Vivalas - Commander Application


Should I be whitelisted?

Poll ended at 13 Jan 2017, 01:18

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Vivalas - Commander Application

Post by Vivalas » 06 Jan 2017, 01:18

Byond ID: Vivalas

Player name you use the most: Jonathon Sommer

Make a list of links to all of your applications and (job)ban appeals, including whitelist and staff apps, within the last year. Also, provide "Ban reason; Verdict" beside each (job)ban link:

Not applicable.

Do you understand that any player - even donors or staff members - can have their whitelist status revoked should they break our Server Rules or Roleplay Guidelines?
Why should you be whitelisted?

I believe that I would be able to lead and inspire the marines to be successful in their operations as a commander. I've been playing CM on and off for years since it was just the old Sulaco with the LOs and the box map. I am decent at roleplay, enjoy the game more for it's varied tactics and teamwork than combat (firefights can be hella fun but without roleplay CM would just be COD with scary aliens to be honest), and have a basic understanding of military tradition, leadership, and squad tactics.

I'm not the most robust marine, and certainly don't turn fights as an alien or marine, but I have a soild grasp of game mechanics and combat as a veteran SS13 player as well as CM fan. I'm just as comfortable in the engine room as I am with a stun baton laying down the law.

Whenever I play BO or XO, the closest relevant jobs, I try to let my SLs make decisions while utilizing the information they give me to make vital decisions for the whole platoon. Do we retreat and lost the initiative? Do we continue to apply pressure even when taking heavy casualties? Command in Colonial Marines is not so much moving marines around like pawns in an RTS as it is listening to the men in the field and making the best decisions to help them along, while also realizing none of them see the big picture. I fully understand the nightmare dictator COs can be and would try my hardest to be flexible and make the game as fun as possible for all parties involved.

One of the positions I used to play a lot on CM was MP, because grief was somewhat unfortunately common and I enjoy the roleplay / defusing tensions. Security is my favorite role in SS13 and as such I tend to diffuse conflicts a lot while playing. I always resort to words and attempt to gather information before arrests, and try to be as fair as possible at all times unless the dude is an absolute shitter. This and the qualities above I believe would make for a decent leader and commander.

Finally, I understand humans are prone to mistakes and aren't perfect. Sometimes I lose my cool and yell at people. Sometimes I panic in fights and commit FF. Sometimes I give the wrong orders as BO. I try to learn from my mistakes and make a positive difference in the game whenever possible, and even if the marines lose if I did everything in my power to support them and help them along I would be proud and happy, since it's just a game.

In any case, thank you for reading my application!

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Byond: Apophis775

Re: Vivalas - Commander Application

Post by apophis775 » 17 Jan 2017, 18:20

Did not reach minimum number of votes
flamecow wrote: "unga dunga me want the attachment" - average marine
