Oliver's NEW applications (now 90% more hotsauce)


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Oliver's NEW applications (now 90% more hotsauce)

Post by Oliver » 20 Apr 2017, 14:44

Byond ID: OliverCarswell

Player name you use the most: Nina Taylor.

Make a list of links to all of your applications and (job)ban appeals, including whitelist and staff apps, within the last year. Also, provide "Ban reason; Verdict" beside each (job)ban link: viewtopic.php?f=87&t=9666&p=101315#p101315 | Jobban from Alien due to ignoring Queen's Orders; Permanent. Later resolved.
viewtopic.php?f=143&t=10676&p=112826#p112826 | Denied due to voting on my own person. (Didn't read the rules all that well and it was late at night. Oops. :C)

Do you understand that any player - even donors or staff members - can have their whitelist status revoked should they break our Server Rules or Roleplay Guidelines?
It is only natural to expect such, or rather - it is something I'd expect. Anyone whitelisted has a deal of trust put into them, disregarding rank for a moment.

Why should you be whitelisted?
I've been a long-time player (on- and off) of Colonial Marines, oftenly suffering massive breaks in which I just usually forget BYOND even exists. But I'm back again, and I wish to play Commander again. My previous application was denied due to voting yes for myself (D'oh!) and I read over the part where it said I couldn't. Alas, why am I here.

Nina Taylor, and I myself to an extent, have had long-standing experience in management of the hectics in Space Station (or CM in this matter), and I wish to play the Commander role once more to help the Marines succeed their objective.

I am very well versed in the mechanics of Colonial Marines, ranging from Command to Medical, and everything inbetween. (My only achilles heel is Engineering.)

I hope this has been sufficient, but I understand that - after a long hiatus - there may be some questions. I'd be more than happy to answer them.

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Re: Oliver's NEW applications (now 90% more hotsauce)

Post by TheMusician321 » 20 Apr 2017, 16:43

Edit: Changed to -1, saw him shoot someone at round start for messing around.
Last edited by TheMusician321 on 24 Apr 2017, 11:44, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Oliver's NEW applications (now 90% more hotsauce)

Post by Craftedminer » 22 Apr 2017, 20:51


I've not really seen you around on CM and therefore your leadership, that coupled with your hiatus has me a bit concerned, even with someone with your suggested experience, since you mentioned it in your application, I'd like to ask you how you would deal with the following scenario to see how you lead:

You're currently about 40 minutes into the round, you have Bravo on FOB duty at the Nexus, Alpha at Engineering fixing the power, and Charlie and Delta scouting both floating around the western part of the colony. You receive an urgent message from your CE, he informs you that due to the actions of an MT who didn't know what they were doing, they've caused irreversible damage to the SM. The SM will blow up in approximately 5 minutes, how would you spend those 5 minutes, and what actions would you take in order to deal with the crisis and its consequences?
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Re: Oliver's NEW applications (now 90% more hotsauce)

Post by Sargeantmuffinman » 23 Apr 2017, 04:39

Nina Taylor, well.

I got not much to say other than seeing you back in pre-alpha I think.

I ask, what do you bring to the table.
George S.Patton once said:No bastard ever won a war by dying for his country. He won it by making some other poor dumb bastard die for his country.

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Good hunting.

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Re: Oliver's NEW applications (now 90% more hotsauce)

Post by Oliver » 23 Apr 2017, 09:26

Sargeantmuffinman wrote:Nina Taylor, well.

I got not much to say other than seeing you back in pre-alpha I think.

I ask, what do you bring to the table.
That's a very broad question, but I suppose that - as Nina Taylor - I've always kept a mind on both ground-side forces as well as what was going on in my direct surroundings on the Sulaco. As the Executive Officer I felt that - while the Sulaco is important - it is more of an XO's job to keep order, and the CO really has to concentrate on delegating orders to the groundside forces.

