[Rules] [WO] Policy

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[Rules] [WO] Policy

Post by Swagile » 25 Jan 2017, 02:13

Summary (a quick, 2-3 sentence summary): A separate section in the rules for WO. That, or a WO tag. This will help new players that break a rule that doesn't apply to standard CM maps, such as going SSD (since late joining and cryo pods to free up slots are a thing in normal CM, but not in WO).

Benefits (How this will benefit the server and game as a whole): A hotfix to certain things you can do in normal CM, but not in WO, due to (I still thinks bad) game design.

Details (Description of how you think this would work, the benefits, etc): Separate WO section for rules on it, or wedge it into the normal rules but with a [WO] tag.

Implementation (Optional, if you have an idea how to implement it): Read above. Administration only, maybe developers later when they fix this stuff via coding.

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Re: [Rules] [WO] Policy

Post by Nightcaper » 25 Jan 2017, 03:06

Seems sensible, WO is getting more popular and will probably need some of its own rules as it goes anyways. +1

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Re: [Rules] [WO] Policy

Post by UnknownMurder » 25 Jan 2017, 09:06


People has already been warned not to build personal mini bases and wasted resources which is not listed in the rules.

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Re: [Rules] [WO] Policy

Post by Artouris » 25 Jan 2017, 12:13

What rules exactly?

There's nothing wrong with going SSD except for two roles which literally have a pop up message that says if you do go SSD you'll be banned.

Also making personal forts is equally silly because this is a team based survival game mode where your suppose to work with your team because if you start hiding by yourself not In the outpost by hogging all the materials it's akin to stealing, etc.

I mean if you don't post any rules to go along I personally sure as hell don't know what rules should be add or what "bad game design" is.

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Byond: Swagile

Re: [Rules] [WO] Policy

Post by Swagile » 25 Jan 2017, 13:24

Do combat engis and medical roles (doctor AND combat medic) give pop ups on WO that leaving = banned without ahelping? Is that the same with the SL as well?

Combat Engi is EXTREMELY important in WO due to turrets and fortifications. Combat medic even more so due to FF being huge in WO as well as first respondors. I think doctor is covered by a pop up, but im not sure, however they are just as important due to inevitable broken bones and all sorts of other issues.

Ground Command (SL) is just as important if not even more so in WO due to supply beacons, designators, and general command. I dare to say that BO's are less important than SL's in WO compared to normal CM where they can supply drop and OB, while in WO they do none of this.

That is my major concerns, and since these jobs CANNOT be replaced due to a lack of cryo and late joins (thats the bad game design im talking about) then either make it a rule or give them all pop ups if they decide to leave.

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Re: [Rules] [WO] Policy

Post by Artouris » 25 Jan 2017, 14:06

Swagile wrote:Do combat engis and medical roles (doctor AND combat medic) give pop ups on WO that leaving = banned without ahelping? Is that the same with the SL as well?

Combat Engi is EXTREMELY important in WO due to turrets and fortifications. Combat medic even more so due to FF being huge in WO as well as first respondors. I think doctor is covered by a pop up, but im not sure, however they are just as important due to inevitable broken bones and all sorts of other issues.

Ground Command (SL) is just as important if not even more so in WO due to supply beacons, designators, and general command. I dare to say that BO's are less important than SL's in WO compared to normal CM where they can supply drop and OB, while in WO they do none of this.

That is my major concerns, and since these jobs CANNOT be replaced due to a lack of cryo and late joins (thats the bad game design im talking about) then either make it a rule or give them all pop ups if they decide to leave.
These are NON-CRITICAL roles. You can still beat WO without engineers or combat medics. The only CRITICAL roles to win are Ground Commander and the Doctors. If you don't have any medics, then take them to the doctor. If you don't have a SL, wait for a resupply drop to come in at the outpost which drops ABS beacons. If you don't have a engineer, use whats already there. There is no late join or cryo because this is ment to be a survival game. If they SSD, loot what you can use and distribute their shit to anyone else who was in their role. There are no BOs in WO. They don't exist, Honor Guard/Outpost Guard is a MP based role, its their job to make sure the outpost is defended and if they want to supply the frontlines with additional supplies from the supply drops. There are also Specialized Outpost Engineers who exist as well to help lessen the load of actual engineers (and act as back up if no one does go combat engi) which is based on your MT role.

SLs are also unnecessary to continue to exist, since as a standard you can use ABS beacons, its just a beacon. You loot your SL and take whats useful and move on. Theres nothing against taking their stuff if they're SSD (other than ID to prevent confusion). The only thing is you can only do what your job can do.

Finally doctors are literally given a immensely overpowered tool for healing people, the Med-Pod. Which has been buffed due to some timer issues earlier. If you bring someone in critical injuries chances are they'll only take 3 minutes to treat and fix literally EVERYTHING.

So I won't be adding a pop up to the non-critical roles of Combat Engi, Field Medic, or SLs. You can still win WO without them, if they go SSD(with a reasonable amount of time however), just take their stuff and learn to coordinate without them, not to mention they have literally backups in other choose able roles.

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Re: [Rules] [WO] Policy

Post by Sarah_U. » 25 Jan 2017, 23:07

I'd like to refute Art, but I'll stick to the post: NEUTRAL, it's not necessary and would only cause administrative work for what could be explained in-game through OOC or experience. Reason can lead you pretty much anywhere past that.
CM was obviously inspired by Starcraft: Ghost opening. At least when marines takes too long to deploy.
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