M-di h'dlak Thei-de (No Fear Death)

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M-di h'dlak Thei-de (No Fear Death)

Post by Renomaki » 21 Aug 2016, 12:52

Byond ID: Renomaki

Marine Name (so we know who you are, if you play alien mostly, state that here): Reno “Weenie” Story

Name of the character you want whitelisted (The name your predator will use. This must match your in-game predator name): M-di h'dlak Thei-de (No Fear Death)

Are you familiar with the Predator Code Of Honor?

I had looked up the code several times throughout the weeks, and have a good enough understanding of it. At the time of making this, I make sure to review it for updates, and find the honorcode easy enough to understand and carry out. I’ll also have it on standby during predator rounds for quick referral as needed on the fly.

Character background (A very BRIEF description of your predators background):

Since he was a child on Yautja Prime, M-di h'dlak Thei-de yearned to be just like his father, who was a fairly respected hunter of the clan he was born into and caring father (or at least as caring as Yautja are towards children). Even before he was old enough to train, his father would tell him many a story of his exploits out on the field, his every trophy having an interesting tale behind it. Such tales of glory and honor would fill M-di h'dlak Thei-de with such eagerness to grow old enough to train with the older yautja that he couldn’t even wait to become of age, simply attempting to train on his own with makeshift tools and hunt pray his own size.

Of course, his father would often intervene and teach his son the value of patience, for one cannot rush towards glory and expect it to fall on one’s lap. All his hunts were successful because of a steady hand and a tactical mind, not blindly charging in and roaring at the top of one’s lungs like some idiot, and he made sure to drill this wisdom into his son until he came of age to properly train with the others on his road to becoming a proper blooded.

This memory comes to him as he sat upon a branch within a great tree, gazing down at his father’s mask within his hands. He was in a world far from home, a world whose name he does not know, nor does he care. It has been many years since he was a bright-eyed boy with dreams of being as respected as his father was back in the day, before he passed away due to a hunt gone wrong. He had seen the hunt for himself, and is all too aware of the realities surrounding it… But that is not enough to deter him from hunting further.

When he was young, he sought to hunt for fame and glory, getting big game and showing it off to his clan, imagining great deals of applause and compliments on his skill. But nowadays, as an adult, hardened hunter, he hunts to honor his father, to do his soul proud and prove to him that his teachings were not forgotten. He cares little for recognition nowadays, as he learned that said recognition isn’t quite as satisfying coming from strangers as it is from loved ones.

As he rested and recalled his happier times, he spotted something in the corner of his eye… A lumbering, 4-legged beast. It seemed quite strong and heavily armored with natural armored plates. This seemed like it would make a nice addition to his father’s collection.

With that, he put his father’s mask on and jumped down, ready for another hunt.

How do you intend to play your predator (as in, describe HOW you will act/play your predator. This will weigh HEAVILY and frequently breaking from this MAY result in removal)?

Like most hunters, I’ll take my time and look around the hunting ground for worthwhile game. Just as my hunter’s father taught him, patience is important. Every form of stealth will be used (from cover of darkness to cloaking) as I find something that’ll be worth adding to the collection.

Things worth hunting to me would, xenowise, be tier 3 xenos or elite/elder xenos of lower teirs, since killing a young teir 1 would be rather unworthy game and not worth mounting on my wall. Humanwise? A tad trickier, if only due to the fact that humans often are strong not due to natural reasons but their technology. I suppose specialist and Squad leaders would be fair enough game, considering that specs tend to be stronger (artificially) and SLs must be the equivalent of an alpha male leading a pack of weaker animals.

Once I find something worth stalking, I’ll keep it in my sights the best I can, resisting the temptation to carelessly run in to slash at it, since very often these prized prey are probably in very bad places to hunt (such as surrounded by meeker prey that are very protective of their higher ranking beasts). Again, patience is important, and waiting for an opportunity to properly strike them down on even ground is much better than wasting time and resources trying to take on a great beast while fending off a bunch of little pest.

