Stronger Enforcement for XENO RP

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Byond: Feweh

Stronger Enforcement for XENO RP

Post by Feweh » 13 Sep 2017, 12:44

In the last couple of months XENO RP has gone bellow acceptable levels, to the point it can't even be considered LOW RP.

For the following months, will be enforcing stronger standards on Xenos.

The rule is as follows.

Act like a Xenomorph - You are not a pet or best friends with the marines. Talk like one. It is fine to use words like "medbay" and "shuttle". You can also replace "shuttle" with "metal bird" if you wish. Hivemind is the English translation of a Xeno's thoughts. However, keep it formal and realistic. An occasional meme is fine, but spouting memes constantly or disrupting others with them is not allowed and you will be warned.

We will allow the occasional funny MEME and joke, but constantly speaking OOC or spouting stupidity in IC will result in an INSTANT 3HOUR BAN, with no warning.

The idea is to return XENO IC to an acceptable LOW RP level, rather than what it currently is... OOC central.

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Joined: 24 Feb 2015, 19:34
Byond: Feweh

Re: Stronger Enforcement for XENO RP

Post by Feweh » 16 Sep 2017, 12:29

UPDATE: You will receive a single warning for xeno memeing, followed by an insta 3hour ban if you continue.

This should clarify some confusion.
