NGGJamie (Leonard) - Synthetic Application

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NGGJamie (Leonard) - Synthetic Application

Post by NGGJamie » 17 Aug 2017, 06:05

Byond ID: NGGJamie

Marine Name (so we know who you are; if you play alien mostly, state that here):
Lenny 'Rabbit' Shaw previously, Lenny 'Harm' Shaw now.

Name/Designation of the Synth Character you’re requesting to use (Follows common naming rules, and requires a first name with no last name):

Are you familiar with the Synthetic Programming and Guidelines (viewtopic.php?f=57&t=14417)?
I've read through it a few times, I have a pretty good idea of what the goals to accomplish are.

1. Combat is an absolute last resort, and only melee-based combat is permissible to preserve self, or others in a dire situation.
2. Synthetics are entirely support-based as a result.
3. They are very durable, able to be repaired from almost anything.
4. Adherence to Marine Law is an absolute must, at all times similar to MPs. Even if ordered, they may not break it.
5. Limited emotional output, effectively only enough to blend in but not hinder their duties. Logic and duties come first.
6. Preserving life and self are of importance, but whatever action results in the highest possible logical gain is the one chosen. If two marines die because the synth saves one, the synth will let the one die to save the two. If the synth destroys itself but saves one or more lives, then the synth will destroy itself as life is a priority, and it may have greater chances of recovery from damage.
7. Synths are capable of understanding all languages, including xenomorphs. However it takes time for them to comprehend the language, and they cannot do so quickly.

Synthetic Character Story (An ADEQUATE description and story of your Synthetics actions and involvement in a previous mission onboard the Almayer):
Note: This story IS long, but it attempts to tell a coherent story albeit with some liberties, that show off what kind of Synth I wish to play.
The Almayer is sent to one of the older colonized planets belonging to Weyland Yutani, where many years prior a group of differently descended colonists seperated from the main colony, and formed a new society. Cut off from the resources of the main colony, they fell into a more tribe-like society, and their foreign language overtook English within a few generations with no English speakers remaining at the time of the mission. The USCM was dispatched to the colony due to the tribals attacking civilians from the main colony, for reasons that the colonists couldn't discern due to the language barrier, and the mission was primarily an attempt to foster peace with force being applied if necessary.

To accomplish this goal, the Almayer's Synth Leonard was sent to the tribal town with a small marine detachment nearby in case things got violent. The marines were ordered to only intervene if Leonard called for them to, for reasons he had explained to the Commander when he was informed of the mission. Upon walking into the village, the villagers picked him out immediately from his different clothing, light skin tone, red hair, and almost square-shaped face. He stood only slightly taller than most of them and was of average looking weight for a man. Leonard's sensors picked up on a number of things upon walking in.

Society: Primitive, modern technology does not seem to be present.
Religion: Unknown, based heavily on symbols. High likelihood of deity worship, possibly a deviation of an old religion called Paganism.
Threat: Minimal
Miscellanious: Many villagers are showing signs of illness, possible viral infection present in community.

A few of the male villagers approached him and started attempting to communicate with him, showing obvious aggression. His databases contained information pertaining to language they spoke, a mix of an African language and Portuguese. Some words were not easily recognizable, but he quickly noted that many of their nouns were Portuguese, while the rest of the language was an even mix of the two. He responded with a kind greeting in their language and a smile, but the leader among those that approached stabbed a spear into Leonard's abdomen after a brief moment of being dumbfounded.

Damage: Insignificant
Recommended Action: Feign pain, attempt to hide wound.
Result of Incorrect Action: Locals mistake me for a demon, or other evil deity breaking down negotiation possibility.

Leonard doubles over slightly, covering the wound with some cloth, and explains that if they wish to cure the disease plaguing their village, he would be capable of curing it. The men glanced at each other and discussed something beyond Leonard's sound sensors. One of the men brought another male over, who was ill. They did not appear to be happy with the arrangement but their desperation ultimately took over. Leonard waved a health scanner over the man, which revealed that simple modern antibiotics could cure the infection without need for further medical intervention. Leonard allowed his facial servos to relax more, giving the man a warm look. He assured him that he would be cured fully within a day or two. He radioed back to the Almayer that he would need spaceacillin and helped ease the man he was dealing with as much as he could, while providing friendly conversation until the supplies were ready. He slowly and cautiously handed the man a pill, which he now trusted Leonard enough to take, and after an hour of rest his symptoms had lighted up remarkably. Leonard then explained to the villagers that he could give them enough medicine to cure their village if they agreed to stop attacking the colony. The leader of the village relented that medicine was the motivation for the attacks, thus it was provided to them, and the mission was labeled a success with no body count needed to achieve it.