I’m rather accepting of other Yautja, although I will want to perform alone to avoid arguing over who deserved the trophy.

Weaponwise? I myself am very experimental and love trying new things, so chances are every time I get picked to play as a hunter, I’d probably try out all kinds of different weapons. Once I have a good enough understanding of my gear, I’ll be able to find a set of weapons and equipment that’ll suit my style of play.

Most of all, I’d really like to avoid going on slaughtering sprees. Just because a marine shot at me without provocation is no reason to start slaughtering everyone. Going off the handle is what gets most hunters killed, after all, so I’d like to keep my kill count as small as possible, IF possible.

Why should we whitelist you?

For one, I tend to view myself as a pretty decent RPer who does his best to adapt to the role given to him. I can whip up a personality to adjust to any role, be it a dignified commander, a gruff engineer, or a subservient Xenomorph. As a survivor, I always pay attention to my starting outfit and work out a story fitting for them, and have had a few interesting roleplay experiences as a survivor who managed to get on board the marine ship. Keep in mind that as a survivor, I never once drafted into the marines and went back to the planet, because it would seem awfully out of character for someone who just escaped hell to willingly go back there as a marine.

Back on Paradise, I also put a great deal of effort into more RP-focused jobs, like priest or clown, and instead of just acting like a glorified assistant, I set up minievents of sorts to entertain the server (such as hosting a comedy show as a clown in the bar, or hosting sermons as a priest). It wasn’t always easy, but I always gave it my best, and feel great satisfaction when people get to experience my personal events.

Secondly, I’d love to be able to experience the game from a third angle. There is just something… Wondrous about roaming the jungle or tundra, seeing the world in a whole new light. Witnessing marines and xenos fighting each other not as a ghost, but as a living, breathing entity that can interact with them, instill fear into them, maybe even save them without having the intent to do so, and in general having people talk about the ghost in the jungle, the eyes that peek from the darkness and stare you down, following your every move… It makes me a tad giddy.

I waited so long to attempt this app, did my best to get known moderately. Even if I don’t get it, I’ll still be happy that I tried.

Have you been banned from CM in the last month for any reason (we will check, and lies may result in immediate denial)?

No, I try to keep out of trouble and do my best to talk to staff should they message me. I already get panicked enough as is when I get bwonked, I’d rather settle affairs as maturely as possible.

Are you currently banned from any other servers and if so, why?

As of current, no, I don’t think I have any standing bans as of late. I recall one ban probably god knows how many years ago from goon over some dirty humor (back when I was a younger, dumber teenager), but since the great goon ban purge, I believe it must have been lifted. I never went back there to see for sure, though.

Do you understand that any player - donor or otherwise - can have their whitelist status revoked should they break our rules or disobey the Predator Code of Honor?

I understand that my actions should follow the code the best I can, and should I fail that, I wouldn’t argue the loss of my right to hunt.
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Re: M-di h'dlak Thei-de (No Fear Death)

Post by Shyguychizzy » 23 Aug 2016, 02:10

Going with Nuetrel though I did quite enjoy your background, as well as how you intend to play. Though, what troubles me is the part.
"Things worth hunting to me would, xenowise, be tier 3 xenos or elite/elder xenos of lower teirs, since killing a young teir 1 would be rather unworthy game and not worth mounting on my wall. Humanwise? A tad trickier, if only due to the fact that humans often are strong not due to natural reasons but their technology. I suppose specialist and Squad leaders would be fair enough game, considering that specs tend to be stronger (artificially) and SLs must be the equivalent of an alpha male leading a pack of weaker animals."
The concept in which you are familiar with would be the honor code. Regarding the worthy prey law, I mean sorta targeted these xenos you marked or SLs or spc I would assume Power gaming, you can correct me but we decide whether prey is worthy, for instance dishonorable marines are frowned upon sometimes end up prey. Targeting higher tiers or whether they be young or elite or even ancient I would assume is simply powergaming because of their caste or spc or SL because of their purpose. Any other predators from the predator community please correct me if I may be wrong or expand on this.
"Young Carrier (920) (follow) hisses, "Shut up both of you or we aren't going to invade disneyland."