But alas, what do I offer?
  • Clear oversight of situations.
  • Level-headed control of all operational aspects. Including MP's, Logistics and Medical.
  • Prioritising of certain orders above "kill he all".
  • Preservation of the idea that Marines don't try rushing or going Lee Solo style. (Minded that the fog kinda now prohibits that, but even then, after it clears there's still that part.)
My answers may not be very great right now, but that's what I could think of in the broadest of your question. If you want more in-depth information, please let me know.
Craftedminer wrote:Neutral,

I've not really seen you around on CM and therefore your leadership, that coupled with your hiatus has me a bit concerned, even with someone with your suggested experience, since you mentioned it in your application, I'd like to ask you how you would deal with the following scenario to see how you lead:

You're currently about 40 minutes into the round, you have Bravo on FOB duty at the Nexus, Alpha at Engineering fixing the power, and Charlie and Delta scouting both floating around the western part of the colony. You receive an urgent message from your CE, he informs you that due to the actions of an MT who didn't know what they were doing, they've caused irreversible damage to the SM. The SM will blow up in approximately 5 minutes, how would you spend those 5 minutes, and what actions would you take in order to deal with the crisis and its consequences?
First of all, with those five minutes in mind, I'd name my XO or BO temporary in command of the operation while I go take measures. First of all, I'd try and find the CE, or if we don't have one, find the nearest Technical Sergeant, and make them aware of the situation, ask them if they know how to fix it and see if I can delegate them to do it at once. IF the CE was there, I'd tell them to get their team in the chamber and fix the issue momentarily.

Provided the issue was solved, I'd return to my normal duty.

Now if the Engine couldn't be fixed..., then I'd evacuate all of Engineering (keeping them alive is probably key to fixing this mess in the long run), and let it blow in a semi-controlled manner. (IS there such a thing as a controlled explosion with a SM..?)

Once that was done, I'd order Requisitions to prioritise two or three solar pack crates, and have the Engineers set it up so we still have a modicum of power. With the 30 to 40 minutes kept in mind that takes to install per Engineer (provided they are adept at their chosen position) we'd have enough power to last us through the operation.

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Re: Oliver's NEW applications (now 90% more hotsauce)

Post by Craftedminer » 23 Apr 2017, 09:59

Alright, this wasn't the response I was looking for when I asked this question and that is probably due to how I worded it, so my apologies for that and allow me to expand on this scenario a bit more:
Bulletpoints:Your CE has stated that the SM can't be repaired and that the damage is too great and irreversible, he estimates that it will explode in 5 minutes as stated previously, so based on your answer you use those 5 minutes to evacuate Engineering (You can obviously expand on this if you want to).

The SM blows and you are given this damage report, Engineering is completely lost, the evac shuttle and area seem to be intact, Cargo has a sizeable hole into space thanks to the blast, and the whole area east of the canteen has become completely depressurised on the top deck. (This I believe is the common situation after the SM blows). Your BOs report being beaten by a strange man who appeared out of nowhere, and your SLs are asking what on earth that explosion was, multiple PFCs are panicking. Please explain how you would co-ordinate your staff under this situation to resolve the crisis, both on the Sulaco and the planet, also please explain how you would in the worst case scenario, organise the evacuation of the Sulaco.

Edit: +1 to your application, after talking to Aetsuki and other people on the Discord (Thank you again to all those people), about your response to that question I'm happy to give you a +1, good luck on your application and I hope to see you as a commander soon.
Last edited by Craftedminer on 23 Apr 2017, 14:22, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Oliver's NEW applications (now 90% more hotsauce)

Post by Oliver » 23 Apr 2017, 11:31

Craftedminer wrote:Alright, this wasn't the response I was looking for when I asked this question and that is probably due to how I worded it, so my apologies for that and allow me to expand on this scenario a bit more:
Bulletpoints:Your CE has stated that the SM can't be repaired and that the damage is too great and irreversible, he estimates that it will explode in 5 minutes as stated previously, so based on your answer you use those 5 minutes to evacuate Engineering (You can obviously expand on this if you want to).

