Faith 'Dragon' Weeter's Commander App


Should I be whitelisted?

Poll ended at 12 Jun 2017, 22:31

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Faith 'Dragon' Weeter's Commander App

Post by DarkSpetznaz » 05 Jun 2017, 22:31

Byond ID: DarkSpetznaz

Player name you use the most: Faith 'Dragon' Weeter

Make a list of links to all of your applications and (job)ban appeals, including whitelist and staff apps, within the last year. Also, provide "Ban reason; Verdict" beside each (job)ban link:
I have never been banned, job banned and this is my first whitelisting app

Do you understand that any player - even donors or staff members - can have their whitelist status revoked should they break our Server Rules or Roleplay Guidelines?
I fully understand and do not intend to break server rules, I just really love the server and don't want to jeopardize my ability to have fun on it!

Why should you be whitelisted?

I have been playing on this server for around 1-2 years on and off, found it quite a while ago when i first joined Space Station 13 due to a friend, I used to play it on the old ship, the sulaco and ever since I've been playing it on and off, only in the recent 2-3 months i've been playing it quite consistently at least once or more times a week and still love it! I finally felt it was time to become a closer part of the community and try out more roles with more responsibilities.

Now I have many years of leadership experience pertaining to the job requirements, I understand the game itself quite well now, exploring more advanced fields like medical and engineering. I am 25 years old IRL and work for law enforcement IRL, So i know responsibility and leadership well from that career alone. But to add to that I also have lead large communities in the past myself, from M&B: napoleonic wars where I was second in command of a 200+ member regiment to leading small squad operations and large air operations in arma 3 combat realism mod communities for years on end. So I believe I am well versed in the requirements of leadership and responsibility. :) At least I believe I am.

Now trust is earned, not asked for or gained by bribery, I understand that, I cannot say I'm trustworthy for such a role and expect anyone to just believe I am, However for the records I will say that I am, I've always strived in my life to be trustworthy and to be a person others can depend upon, this has always been a personal goal in my whole life, trust is something that can make or break a complex operation or even a simple friendship... So I hope you will at least give me the benefit of the doubt to believe I'm a trustworthy person.

My roleplay experience dates back to when i was 8 years old playing on another 2D roleplay game long long ago, the name of which is forgotten to me, I loved to roleplay there and that gave birth to a near daily love of roleplay, from ERP to combat roleplay (all text, yeah it's descriptive stuff hehe) and much more, years of my life spent on roleplay servers on Second life and have never stopped roleplaying since, it's very addicting! So started at 8 years old, now i'm 25 years old, i know my stuff for sure, i don't godplay, metagame, or look for attention needlessly (Though every roleplayer started out doing each one of those at least a few times before they stopped ;D).

So thank you for your consideration to allow me to become a deeper part of the community and hope that you enjoyed my application, I found it quite fun to make!

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Re: Faith 'Dragon' Weeter's Commander App

Post by Challenger » 05 Jun 2017, 23:26

You have five minutes to get rid of the color scheme before you're unable to do so, good luck. Also none of your application has anything to do with a commander, it's just tangential stuff about trusting you. Write a briefing or some lengthy IC interaction of some sort as a CO so I can judge your ability to act like one.
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Byond: Sephoris

Re: Faith 'Dragon' Weeter's Commander App

Post by Sephoris » 06 Jun 2017, 02:05

Judging by your application I approve so far, you appear mature, sensible and probably have the qualities of a commander. Not having seen your character in a command role before, an example of a briefing that you'd give, and seeing you once as X.O / SO over the next few days would be awesome. +1 benefit of the doubt for now =)

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Byond: DarkSpetznaz

Re: Faith 'Dragon' Weeter's Commander App

Post by DarkSpetznaz » 06 Jun 2017, 07:58

Sorry, by the time your messages were posted I was in bed, I'm happy to give you a briefing or something to show off my skills, I have been XO two or three times, so it's too late to change the color scheme, I just made it that way so it would be easier to read.

CO: Get to briefing, it will be starting at 15:20, I expect full uniform compliance marines!

//briefing starts

Alright marines! Sit down, shut up, and pull up some popcorn 'cause briefing is starting! Now, we have recieved a distress beacon from LV-624, it read massive failure on the planet, attacked from an unknown lifeform and requesting immediate evacuation. That was 10 hours ago, so marines, our job is to extract survivors and clear the planet of hostiles, any questions? No? Good!

Now listen up for squad assignments, Alpha and bravo will take DS2 down to secure the comms relay, afterwards Alpha will move to medical to scavenge what they can, bravo will fortify the comms relay, Charlie and Delta you will be securing the nexus, Delta will be helping alpha secure medical and fortify. If there's any questions leave it for your squad leaders, You are dismissed! Go get some marines!