Long time ago, I, Ka'Torag-na Halkrath, Skilled Master Hunter Of Prey, Unleashed an unspeakable evil upon Xenos and Humans! But a foolish Xeno Hunter wielder of robustness stepped forth and opposed me. Before the final blow was struck, I tore a gate of Salt of Solitude and flung em into the world of CM, and took out their Facehugger Capabilities! Now, this Xeno Fool seeks to return the favour, and undo my evil reign and of many other predator predecessors!

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Re: M-di h'dlak Thei-de (No Fear Death)

Post by Warnipple » 23 Aug 2016, 04:07

I've seen you around and I've never had a problem with you.

Have a +1 from me, from a moderator's perspective.

Its nice to see a story regarding the family aspect of Yautja although not traditional. I enjoyed it.
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Re: M-di h'dlak Thei-de (No Fear Death)

Post by Renomaki » 23 Aug 2016, 18:13

Shyguychizzy wrote:Going with Nuetrel though I did quite enjoy your background, as well as how you intend to play. Though, what troubles me is the part.
"Things worth hunting to me would, xenowise, be tier 3 xenos or elite/elder xenos of lower teirs, since killing a young teir 1 would be rather unworthy game and not worth mounting on my wall. Humanwise? A tad trickier, if only due to the fact that humans often are strong not due to natural reasons but their technology. I suppose specialist and Squad leaders would be fair enough game, considering that specs tend to be stronger (artificially) and SLs must be the equivalent of an alpha male leading a pack of weaker animals."
The concept in which you are familiar with would be the honor code. Regarding the worthy prey law, I mean sorta targeted these xenos you marked or SLs or spc I would assume Power gaming, you can correct me but we decide whether prey is worthy, for instance dishonorable marines are frowned upon sometimes end up prey. Targeting higher tiers or whether they be young or elite or even ancient I would assume is simply powergaming because of their caste or spc or SL because of their purpose. Any other predators from the predator community please correct me if I may be wrong or expand on this.
The reason I choose such high ranking targets is more to create controlled kills, because otherwise we'd end up in murderbone territory.

I don't blame you for thinking it might be powergaming, but ask yourself this: If you went hunting and saw a chipmunk, would you waste a rifle bullet killing it and go through all the trouble of having it stuffed to add to your hunting collection?

No doubt you said no, and why? Because it would be needlessly cruel and also not all that special either. A hunting story about how you bagged a chipmunk in your backyard isn't something to be proud of...

The same goes for M-di h'dlak, whose dead father would be so ashamed at the sight of his son chopping up a meek marine grunt or a little baby runner that he would roll in his grave in disgust, let alone the embarrassment of having such a worthless trophy among his father's collection of greatness. His father had high standards (hence why he was so respected), and thus his son respects that and honors it, knowing that his father would only want the best for his collection, let alone know that his son has good taste and honor.

And again, as I said, I wanted to avoid causing needless death. I'd rather a quality kill than a bunch of meager ones.
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Re: M-di h'dlak Thei-de (No Fear Death)

Post by Feweh » 31 Aug 2016, 12:11

Further feedback required.

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Re: M-di h'dlak Thei-de (No Fear Death)

Post by Boltersam » 04 Sep 2016, 15:21

The story is unique. Not many show their character as a child, hunts and fight scenes are more popular. It's a bit short, but describes the character well enough. A side note, though it may be a thing specific to your clan, is that your predator wouldn't inherit their parent's collection, due to it not being gained by you. It is their trophies that they gained with skill, braver, sweat, and blood.

I son't mean to offend, but everything else is fairly straightforward, so I'll skip to the important bits.