The SM blows and you are given this damage report, Engineering is completely lost, the evac shuttle and area seem to be intact, Cargo has a sizeable hole into space thanks to the blast, and the whole area east of the canteen has become completely depressurised on the top deck. (This I believe is the common situation after the SM blows). Your BOs report being beaten by a strange man who appeared out of nowhere, and your SLs are asking what on earth that explosion was, multiple PFCs are panicking. Please explain how you would co-ordinate your staff under this situation to resolve the crisis, both on the Sulaco and the planet, also please explain how you would in the worst case scenario, organise the evacuation of the Sulaco.
Right, my apologies. Building on the evacuation of the Engineering deck, I'd prioritise saving the BO's first. I'd permit lethal fire, and call any MP's there (if we don't have MP's, I'd call a couple Marines) to take them down either lethally or non-lethally depending on the situations, weapons bared and so forth.

Then I'd work with Engineering to get their solar packs, as outlined earlier.

I'd tell the Squad Leaders exactly what happened, but that we're working on alternative power and that we won't fail. I'd tell them to cooperate with their squads though, and amicably calm anyone who is panicking and/or acting irrational.

Lastly, provided my BO's are still alive, I'd have them calm the squads, tell them what happened but that it's under control.

And in the worst case scenario, the evacuation procedure, I'd have Engineers lock off the entryway to the East side, and then begin to weld a way through the walls in Prep to the escape wing. I'd have the rest of the Marines, support staff and MP's stand by in the Cafetaria until those works are done, and then move them into the escape hallway and await the shuttle arrival. I'd wait in the Bridge for any unforeseen consequences until the last minute before heading there myself.

It's a bit barebones, I know.

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Re: Oliver's NEW applications (now 90% more hotsauce)

Post by Aetsuki » 23 Apr 2017, 14:09

Craftedminer asked for an opinion on your response, and I've broken down your answer a bit. Overall I found it to be a good response though.

My biggest complaint about your response though was that instead of ejecting the SM Core, you opted to allow it detonate and destroy engineering. As a reminder, SM explosions can be massive. Ejecting it can pose problems, but ultimately considering the blast radius and the wave of radiation following, it's better to take the ejection chance rather than just let it explode.

Saving your command staff first seems logical, considering they'll be tasked with controlling things should something happen to you. If you're evacuating I don't expect solar packs to be even considered, unless it's a temporary measure (as in evac to the planet until the Sulaco is viable for operation again), which could be interesting. I assume you mean taking down the strange teleporting man with either lethal or nonlethal force, rather than escorting the BOs. Preferably you should be acting nonlethally unless they prove a lethal threat.

You make sure to communicate with your squad leaders on what's occurring so they're not out of the loop, however I'm not satisfied with you having your BOs calm the squads down. you should only be doing that if the squad leader is incapacitated in some way that prevents them from managing their squad.

For your evacuation procedure bit, I find it acceptable, although I'd like to note the Sulaco generally won't be evacuated for an SM explosion. However if Xenos were boarding and you're evacuating the Sulaco about them, I find it an acceptable plan, as well as your bit of staying on the bridge until the last minute.

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Re: Oliver's NEW applications (now 90% more hotsauce)

Post by Oliver » 23 Apr 2017, 17:29

Thank you for the feedback! Should this be accepted I'll keep it in mind!

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Re: Oliver's NEW applications (now 90% more hotsauce)

Post by TheMusician321 » 24 Apr 2017, 11:43

I saw you shoot someone at round start for messing around during briefing, i'm gonna have to change mine to -1, that is not the way you deal with someone messing around.
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Re: Oliver's NEW applications (now 90% more hotsauce)

Post by Imperator_Titan » 24 Apr 2017, 11:51

TheMusician321 wrote:I saw you shoot someone at round start for messing around during briefing, i'm gonna have to change mine to -1, that is not the way you deal with someone messing around.
Was that as myself as CO and Ray 'Zero' Robinson as a BO? If so, that was completely out of character for Nina. Shooting someone with a revolver at briefing at roundstart without warning was possibly the worst thing she could have done.

I really have no idea why she did it either, which made it all the more complicated. I was then forced to brig her for twenty minutes and had to watch her for roughly 3/4 of the time because we had no MPs. I would have increased the timer but she was the XO and our command staff was really a skeleton crew. Luckily we had Ray to watch over the bridge. Imagine if Ray wasn't there, there would be complete and total anarchy. A MP woke up much later at roughly 5 minutes left in the sentence and took over, allowing me to resume my duties as the CO.

