Vara'ule K'var-de (Young Huntress) ReApplying

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Vara'ule K'var-de (Young Huntress) ReApplying

Post by Gelonvia » 27 Oct 2016, 18:39

Byond ID: Gelonvia

Marine Name (so we know who you are, if you play alien mostly, state that here): Casca 'Legs' Orivanna

Name of the character you want whitelisted (The name your predator will use. This must match your in-game predator name): Vera'ule K'var-de

Are you familiar with the Predator Code Of Honor?

Oh baby, you know i'm very familiar with the Code of Rules~, when I used to Pred back before took a break for Medical Reasons AKA Pregnancy at that time and for a disagreement of a minor ban I had's timeframe (when I was the one who asked for it, silly to argue over the time of a ban you ask for, Apop and I talked it over and we are cuu' about it.) Never broke a single rule as a Pred in my Career! Infact I was well praised by the playerbase and people would frequently call me 'The only good Pred' in deadchat which I felt was very biased sense Feweh is a great Pred, me and Apop have had wonderful times as Pred together, I remember wonderful times with my Elder CJ, and the times with SAS. SAS taught me the priority's to also start with your assement of the situation. So many good memories, never was salty when I died, loved every Pred Round and RP with Marines and Xeno's and my Sisters and Brothers.

Character background (A very BRIEF description of your predators background):
Oh my goodness, I apologize but the brief description will be one violation, atleast the Paragraphs are small and we've all read it before though! :heart:
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How do you intend to play your predator (as in, describe HOW you will act/play your predator. This will weigh HEAVILY and frequently breaking from this MAY result in removal)? I intend to continue playing the same, i'm a Role Play minded person, Survivors, Marines, I don't attack first, I want them to give me that chance to Role Play with them, or them with me. I have found in the past (COUGH BILL CARSON COUGH) that some will just shoot you in the face randomly while you give first Emote to them, the hard thing about this is that it usually falls down to an immediately Lethal amount of damage, then I have to kill him because of it, and then either make off super injured or die from others killing me because I attacked their marine that attacked me.

Xeno's? It's a little harder with you, I have to get atleast 2 skins from you guys at some point, I am still here to hunt you, but I have times where I will RPly side with you and theres plenty of RP we can do. My main RP is Honor Duels between T3's, something Aeleto likes to do with me sense we can RP it out and he can train his skills. I have won 2 times, but the second one he hurt me so badly I was dying from an infection in critical, stripped naked and had the two spectating Runner and Sentinel fight me, anytime they would go down I let the sentinel drag the runner to weeds and he would go back to scratching me, eventually I succumbed to heart failure from toxins while nude and fighting with wristblades. Yup, good old honor duals and honor deaths, I love them! Had a runner once who walk around and follow me, and I usually don't attack T1's then because I didn't see them as a big threat, and wanted them to attack first if they really want to fight, and he started talking to me, asking me what I was, pleading not to kill him, then telling me his Queen was gonna be wiped out and I didn't want that so I helped her out pushing marines back in one assault in a clear advantage they had, then marines backed out and went back to tablefort and I left doing my job to protect the hive so I can hunt them later, but they 'accidently' got assaulted again by marines when I wasn't there. (Cough, didn't want to delay round or prevent unfair wins for marines or aliens alike, Cough). Otherwise staff have seen me play, I love the times me and Feweh would RP Pred together which was fantastic, he taught me how to use tunnels for lodges because a certain species called Xenos started metaing our lodges, until they started scaling every rock wall till they find us each round. Then there was the RP's with Marines I enjoy because they usually try to RP and have more of a reason too then Xeno's due to Xeno's being Xeno's. Makes things interesting and fun, but it takes alot of knowledge of the Map Lore, and CM Yautja Lore and being very, very reserved at giving it all at once so that way more can be saved for later and keeps that mystery of the map there.

Anyways, when I have played, everyone seemed to enjoy themselves, and some seemed annoyed when I died because they liked me, and frankly I miss that, I miss the interactions of making the game enjoyable for others while I Hunt.

so to classify me? I'm a High RP/Medium Hunt hybrid who stays constantly interactive in the game.

