Angels Fall First

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Angels Fall First

Post by Seehund » 15 Oct 2015, 04:36

Right! Before we move onto business, a picture speaks a thousand words, doesn't it? What about a video?

So, what is Angels Fall First?
Well, let's put it simply, and badly. It's pretty much a spiritual sequel to one of the early Battlefronts.
A bit more complicated? It's a "a first person combined-arms sci-fi wargame." What does it mean? Well, on the more populated servers, it means that the huge laser that just nicked off the tip of your starfighter's wing, or the barrage of missiles that just rocked your starship and destroyed a part of the hull? Yeah, good chance that was a player.

What about the thing that's currently busy drilling through the outer hull and ready to spill soldiers? Player-controlled dropship, most likely with player soldier inside. As the captain of your ion frigate - yet another player - swerves to avoid God knows what attack, you lose track of the enemy boarding team, only to receive a harsh reminder when the lights turn red, an alarm starts sounding and the ship begins to flip on its own belly, you wonder just WHO put several holes in your core.

Those bloody players, that's who. Damn 'em.

Prose aside, AFF, if I remember correctly, stems from an UT / Homeworld mod from several years ago, which seemingly disappeared until it popped up, completely under the radars, on Steam's Early Access.

That's right, the game is in Early Access, but in my opinion, it has all the components to become a winner; the devs are quite active - and nice, pushing patches out as what I can only hope is a steady rate.

Now, my two biggest gripes with the game:
1) The sound. Ah, the sound. It's not BAD, mind me, and the soundtrack is nice to listen to, but weapons could have better sound effects. As is, they do sound pretty dull.
2) Rough edges. This one is pretty explanatory and, being Early Access, expected. In fact, I'm pleasantly surprised that the content is mostly "there", in that you can perform everything shown in the video above. The game needs - and currently is undergoing, thankfully - optimization, as some settings, especially AI bots, can be quite taxing on even the most powerful systems.

That ALL being said, AFF is a quite nice game if you're into shooters, space combat games or, in a more moderate measure, RTS's. Then again, it IS Early Access, so it's clearly a gamble, but given the devs have been going at it for years, I'm not particularly worried.

TL;DR: You really should check out Angels Fall First.
When the voice from the shadows calls you
When the wind whips past your ears
Will you stand when the weight is upon you
Or will you go to your knees in fear?

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