Azmodan412 CO Whitelist applications


Whitelist Vote

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Azmodan412 CO Whitelist applications

Post by Azmodan412 » 31 Jan 2017, 23:08

Byond ID: Azmodan412

Player name you use the most: People know me as Tyler 'Thrift' Borealis, but I've been playing Praetorian xeno and being the Queen's bulletsponge/12 volt plasma battery.

Make a list of links to all of your applications and (job)ban appeals, including whitelist and staff apps, within the last year. Also, provide "Ban reason; Verdict" beside each (job)ban link:

I honestly can't remember any applications/appeals I made within the last year. *shrug* My memory sucks so if I DID make an application within the last year, I don't remember.

Do you understand that any player - even donors or staff members - can have their whitelist status revoked should they break our Server Rules or Roleplay Guidelines?
I understand this.

Why should you be whitelisted?
Well... I've been getting back into SS13 on the xeno side. I understand I am banned from Medical roles due to leaving at round start, and I plan to be appealing that on 10 Feb 2017. As far as I understand, people still remember how good my character was, as in general survivor/liaison roles from before the LV-624/Ice Colony rework. As a player, I advocate the no-retreat policy and as a human/marine, retreat can lead to a xenomorph steamroll and subsequent Xeno Major Victory. I know this mentality works against me because of my note on griefing at some point in the past, but I honestly say I've worked past it as a player. As a commander in a perfect Sulaco, I'd have the XO and a BO on the clock, giving the other two a needed break for about 25-30 minutes before they rotate out with the current staff. A shift-system or so to speak. I tend to keep people I command in the loop about what is happening and what to expect most of the time.

As a player, I am hyper-aggressive, and people who know my character know I LOVE to be in the vanguard leading the charge. At some point, I had a fire-ax honor duel with a predator and lost, though the Yautja thought it great fun to have this duel and let me live. I think I led a marine charge on the cave hives on LV-624 as a survivor, calling them out on cowardice and it got a Marine Major Victory. I love defenses behind defenses behind more defenses and I've made a T-Comms FoB that only fell due to an opened window letting xenos in. Not even crusher-boiler combinations could penetrate and we held for about 35-40 minutes and fell only due to lack of supplies. Still, it bought valuable time so the rest of the team can rearm and figure out what the hell to do. If I die in battle, I die amidst at least two or three alien corpses. If I live, I charge again, seeking to avenge the dishonor that living through a fight gives. If I get denied due to past history, I would understand as I know I am a player to keep an eye on when I hop on. My most recent successful round was as Elite Praetorian 432.
Last edited by Azmodan412 on 31 Jan 2017, 23:16, edited 1 time in total.

Tyler 'Thrift' Borealis: Slaughterer of stupid xenos, insane motherfucker, and who played tower defense with Predators with an axe.
Predator Duels Won: 1
Predator Duels Lost: 2

43 Xenos and counting.

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Re: Azmodan412 CO Whitelist applications

Post by XenonDragneel » 31 Jan 2017, 23:14

Your forgotting something. Poll
When u talk sh** to the IB

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Byond: Sneakyranger

Re: Azmodan412 CO Whitelist applications

Post by Sneakyr » 31 Jan 2017, 23:16

Where's the poll? Might want to delete this quick unless you can edit it in.

EDIT: Since I've posted already, might as well edit in a response. A "no retreat" policy isn't always the best of ideas, in my opinion - in some situations, I've seen "NO RETREAT!!!" commanders cause a total loss of all marine forces as opposed to a partial loss, such as when the marines are trapped around LZ1. I'm not going to vote in the poll because I haven't actually seen you in a command role yet, so I judged my response off of your application answer.
Last edited by Sneakyr on 31 Jan 2017, 23:22, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Azmodan412 CO Whitelist applications

Post by Azmodan412 » 31 Jan 2017, 23:18

Edited it in and I will not be voting as that is something I consider dishonorable (and against the rules. :P).
Last edited by Azmodan412 on 31 Jan 2017, 23:45, edited 1 time in total.

Tyler 'Thrift' Borealis: Slaughterer of stupid xenos, insane motherfucker, and who played tower defense with Predators with an axe.
Predator Duels Won: 1
Predator Duels Lost: 2

43 Xenos and counting.

Hunter Games: I am Moon Moon! Destroyer of worlds! Ahuhuhuhuhuhuhuhu!
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Re: Azmodan412 CO Whitelist applications

Post by Jaketeaking » 31 Jan 2017, 23:26

poll expiry date? is it no set?
The man known as James 'patch' Alfonse. also gets called hotdog and "lemon.
"Never tell people how to do things. Tell them what to do, and they will surprise you with their ingenuity" - General George S Patton
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Re: Azmodan412 CO Whitelist applications

Post by Azmodan412 » 31 Jan 2017, 23:29

I don't know WHEN to set the cutoff.

Tyler 'Thrift' Borealis: Slaughterer of stupid xenos, insane motherfucker, and who played tower defense with Predators with an axe.
Predator Duels Won: 1
Predator Duels Lost: 2

43 Xenos and counting.

Hunter Games: I am Moon Moon! Destroyer of worlds! Ahuhuhuhuhuhuhuhu!
Moon Moon Victories: x1

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Re: Azmodan412 CO Whitelist applications

Post by Nightcaper » 01 Feb 2017, 00:17

Azmodan412 wrote:I don't know WHEN to set the cutoff.
It's in the readme thread for making a CO whitelist application, click the picture link in the thread: viewtopic.php?f=141&t=10181 (the picture shows when to set expiry)

Err, also...
Azmodan412 wrote: I understand I am banned from Medical roles due to leaving at round start, and I plan to be appealing that on 10 Feb 2017.
Quoted directly from the Readme for applying:
The applicant can not have any active jobbans for Marine/Crew roles.
It's none of my business, but... might want to actually appeal that ban ASAP.

I can't vote positive or negative because I've never seen you in a command role before. I just wanted to bring these up and hope it might help. Best of luck with your application though.

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Byond: Jroinc1

Re: Azmodan412 CO Whitelist applications

Post by Jroinc1 » 01 Feb 2017, 08:47

+1, buut you need to set the poll to expire in 1 week from the start date, and I'd really appeal that man, like, now.
Hope you're enjoying the program.
3 Nov 16-15 Jan 17

Atmos bombs built- 16
Hull breaches repaired- 6
Charged SMs manually dragged to space- 2
Backup tcomms systems set- 4
SM de-lamination weapons detonated- 0
Times I've burned half the ship to a crisp- 5
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Byond: Feweh

Re: Azmodan412 CO Whitelist applications

Post by Feweh » 01 Feb 2017, 10:45

Denied for multiple reasons.

Currently has a job-ban, didn't set up a poll properly etc.