//End briefing

I Don't know if this counts since I was asleep when the editing locked.

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Re: Faith 'Dragon' Weeter's Commander App

Post by Challenger » 06 Jun 2017, 09:01

That's a great, concise briefing and you've put personality in it. +1

edit: I need to learn to actually read what people are saying instead of just skimming past looking for structure, grammar, and tone. You wrote this:
Now, we have recieved a distress beacon from LV-624, it read massive failure on the planet, attacked from an unknown lifeform and requesting immediate evacuation. That was 10 hours ago, so marines, our job is to extract survivors and clear the planet of hostiles, any questions? No? Good!
Which is, uh, blatant metagaming by current server standards. Why did you write a briefing with pre-knowledge of xenomorphs and inform everyone it's a confirmed combat drop?
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Byond: TehSpoderman

Re: Faith 'Dragon' Weeter's Commander App

Post by TehSpoderman » 06 Jun 2017, 16:05

eh. i dont like briefings where its just one paragraph. im gonna -1 this since i dont think i seen you before. Plus you only have 3 posts on the forums. increase ur activity a bit
Last edited by TehSpoderman on 06 Jun 2017, 22:36, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Faith 'Dragon' Weeter's Commander App

Post by DarkSpetznaz » 06 Jun 2017, 21:52

Challenger wrote:That's a great, concise briefing and you've put personality in it. +1

edit: I need to learn to actually read what people are saying instead of just skimming past looking for structure, grammar, and tone. You wrote this:

Which is, uh, blatant metagaming by current server standards. Why did you write a briefing with pre-knowledge of xenomorphs and inform everyone it's a confirmed combat drop?
It's metagaming to state there is an unknown hostile presence on the planet? And that it was to be a combat drop considering any military deployment is seen as a combat drop, if it wasn't then we wouldn't go down so heavily armed in the first place. I did not state a specific life form like I know already what it was, in the example briefing the CO is telling the marines what was recovered from the distress beacon as well. So ya...

@spooderman I have seen you around Stroh, I've fought beside you in the past, also it's not fair to judge my role play example because it's not the length you like or prefer, as long as it's not too short, everyone has their preferred role play styles, mine often change so it's respective to what is needed so it doesn't look dragged on or lazily done. But it is your vote, your choice if you want to base your decision on If you've seen me or not.

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Re: Faith 'Dragon' Weeter's Commander App

Post by Challenger » 06 Jun 2017, 22:22

You know what you wrote, and your explanation for why you wrote it missed the point entirely. The game is balanced and roleplayed around us going into the colony blind with no information whatsoever other than that it's a generic distress beacon. Saying we're fighting "unknown creatures" means everyone's gonna grab extra gear, bring extra backpacks of ammo, the RO's gonna load crates onto the DSes, DS doors are gonna get welded, medics are gonna take all the drugs, engineers are gonna raid engineering for materials, every department is gonna fully gear up and do all those actions to "win", you know, in general we switch from "we're going down with guns because we're marines, first responders, and at least minimally prepared in case things are south" to "it's a full blown war, fucking salvage, loot, and expend all resources we have to win it".

Also it cuts out a lot of fun roleplay options where marines going down get to talk about how it's probably nothing or the UPP or the CLF or the androids, etcetera, the kind of suppositions that let you strike up a conversation that expands deeper into someone's backstory and set the tone for the drop.

That you're even asking whether or not it's metagaming to tell people there's hostile lifeforms on the planet makes your app look like a joke. Completely failed to gain my trust, you'd fuck up the roleplay and gameplay of the round in ways similar to the above, solid -1. This is why people shouldn't be voting "yes" based off the story about how we should totally trust you're a great roleplayer and real life superhero.
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Byond: DarkSpetznaz

Re: Faith 'Dragon' Weeter's Commander App

Post by DarkSpetznaz » 06 Jun 2017, 23:54

I think you're blowing this a little out of proportion for one, Also roleplay is NEVER meant to be set in stone, that's why it's called roleplay! If every story was the same damn thing then it wouldn't be very fun would it? But fine, whatever give me a negetive, your opinion is your own, I was built on the fact that roleplay isn't meant to be the same thing over and over again, each story is different, yes there may be guidelines to go by to set a core setup of gameplay, but I did NOT metagame stating that info, I just made up a different story for players to wrap their mind around.

And honestly if you think that way about this then that shows me your own experience with roleplay, so each drop should be the same thing "don't know what we are going into" 50+ times gets boring and eventually brings up the same conversations. "Going in with a possible threat from an unknown source/lifeform." changes up that roleplay and if you fail to adapt to a slightly different scenario in roleplay then DO NOT roleplay anymore, cause you fail at the concept of roleplay.