Why should we whitelist you?

Well, for the exact reason as above, people have shown to really enjoy my time as Predator, and i really enjoyed it, it was fun to change up the pace of things and bring a lot of interest for people on the server and give them the kinda special one on one interactions they want. Aswell before when I was first Pred I was actually asked by SAS to join as Predator sense he trusted me to follow his strict expectations (and did), and aswell it was interesting to choose between Coronel Jones and SAS's clans when they both said they wanted me in their Clan.

Have you been banned from CM in the last month for any reason (we will check, and lies may result in immediate denial)?
Honestly, no. But I don't care about month only, your talking to someone who's been here a long time, so lets just say 'In my entire career' and in which, yes I have been banned a very small amount of times for minor infractures and believe each one was justified within their own reasons from seeing the perspective of each Staff Member respectfully.

On this, way back when before i had to disappear, I was very moody due to my pregnancy and when I asked for a ban that was on another player to be put on me because I was the one who did the rule breaking, it was instead decided that my time she be extended a bit further because I am one of the more well known players, and have been here long enough to know better,so they put some extra time. For some reason I was.. and pardon this Frenchies 'French', but I was a total cunt and demanded that my ban time be removed or lowered? But that I also expected an Apology from Apop. (Like, why was I being such a cunt? What mood was I in that I was being my normal kind hearted self even if I am pregnant? Was something adding up to the incident, was I offended by something? I don't know) Either way it was silly and it wasn't even a long ban, and I agree with the decision and me and Apop have talked and resolved this as he can attest to, but I also said I was going to leave, 'Bye' and disappeared, I planned to hop on a week later to apologize but two days before then my water broke. So yeah, was gone for a while, then drama happened and the period of being gone extended. I'm back now and can apologize to people and have alot more wisdom and happiness in life.

Are you currently banned from any other servers and if so, why?
Nope, and never will be.

Do you understand that any player - donor or otherwise - can have their whitelist status revoked should they break our rules or disobey the Predator Code of Honor?
Once again, just like last time,

Absolutely! I also absolutely agree with this decision cause if I myself are to fuck up and not preform to satisfactory condition for some reason? Then I am probably not suited for the title and honor at the moment and need a rest till staff see me improve! I won't fight it, I won't argue, but I would apologize for failing to meet your expectations and in turn letting you down, I invest in these things cause I know people count on me to be an example player. :heart:

Anywho, glad to be back, glad to see so many fresh new staff and fresh new faces on CM and hope to meet the lot of you aswell now that your here! :heart:
Casca 'Legs' Orivanna: Sanctum Operative, Telecommunications Specialist/CQC Expert

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Byond: MonocledGerbil

Re: Vara'ule K'var-de (Young Huntress) ReApplying

Post by Monoo » 27 Oct 2016, 19:40

Not whitelisted. Still gonna give you a +1 based on prior experiences - exceptional player.

Only thing I would say is that you could have waited a bit longer after coming back to post, but then again I could've done the same and didn't.

Good luck with your reapplication :) (even if ya don't need it)
I play as this guy, proudly being dismembered by extraterrestrials since 2015.
Sometimes I might play other guys, you never know.

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Byond: Feweh

Re: Vara'ule K'var-de (Young Huntress) ReApplying

Post by Feweh » 27 Oct 2016, 20:00

This is denied for a few reasons.

1. You were removed from Predator previously, which puts you on a blacklist.
2. Your ban history and especially your last ban/drama that followed.
3. You just returned to CM after a long hiatus.

Unfortunately you will not be able to apply for Predator again until you wait the 3 months denial period and you have a spotless ban history in that period
Even then, head staff would have to negotiate if we'd remove you from the blacklist.

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Re: Vara'ule K'var-de (Young Huntress) ReApplying

Post by Gelonvia » 27 Oct 2016, 21:59

I won't argue if thats what you want, i'm not sure how many months it's been? And I was removed? I was not informed, but alright! I totally understand, it's like I said to Apop, I don't expect to have your trust, I don't remember much of what happened, but I know I can earn it. :aww:
Casca 'Legs' Orivanna: Sanctum Operative, Telecommunications Specialist/CQC Expert