Your play style is good, but your choice of target exposes how much you don't know about how Predators compare to the Aliens and Marines in game. If you do get white listed, I suggest chatting with other people on the Discord so you can refine your play and make it enjoyable for most of the people involved. Weaponwise, there's a clear mwta to which ones suit which play styles, and some are very specialised.

Aside from that, tell me how would you react in the following situations.

1. On the Ice Map, you and another Predator have set up in the southern Ice Caves, after observing the marines and being seen a few times, you were followed back to the Lodge. After attempting to warn off a Marine with threats and roars, and it refuses to budge, eventually more arrive and the other Predator punches one, and they begin opening fire on you. After retreating into the cave, they are swarming in with all of their numbers.

2. You are guarding the lodge. A Runner you killed after it attacked you keeps respawning and kamikazi charging where you are every two minutes.

3. The Serpents are swarming the lodge with all of their might, even the Queen is present. There are two other Predators with you.

4. A squad leader fires at you on sight, and their squad follows suit.

5. A Runner keeps intentionally setting off your traps.

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Re: M-di h'dlak Thei-de (No Fear Death)

Post by Renomaki » 05 Sep 2016, 01:39

Boltersam wrote:
1. On the Ice Map, you and another Predator have set up in the southern Ice Caves, after observing the marines and being seen a few times, you were followed back to the Lodge. After attempting to warn off a Marine with threats and roars, and it refuses to budge, eventually more arrive and the other Predator punches one, and they begin opening fire on you. After retreating into the cave, they are swarming in with all of their numbers.

Hmm.. That sounds tricky..

This situation implies that we are about to enter a fight, which would mean having to kill a bunch of people that I don't want to kill, but have to for my own survival. This could have been avoided, but the other predator's actions brought this upon us.

I'm going to assume that there are probably going to be about 10-15 marines in this situation, since normally when there is a pred attacking marines (or xenos), they tend to swarm the crap outta it. I'd assume that the other pred would be ready to go down fighting, and since fleeing from battle and leaving a fellow pred to die would be rather shameful, I guess I'd have to fight too? Even thought I'd rather avoid needless death, if there was nothing else I could do, I'd just have to fend them off, if only for honor's sake.

On the OTHER hand, if the other pred was willing to find a way to get out of this, we could work out a plan to sneak away and leave the marines confused as to our whereabouts, allowing us to return to more subtle and controlled forms of hunting instead of an outright brawl to the death.

If we somehow survived this, I don't know if I'd want to collect any trophies, since not only would it be a tad confusing to know who killed what, but also because it wasn't a proper hunt in such a situation. I don't know if it would be appropriate to start collecting heads after being forced to fight such a foolish battle.

2. You are guarding the lodge. A Runner you killed after it attacked you keeps respawning and kamikazi charging where you are every two minutes.

So, in this situation, I agreed to guard a lodge (or am guarding it during a moment of rest from the hunt) and for some reason I killed a runner of unknown age for attacking me, and now it keeps doing it out of spite?

I can't help but feel like this might be a subtle challenge of sorts, since Preds are supposed to avoid hurting one side to the point of killing them off entirely, and while I might fend it off for awhile, I can't help but feel that I'd have to find another solution to this other than killing it every single time it comes at me.

The best I could do is move the location of our camp somehow, which if it is a shared camp, I'd have to ask the others first before moving. Otherwise, I'd have to find another way to make it leave me alone (maybe cloaking and hiding somewhere within view of the camp to see if I can fake it out somehow). Hopefully I'd find a non-lethal way to get it off my back and avoid salt from the xeno side, since I can't just keep killing it over and over.

3. The Serpents are swarming the lodge with all of their might, even the Queen is present. There are two other Predators with you.