My rant is done.

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Byond: Scrat505

Re: Faith 'Dragon' Weeter's Commander App

Post by Scrat505 » 07 Jun 2017, 00:00

Not liking the responses here. You are pretty adamant in response of a briefing that's pretty metagame - the Marines do not know a thing about what's happened besides that a beacon was sent. Doubling down on this doesn't put you in the greatest spot, nor your response to criticism being to try and turn around and go "no u".


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Byond: TehSpoderman

Re: Faith 'Dragon' Weeter's Commander App

Post by TehSpoderman » 07 Jun 2017, 00:09

DarkSpetznaz wrote:I think you're blowing this a little out of proportion for one, Also roleplay is NEVER meant to be set in stone, that's why it's called roleplay! If every story was the same damn thing then it wouldn't be very fun would it? But fine, whatever give me a negetive, your opinion is your own, I was built on the fact that roleplay isn't meant to be the same thing over and over again, each story is different, yes there may be guidelines to go by to set a core setup of gameplay, but I did NOT metagame stating that info, I just made up a different story for players to wrap their mind around.

And honestly if you think that way about this then that shows me your own experience with roleplay, so each drop should be the same thing "don't know what we are going into" 50+ times gets boring and eventually brings up the same conversations. "Going in with a possible threat from an unknown source/lifeform." changes up that roleplay and if you fail to adapt to a slightly different scenario in roleplay then DO NOT roleplay anymore, cause you fail at the concept of roleplay.

My rant is done.
this basically secured my -1.
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Byond: DarkSpetznaz

Re: Faith 'Dragon' Weeter's Commander App

Post by DarkSpetznaz » 07 Jun 2017, 00:13

Scrat505 wrote:Not liking the responses here. You are pretty adamant in response of a briefing that's pretty metagame - the Marines do not know a thing about what's happened besides that a beacon was sent. Doubling down on this doesn't put you in the greatest spot, nor your response to criticism being to try and turn around and go "no u".

Look, i'm sorry that i'm speaking my mind, i'm not going to bite my lip over something i've known my whole time of roleplay, so you can take it how you like. So okay, I get it the marines aren't supposed to know what they are getting into, and that is how you want it setup, But it's far too late to change what i've already typed, so what do you want from me? I'll roll over and be a good boy if you want, but nothing is going to change what has already been done. I'll just reapply in 30 days if this gets rejected... nothing to cry over really. I'm just being brutally honest, not taking criticism a bad way.

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Re: Faith 'Dragon' Weeter's Commander App

Post by DarkSpetznaz » 07 Jun 2017, 17:41

From how it's looking I wont be getting whitelisted, Fair enough, I guess I don't deserve it but I will reapply in 30 days.

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Byond: TehSpoderman

Re: Faith 'Dragon' Weeter's Commander App

Post by TehSpoderman » 07 Jun 2017, 22:37

DarkSpetznaz wrote:From how it's looking I wont be getting whitelisted, Fair enough, I guess I don't deserve it but I will reapply in 30 days.
when this does get denied, try to be XO so you can get a feel for commander.
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Byond: DarkSpetznaz

Re: Faith 'Dragon' Weeter's Commander App

Post by DarkSpetznaz » 08 Jun 2017, 09:47

TehSpoderman wrote:when this does get denied, try to be XO so you can get a feel for commander.
Well like i said i've been XO a couple of times, i get the gyst of the job and its requirements, I made a fuckup with the example roleplay and didn't understand why it was such a big deal (cause by the server rules apparently I metagamed...) But yeah, guess i need more time in play as XO than i thought.

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Byond: jusa297

Re: Faith 'Dragon' Weeter's Commander App

Post by jusa297 » 08 Jun 2017, 09:53

Sorry for having to give you a -1. The interaction you post had meta written all over, was too short to be informative (since it was brief) and i haven't see you play command ever.
Best interaction with i've had:

I love you papa feweh, god bless.

LostPlayed a round as an Ancient Runner and Ancient Hunter. I still suck at alien though : ^)

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Re: Faith 'Dragon' Weeter's Commander App

Post by DarkSpetznaz » 08 Jun 2017, 11:41

jusa297 wrote:Sorry for having to give you a -1. The interaction you post had meta written all over, was too short to be informative (since it was brief) and i haven't see you play command ever.
It's meh, this app was toasted a while ago
It's a shame though, all that work wasted :/ All cause i wrote up a bogus rp

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Byond: Apophis775

Re: Faith 'Dragon' Weeter's Commander App

Post by apophis775 » 23 Jun 2017, 15:21

Too few votes
Not enough Positive votes
flamecow wrote: "unga dunga me want the attachment" - average marine