How do you intend to play your Synth (as in, describe HOW you will act/play your Synth and what support roles you’ll mainly focus on, what is your synthetics quirk)?
As the video linked in the Guidelines said at the end, the David unit was able to understand human emotions but not truly feel them. In my quirk I want to capitalize on this aspect of synth behavior, and play a synth who is outwardly sympathetic with chinks in his quirk that show the underlying coldness of a machine. These aren't intended to be evident, which would undercut WY's programming ability, but rather they would be subtle for people who pay attention to wording, or specific actions. The line of thinking going that a machine can understand emotions, but not fully emulate them without feeling them.

In order to take full advantage of this trait, I would prospectively be majorly playing Medical roles, with other roles being in terms of what is immediately needed at the time. Due to a frequent lack of SO players in my timezone, I could see Leonard filling that role fairly often.

How familiar are you with support roles? (ie; Medical, MT, Science, SO)
Medical: I mainly played Medical roles for the first month or so of my being in the community, very familiar.
Maintenance Tech: I put in a decent amount of MT rounds since it's easy to pop away for moderation duties if need be. I'm well antiquated with playing the role well but may be rusty on more obscure areas of ship maintenance. I've never had a round where something actually gave me any trouble though.
Science: I've never actually played researcher, but I know plenty to wing the role. My time playing Doctor had me in close proximity to Researchers quite often.
Staff Officer: I would consider myself to be a good staff officer. I don't play the role often due to my dead-hour timezone unless there is at least an XO on, but I communicate frequently and try to meet my squad(s) needs as I can.
Pilot Officer: I've only played PO once, but I understand it well. I already knew how the role worked, but I previously wasn't antiquated with their interfaces on the ship. I am now as it's pretty simple.
Cargo Tech: Placing this here for completeness since I've listed every other support role, but I can do well as Cargo Tech and have ran Cargo on a few occasions alone just fine.

The short of it is, support roles have always been my bread and butter. Since I became staff I've been placing myself in less critical roles to be able to perform those duties more effectively. With more staff becoming available in the dead-zone, this is becoming less of a problem.

Why should we whitelist you?
I'll split this up into a few catagories.
Behavior: As long as I have been a member of this community I have never been noted for a rule violation or banned. As my memory serves, I've never needed to be PMed by a staff member as the result of me personally breaking a rule, either.

Marine Law Understanding: I regularly played MP almost every round for about 2-3 weeks and had no trouble enforcing Marine Law or adhering to it. I have never been arrested in-game for a violation of Marine Law.

Support Role Understanding: I have overall played a lot more support, or combat/support(medic/engi) roles than I have pure combat roles in my time here. I like to think that support is my bread and butter because I like the interactions that can occur from them. My favorites over time especially being Doctor and MT.

Roleplay: I will acknowledge that many people might not know me on an IC level, I generally do not try to put a spotlight on myself in-game and am content with being on the sidelines. That said, while I don't try to be super memorable by doing a great many memorable things, I try to have very real, meaningful interactions with the people I do encounter. I roleplay out of a love for writing, I like to RP because it gives my brain a workout in saying "What would this character do if this happened?" without me coming up with scenarios I already know the answer to. I think this sort of playstyle actually gives me benefit when playing a synthetic, because playing synthetic means putting to the wayside a lot of those crazy quirks other characters have, and giving this logical thinking machine a mellowed down quirk that isn't far from what I already do.

Have you been banned from CM in the last month for any reason (we will check, and lies may result in immediate denial)?

Are you currently banned from any other servers and if so, why?
Negative, never have been.

Do you understand that any player - donor or otherwise - can have their whitelist status revoked should they break our rules or the Synthetic Programming Guideline?
Yes, I understand.
Synthetic Application-Leonard [Accepted] - Predator Application-Thei-De Na'Tauk [Accepted]

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Mentor: 06/28/2017 - 08/07/2017 / Trial Moderator 08/07/2017 - 08/25/17 / Moderator 08/25/17 - 10/11/17 / Trial Admin 10/11/17 - 10/30/17 / Senior Mentor 10/30/17 - 03/15/18 / Mod Manager 03/15/18 - 07/08/18 / Coder 07/08/18 - 07/27/18 / Host 07/27/18 - Present

I run Linux on all of my machines and actively reject Windows. I have some cool dotfiles up on Github for configuring some of my favorite stuff.

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Byond: Sargash

Re: NGGJamie (Leonard) - Synthetic Application

Post by Sargash » 17 Aug 2017, 06:12

I'd +1 it. If at the very least because it looks pretty. But also because I can clearly see the desire for role play here.

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Re: NGGJamie (Leonard) - Synthetic Application

Post by James5734 » 17 Aug 2017, 06:34

+1 Amazing application, you seem pretty active on the forums
"And your name is badluck, lol"- runner who captured me after I spawned behind the hive

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Byond: driecg36

Re: NGGJamie (Leonard) - Synthetic Application

Post by driecg36 » 17 Aug 2017, 06:44

The app is very solid, and Jamie is a very good player OOCly, and he obviously has the right attitude for a role like synth. Solid +1 from me.
Some guy.