The last thing we need is a trigger-happy CO who's ready to shoot every marine without warning.


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Re: Oliver's NEW applications (now 90% more hotsauce)

Post by Oliver » 24 Apr 2017, 12:01

I should mention the issue has been handled, and my reason was not "without warning". Please don't go off half-cocked when you've not bothered to try and hear my side of the story.

Frankly, I already gave the marine responsible several warnings for fucking around in Cargo as well, which I was more or less forced to run to prevent riots.

After fucking around again, I was done with giving warnings. Perhaps a bit curt, or even blunt, but it got the point across. Never the less, I was reprimanded by the admins still.

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Re: Oliver's NEW applications (now 90% more hotsauce)

Post by Imperator_Titan » 24 Apr 2017, 12:04

Oliver wrote:I should mention the issue has been handled, and my reason was not "without warning". Please don't go off half-cocked when you've not bothered to try and hear my side of the story.

Frankly, I already gave the marine responsible several warnings for fucking around in Cargo as well, which I was more or less forced to run to prevent riots.

After fucking around again, I was done with giving warnings. Perhaps a bit curt, or even blunt, but it got the point across. Never the less, I was reprimanded by the admins still.
If the issue has been handled, then it's fine. But still, you need to keep your cool no matter what happens. Losing your cool in a situation like that shows that you can't really be responsible for making sure the crew follow orders.

I'm still standing by the -1, however.

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Re: Oliver's NEW applications (now 90% more hotsauce)

Post by NoahKirchner » 24 Apr 2017, 14:24

My concern is that you chose to shoot them as opposed to brigging them. If you are willing to shoot marines as an XO for insubordination, I am concerned about how you will use your ability to initiate field executions. You've got to realise that marines and aliens are players too, and removing your fellow teammates from the round via execution is a rather shitty thing to do unless it is well warranted or for RP. I normally vote yes on any CO app where I am confident the applicant is not brandy spankin' new, innocent until proven guilty, but this is really rather concerning.
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Re: Oliver's NEW applications (now 90% more hotsauce)

Post by Sleepy Retard » 24 Apr 2017, 17:37

NoahKirchner wrote:My concern is that you chose to shoot them as opposed to brigging them. If you are willing to shoot marines as an XO for insubordination, I am concerned about how you will use your ability to initiate field executions. You've got to realise that marines and aliens are players too, and removing your fellow teammates from the round via execution is a rather shitty thing to do unless it is well warranted or for RP. I normally vote yes on any CO app where I am confident the applicant is not brandy spankin' new, innocent until proven guilty, but this is really rather concerning.
While not recent, given the fact you've been engineering banned three times does you the same amount of Justice as him shooting a marine

More so, Nina Taylor? Like the actress, or the woman from Alien Isolation? (http://avp.wikia.com/wiki/Nina_Taylor)

I am going to be neutral for now, perhaps leaning towards yes, I'll have to hope to see you in action to finalize my opinion.
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Re: Oliver's NEW applications (now 90% more hotsauce)

Post by NoahKirchner » 24 Apr 2017, 17:53

El Defaultio wrote:While not recent, given the fact you've been engineering banned three times does you the same amount of Justice as him shooting a marine

More so, Nina Taylor? Like the actress, or the woman from Alien Isolation? (http://avp.wikia.com/wiki/Nina_Taylor)

I am going to be neutral for now, perhaps leaning towards yes, I'll have to hope to see you in action to finalize my opinion.
I have been engineering banned once, I appealed it 3 times over a matter of months, and only the most recent was accepted.
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Re: Oliver's NEW applications (now 90% more hotsauce)

Post by Sleepy Retard » 24 Apr 2017, 17:55

NoahKirchner wrote:I have been engineering banned once, I appealed it 3 times over a matter of months, and only the most recent was accepted.
Tl;dr I can't read
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Re: Oliver's NEW applications (now 90% more hotsauce)

Post by apophis775 » 24 Apr 2017, 19:42

Nina Taylor is a reference name...

Also, further use of the name in-game may constitute a ban.

I had no idea it was a reference, until I recently got lit up by messages of people complaining about you using it in this app.
flamecow wrote: "unga dunga me want the attachment" - average marine
