Lar'ja Luar-ke (Dark Moon)

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Lar'ja Luar-ke (Dark Moon)

Post by ro5490 » 09 Jun 2016, 14:53

Byond ID:Ro5490

Marine Name (so we know who you are, if you play alien mostly, state that here):Yue Moon

Name of the character you want whitelisted (The name your predator will use. This must match your in-game predator name): Lar'ja Luar-ke

Are you familiar with the Predator Code Of Honor? Yes. I have read and familiarized it, I have a screenshotted copy on my desktop to remind me occasionally.

Character background (A very BRIEF description of your predators background):
Coming from the tribe of Than-guan Thwei (Midnight Blood), Lar'ja Luar-ke was a ruthless and eager trainee, his focus during training and hunting was to scare and worry prey from the shadows, stalking them effortlessly and making them panic before he would engage his prey. Lar'ja Luar-ke, being small by yautja standards, was able to maneuver his body skillfully in the shadows to stalk and hunt, and used this to his advantage to unnerve prey. He held a high sense of respect for the Elders, as well as the powers of the night gods that the clan worshiped, and it was his greatest hope that he would bring honor to his small clan by hunting many dangerous creatures and returning victorious with many trophies. Even though he preferred his Wrist-blades ad his primary weapon, he could still very accurately use ranged weaponry, managing to disrupt large groups and single them out for hunts. He has only came across a few unworthy opponents in his time hunting, and has always wondered about them, sometimes stalking them in the shadows and watching how they would go about their work, always trying to figure out how they went about their lives without challenge and bloodshed.

How do you intend to play your predator (as in, describe HOW you will act/play your predator. This will weigh HEAVILY and frequently breaking from this MAY result in removal)?
Finding strong prey and gathering trophies will be the number one priority as I mist bring Glory and Honor to my clan, However watching and learning from unworthy creatures would also be one of the things I would like to do. Alien or Marine, As long as the prey is strong, I dont care who I fight.

Why should we whitelist you? I could help to find bugs and hopefully make rounds slightly more interesting if they are dragging out.

Have you been banned from CM in the last month for any reason (we will check, and lies may result in immediate denial)? No, and If I have been banned before It definitely was not in the last month.

Are you currently banned from any other servers and if so, why? Yea, I think so, Goonstation for something to do with chemicals I believe and possibly yogstation? not too sure on yog.

Do you understand that any player - donor or otherwise - can have their whitelist status revoked should they break our rules or disobey the Predator Code of Honor? Yes.

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Byond: forwardslashN

Re: Lar'ja Luar-ke (Dark Moon)

Post by forwardslashN » 09 Jun 2016, 15:19

You need to have some forum activity and be at least active within the last 30 days before applying.
The ambivalent giant white baldie in a jungle near you.

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Byond: Feweh

Re: Lar'ja Luar-ke (Dark Moon)

Post by Feweh » 09 Jun 2016, 15:32