It would be dishonorable to leave the other hunters behind in this case (as before with #1), and I assume the other hunters are going to want to stand and fight. I have to stand by them and show no fear in the face of death. Honestly, I wouldn't WANT to do this, since I'd rather try to avoid large scale fights that could cause lots of needless death.. But if there was no way out and the lives of fellow hunters are at stake, I can't leave them to die. Hopefully I'd be able to at least do enough damage to scare them away without having to kill too much, since xeno-players aren't suicidal: they start losing big aliens, they are not going to stick around and are going to pussy out.. At least, that is what I'm going to hope for.

4. A squad leader fires at you on sight, and their squad follows suit.

This sounds like something common that would happen, and in this case, I'd probably just attempt to lose them. Like I said, I'd like to avoid going off the handle because one marine shot at me alone. I'd rather try to get them when they are not as well guarded.

Of course, knowing how things are, it will be quite hard to even GET them to split from the group without having to make use of some distractions and noises to get a cocky marine's attention. But that isn't related to the question at hand, of course...

5. A Runner keeps intentionally setting off your traps.

This is another moral dilemma of sorts.. On the one hand, it is hindering my traps, making it harder to catch the prey I am out hunting for. On the other hand, unless it is at the very least mature (although I'd prefer elite or higher to be a fair kill in my opinion), it would be wrong to kill something so weak and stupid.

I'd hate to kill the runner, but if it is trying to bait me into killing it and won't stop, I don't know... I might not have a choice. In such a case, I'd refuse to skin it, since it wasn't what I was hunting, and wouldn't feel right compared to a proper hunt with a proper target worth hunting.
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Re: M-di h'dlak Thei-de (No Fear Death)

Post by Renomaki » 05 Sep 2016, 01:58

Boltersam wrote:The story is unique. Not many show their character as a child, hunts and fight scenes are more popular. It's a bit short, but describes the character well enough. A side note, though it may be a thing specific to your clan, is that your predator wouldn't inherit their parent's collection, due to it not being gained by you. It is their trophies that they gained with skill, braver, sweat, and blood.

I son't mean to offend, but everything else is fairly straightforward, so I'll skip to the important bits.

Your play style is good, but your choice of target exposes how much you don't know about how Predators compare to the Aliens and Marines in game. If you do get white listed, I suggest chatting with other people on the Discord so you can refine your play and make it enjoyable for most of the people involved. Weaponwise, there's a clear mwta to which ones suit which play styles, and some are very specialised.
I never quite thought about the issue with inheriting the collection.. I just figured it would be touching for the son of a fairly popular hunter to continue his father's legacy and add his own trophies to his family's collection, adding his stories to their wall to inspire his own children one day, if he ever had any.

As for my choice of target, I mainly chose them to force a limit on myself for a fair few reasons. One of them being that it is easier to identify, and of course who wouldn't want a giant xenohead or gruff SL head mounted on the wall? Would be better than an infant runner or lowly marine grunt. Xenowise, it would be easier to find a worthy target compared to the marines, but I'd still attempt to seek out marines for sport if needed, since you can't just hunt xenos alone.. Just that it would be harder to identify a worthy human outside of rank. Skill is one thing, but sometimes it is also luck or just a matter of good timing, and I don't want to kill something that isn't worthy enough to add to the collection by mistake. Again, like I said earlier, killing a backyard pest isn't something to be proud of compared to a big deadly moose.

And most importantly, I want to prevent myself from murderboning as hard as I can. I really, REALLY don't want to go off the wall like some hunters do, and want to be the shadow that taunts the marines, not the dreadlocked killing machine that the marines and xenos actively hunt down because it is an active threat to their objectives. By having so much restraint, I can reduce my killcount and have more focused kills over just mindless slaughter and a handful of worthless mementos...

And in general, I'm just glad someone else looked over my application. I don't mind if you don't find it perfect, I highly doubt it is anywho. Nowadays, I lack the excitement for my pred app, it losing its luster now, so if it gets denied, it wouldn't be a big deal... Would still be heart breaking, but eh, I'd be more accepting of it. At least it wasn't slammed on.
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Re: M-di h'dlak Thei-de (No Fear Death)

Post by Feweh » 07 Sep 2016, 18:09

Further feedback required from other predator players or this will be denied.

