adjective » 30 Apr 2016, 11:20

LocalizedDownpour wrote:I'd like to point out this is using the improper format, as the new format asks several questions not on the older format so. -1
I'm going to post the answers below over editing my application because it has blatantly been over an hour and editing my application would be an abuse of my powers as an administrator. I perfectly understand if I am denied for missing these questions.

I pulled up an older format of the application, which was missing these three questions:
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Re: Th'syra Agaj'ya (Skull Realm)

Post by Feweh » 03 Jun 2016, 16:03


Left CM?
Unusure, feel free to re-apppy instantly if player retuns.