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Re: NGGJamie (Leonard) - Synthetic Application

Post by coroneljones » 17 Aug 2017, 10:14

+1, the app looks pretty good
I am Crornel Jrones, grorious admin of Coronial Mahreens. U ar arr nast Trorr and will be ding dong bannu. U critizize Xenos? Ding dong Bannu. U no rike grorious adminnu? Ding dong Bannu. U comrpain about Marine nerfs? Dingdong bannu. U comprain about grorrious adminnu? O yoo betta bereev dat's a bannu. It has come to my Grorrious attention dat nasty trorr has been imidatingu me on serveru, dis is a shamfrul dispray and unacceptaboo so dey ding dong bannu. End of Rine -----------------Rine ends here.'
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Re: NGGJamie (Leonard) - Synthetic Application

Post by Infant Punter » 17 Aug 2017, 10:46

this app is one of the few that didn't make me cringe, and one of the even mightier few that i read all the way through and enjoyed

get this man his whitelist, +1
bring it nerd

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Re: NGGJamie (Leonard) - Synthetic Application

Post by CrimsonAerospace » 17 Aug 2017, 12:05

An absolutely beautiful whitelist, I'll have to come back tot his one for tips later. It's laid out in a manner that's easy and enjoyable to read, the story is good and the player seems very capable of RP.

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Re: NGGJamie (Leonard) - Synthetic Application

Post by KeyWii » 17 Aug 2017, 14:17

Best Application out of the bunch, easily a +1

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Re: NGGJamie (Leonard) - Synthetic Application

Post by slc97 » 17 Aug 2017, 14:20

I'm not gonna gargle your balls like the rest of these comments, but I'll give ya a +1

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Re: NGGJamie (Leonard) - Synthetic Application

Post by Bronimin » 17 Aug 2017, 14:53

Fuck you for setting so high of a bar, I'll never get whitelisted. Great app, +1

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Re: NGGJamie (Leonard) - Synthetic Application

Post by Butterrobber202 » 17 Aug 2017, 15:06

Bronimin wrote:Fuck you for setting so high of a bar, I'll never get whitelisted. Great app, +1
Same feeling as displayed, +1
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Re: NGGJamie (Leonard) - Synthetic Application

Post by Chuckachu » 17 Aug 2017, 18:34

I also agree this is a well done app. Add that little ADEQUATE description and you are a superstar.
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Byond: NGGJamie

Re: NGGJamie (Leonard) - Synthetic Application

Post by NGGJamie » 17 Aug 2017, 18:43

Chuckachu wrote:I also agree this is a well done app. Add that little ADEQUATE description and you are a superstar.
It's already there, unless you're not considering this to be adequate.
Upon walking into the village, the villagers picked him out immediately from his different clothing, light skin tone, red hair, and almost square-shaped face. He stood only slightly taller than most of them and was of average looking weight for a man. Leonard's sensors picked up on a number of things upon walking in.
Synthetic Application-Leonard [Accepted] - Predator Application-Thei-De Na'Tauk [Accepted]

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Mentor: 06/28/2017 - 08/07/2017 / Trial Moderator 08/07/2017 - 08/25/17 / Moderator 08/25/17 - 10/11/17 / Trial Admin 10/11/17 - 10/30/17 / Senior Mentor 10/30/17 - 03/15/18 / Mod Manager 03/15/18 - 07/08/18 / Coder 07/08/18 - 07/27/18 / Host 07/27/18 - Present

I run Linux on all of my machines and actively reject Windows. I have some cool dotfiles up on Github for configuring some of my favorite stuff.

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Re: NGGJamie (Leonard) - Synthetic Application

Post by Chuckachu » 17 Aug 2017, 18:45

NGGJamie wrote:It's already there, unless you're not considering this to be adequate.

Ah. Didn't notice it. Good eyes.
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Re: NGGJamie (Leonard) - Synthetic Application

Post by TexasTwoStep » 19 Aug 2017, 20:43

+1, Playing like a criminal who just lost Plan A is a damn-good way to stay-alive, and to support your factual-basis that I hope you'll provide.

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Re: NGGJamie (Leonard) - Synthetic Application

Post by NescauComToddy » 19 Aug 2017, 23:35

Personally, I don't like sucking other people's dicks, but your application is actually very, very good.


Good luck.

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Byond: Feweh

Re: NGGJamie (Leonard) - Synthetic Application

Post by Feweh » 26 Aug 2017, 14:52


Ensure you set your Synth name on character Set-Up and be aware they use the default look you have set up for marine.