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Re: M-di h'dlak Thei-de (No Fear Death)

Post by Renomaki » 07 Sep 2016, 21:28

Feweh wrote:Further feedback required from other predator players or this will be denied.
How many days will I have left?
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Re: M-di h'dlak Thei-de (No Fear Death)

Post by SagaSword » 07 Sep 2016, 22:00

10/10 for me, except for the inheritence part.

Nonetheless, your reactions in this and that is quite good, you will get better eventually when you get whitelisted

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Re: M-di h'dlak Thei-de (No Fear Death)

Post by Iatots » 08 Sep 2016, 03:48

Renomaki wrote: How many days will I have left?
Anywhere from 5 workdays to a month
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Re: M-di h'dlak Thei-de (No Fear Death)

Post by Boltersam » 08 Sep 2016, 12:17

Renomaki wrote:Boop
Good answers, you want to keep casualties minimal.

Just a few things, one being that the Lodge (If we don't choose to just carry everything ourselves) is a permanent structure, and something that we defend with our utmost. It's hard to explain, but think of it as a Marine FOB, but we don't retreat unless it's truly lost, and even then, we have it stripped bare of our tech. Though, we haven't lost a Lodge defence in a while.

And two, sometimes we need to go off the handle. We can't be neutral in every encounter, much as we'd like to be. In the question with the South Caves in the Ice Map, as an example, it was a similar situation. Except me and Syra (Jones) retreated into the caves when too many marines arrived to fight at once, and we had to use our Plasma Casters to fend them off because of the sheer numbers. Unfortunately, none of the Marines decided to retreat, and they were crippled for the rest of the round because a third or so of their force was slaughtered.

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Re: M-di h'dlak Thei-de (No Fear Death)

Post by ParadoxSpace » 08 Sep 2016, 12:22

+1, looks real promising.

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Re: M-di h'dlak Thei-de (No Fear Death)

Post by Jumes » 08 Sep 2016, 17:15

+1 played with him alot, great guy

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Re: M-di h'dlak Thei-de (No Fear Death)

Post by Casany » 08 Sep 2016, 17:34

+1 like the guy a lot, great at RP
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Re: M-di h'dlak Thei-de (No Fear Death)

Post by Renomaki » 09 Sep 2016, 18:12

Boltersam wrote: Good answers, you want to keep casualties minimal.

Just a few things, one being that the Lodge (If we don't choose to just carry everything ourselves) is a permanent structure, and something that we defend with our utmost. It's hard to explain, but think of it as a Marine FOB, but we don't retreat unless it's truly lost, and even then, we have it stripped bare of our tech. Though, we haven't lost a Lodge defence in a while.

And two, sometimes we need to go off the handle. We can't be neutral in every encounter, much as we'd like to be. In the question with the South Caves in the Ice Map, as an example, it was a similar situation. Except me and Syra (Jones) retreated into the caves when too many marines arrived to fight at once, and we had to use our Plasma Casters to fend them off because of the sheer numbers. Unfortunately, none of the Marines decided to retreat, and they were crippled for the rest of the round because a third or so of their force was slaughtered.
Goodness, if I ever do get whitelisted, I feel I'll have a lot of questions to ask. I only hope there IS a forum I can assess for whitelisted players where I could learn a few things and maybe even tricks to avoid excessive death while still being able to defend myself, should I have to stand my ground.
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Re: M-di h'dlak Thei-de (No Fear Death)

Post by Boltersam » 09 Sep 2016, 20:12

Renomaki wrote: Goodness, if I ever do get whitelisted, I feel I'll have a lot of questions to ask. I only hope there IS a forum I can assess for whitelisted players where I could learn a few things and maybe even tricks to avoid excessive death while still being able to defend myself, should I have to stand my ground.
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Re: M-di h'dlak Thei-de (No Fear Death)

Post by Sarah_U. » 11 Sep 2016, 02:26

I'm actually really impressed by your app despite what anyone may say. Your reactions are pretty good and you have a very nice way of replying to things. It's original in some aspects and I want to see more of you.

