Gahn'tha-cte U'darahje (Ruthless Abomination)

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Byond: TheLicherKing

Gahn'tha-cte U'darahje (Ruthless Abomination)

Post by TheLicherKing » 20 Oct 2016, 13:10

Byond ID: TheLicherKing

Marine Name (so we know who you are, if you play alien mostly, state that here): Dallas Price

Name of the character you want whitelisted (The name your predator will use. This must match your in-game predator name): Gahn'tha-cte U'darahje

Are you familiar with the Predator Code Of Honor? Yes, I am familiar with the Code of Honor

Character background (A very BRIEF description of your predators background): Gahn'tha-cte U'darahje, the Ruthless Abomination, was born as a monster. From the very beginning he was often caught in some kind of a rage or killing spree, when he could kill everyone nearby, if not stopped by the elders. Because of that, he was told to leave his homeworld until he would learn the ways to suppress the rage of his.
After some time, he found a teacher - Ancient One, the Veteran of many Hunts, and very respected by his kin. The Ancient One was looking for a good prey, but after hearing Gahn'tha-cte U'darahje 's story, the Ancient accepted him and taught the ways of a True Hunter. After some time, they separated - that was right before Gahn'tha-cte's first worthy target. At this time he was already skilled and he learned to suppress and use his rage against the enemy. He succeeded in his first Hunt, becoming an Blooded Hunter. But now, he is looking for a new prey... The Serpent Queen's head!

How do you intend to play your predator (as in, describe HOW you will act/play your predator. This will weigh HEAVILY and frequently breaking from this MAY result in removal)? As a player who would hopefully be whitelisted, I would be careful to never hunt the side that is losing, be it aliens or marines. Also I would try to ensure I'm fighting with rival of the same robustness level as me, what means not fighting a young runner and not fighting a young hunter; I would take care to try hunt those who ar more worthy hunts such as an Elite(3rd tier) Alien, or a Marine who could be an challenging enemy. But firstly I would need to learn how to play as predator, so the first times I'd play, I would train on lower level enemies.

Why should we whitelist you? I'd like to play as the predator, beacuse I'm interested in this gamemode and character. I recently watched the Predators from 1987 and 1990 , and it would be cool to play as the characters from good movies. Also it could add some more fun to the game. Also playing as a Hunter would raise my robustness level

Have you been banned from CM in the last month for any reason (we will check, and lies may result in immediate denial)? In the last month - no. Wasn't playing some time (6-7 months).

Are you currently banned from any other servers and if so, why? No, I'm currently not banned from any other servers

Do you understand that any player - donor or otherwise - can have their whitelist status revoked should they break our rules or disobey the Predator Code of Honor? Yes, I understand that whitelist statuses can be revoked if rules are broken or they disobey the Predator Code of Honor.

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Re: Gahn'tha-cte U'darahje (Ruthless Abomination)

Post by Boltersam » 20 Oct 2016, 13:21

Read the forum rules. You only made your account for the Predator Application, and your account is not the required one month old.

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Byond: Shyguychizzy

Re: Gahn'tha-cte U'darahje (Ruthless Abomination)

Post by Shyguychizzy » 20 Oct 2016, 15:44

Auto -1 as reasons stated above as well as App isn't even up to par. Requesting a staff to deny this due to this app isn't even qualified for a regular App for lacking a lot of Pred Application requirements to make a pred app..
"Young Carrier (920) (follow) hisses, "Shut up both of you or we aren't going to invade disneyland."

Long time ago, I, Ka'Torag-na Halkrath, Skilled Master Hunter Of Prey, Unleashed an unspeakable evil upon Xenos and Humans! But a foolish Xeno Hunter wielder of robustness stepped forth and opposed me. Before the final blow was struck, I tore a gate of Salt of Solitude and flung em into the world of CM, and took out their Facehugger Capabilities! Now, this Xeno Fool seeks to return the favour, and undo my evil reign and of many other predator predecessors!

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Re: Gahn'tha-cte U'darahje (Ruthless Abomination)

Post by Toroic » 20 Oct 2016, 15:46

-1 from me due to account age.

Also, in yautja society killing another yautja is the worst crime, so your story as written is more likely to end in execution than anything.
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Byond: Feweh

Re: Gahn'tha-cte U'darahje (Ruthless Abomination)

Post by Feweh » 20 Oct 2016, 16:04