You have my full +1.
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Re: M-di h'dlak Thei-de (No Fear Death)

Post by Feweh » 12 Sep 2016, 12:43

Stickied for final review.

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Re: M-di h'dlak Thei-de (No Fear Death)

Post by forwardslashN » 12 Sep 2016, 16:24

You need to work on being more robust. Being a predator doesn't mean you need to win all the time, but it carries a certain responsibility of being a worthy opponent. RP requirements aside, which I think you're more than capable of meeting, predators are antagonists, and antagonists should handle themselves well in most situations. You don't need to be the most robust person on the server, but consider what you're applying for here. If you work on that, I have no problem supporting you.
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Re: M-di h'dlak Thei-de (No Fear Death)

Post by Renomaki » 12 Sep 2016, 18:04

forwardslashN wrote:You need to work on being more robust. Being a predator doesn't mean you need to win all the time, but it carries a certain responsibility of being a worthy opponent. RP requirements aside, which I think you're more than capable of meeting, predators are antagonists, and antagonists should handle themselves well in most situations. You don't need to be the most robust person on the server, but consider what you're applying for here. If you work on that, I have no problem supporting you.
It takes practice to become the best fighter one can be, and I can understand why you'd want skilled fighters for this role.

I myself am already a pretty decent "ghost" of sorts, having learned a few tricks as a xeno, the value of the shadows and the importance of playing mind-games on marines to lure them into traps, or just general paranoia as they struggle to find the spitter in the night, firing wildly into nothing.

However, I assume you seen me as a marine, and I'm not going to hide it... I don't get a whole lotta kills as a marine. I'm not the kind of marine who can bravely wander about alone with confidence and mow down xenos by myself, nor escape from a hive and take down a queen in the process, let alone win a melee fight with a hunter...

But what I am good at is self control, following orders and loyalty to my squad. Yes, I don't get a lot of opportunities to let out my inner John Rambo and turn heads, but at least I have a low chance of causing friendly fire, eager cooperation, dedication to the tasks my higher ups give unto me and just a generally decent intellect that makes me a good team player [and a decent RPer too].

If I ever get whitelisted, will I be a good fighter when the time comes to fight? I can certainly try. Will I get better with time and practice with the role and her many weapons and tools? No doubt about it. But that is up to you.

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Re: M-di h'dlak Thei-de (No Fear Death)

Post by forwardslashN » 12 Sep 2016, 20:54

Renomaki wrote: If you don't think I can handle it, while it will break my heart, I won't hold it against you.
I think you can handle it.
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Re: M-di h'dlak Thei-de (No Fear Death)

Post by Renomaki » 12 Sep 2016, 21:45

forwardslashN wrote: I think you can handle it.
I'm glad I have your support.

I only hope the heads will have the same view once they discuss it among themselves.
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Re: M-di h'dlak Thei-de (No Fear Death)

Post by Renomaki » 18 Sep 2016, 21:51

Hey guys, I know this is going to sound a tad odd... But I been thinkin...

I am planning to leave CM for awhile, since lately it has lost her luster for me and I want to do something new for awhile, But since I'll probably be gone for awhile, I suppose this app is going to be denied due to lack of activity. So, to save you time, I'm just going to up and request that this be taken down. Not going to be a big deal, considering that by the time I come back, the pred app cooldown will have, well, cooled down by then.

I honestly am not happy about this, but a part of me feels it would be for the best, since lately I have been in a slump and I think something fresh and different will improve my mood, and possibly my health as well.

Still, for all the people that supported me, thanks for your votes. I'll come back one of these days, and one day I'll try my hand at this again. For now, I accept it's denial.
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