New Castes Discussion Thread

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Re: New Castes Discussion Thread

Post by Casany » 31 May 2018, 13:54

ghost120 wrote:
31 May 2018, 02:34
Well, you can always ahelp about this, really. It's then warrior's problem to talk with staff, as simple as that.
But what if they actually used their fling ability? Marines can’t tell which is used because they do the same thing so either you ahelp every throw or none. That’s the problem here
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Re: New Castes Discussion Thread

Post by TheDonkified » 31 May 2018, 15:37

Casany wrote:
31 May 2018, 13:54
But what if they actually used their fling ability? Marines can’t tell which is used because they do the same thing so either you ahelp every throw or none. That’s the problem here
Fling = throwing someone in direction that marine is relative to warrior. Throw-grab = Throw in any direction, which may not follow these rules for fling. In a situation where a warrior throws a marine, it's evident whether they used fling/grab throw unless warrior grabbed and threw in the direction that follows guidelines for fling.

However, only real issue is proving if throw was used, since I don't think that is logged for warrior.
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Re: New Castes Discussion Thread

Post by Rohesie » 31 May 2018, 16:24

ghost120 wrote:
31 May 2018, 02:34
Well, you can always ahelp about this, really. It's then warrior's problem to talk with staff, as simple as that.
I ahelped about it and it got auto-closed as nonsensical by Kavlo. Doesn't seem to be an issue.
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Re: New Castes Discussion Thread

Post by ghost120 » 31 May 2018, 16:27

IMVader wrote:
31 May 2018, 16:24
I ahelped about it and it got auto-closed as nonsensical by Kavlo. Doesn't seem to be an issue.
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Re: New Castes Discussion Thread

Post by xXen0zS1ay3rXx » 31 May 2018, 20:10

caleeb101 wrote:
31 May 2018, 04:54
One thing I just noticed is that the warrior also makes you drop your damn weapon when it grabs you. So if you get captured, you're cucked.
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Re: New Castes Discussion Thread

Post by Casany » 31 May 2018, 20:46

xXen0zS1ay3rXx wrote:
31 May 2018, 20:10
Mag harnesses are the 1 attachment you should always take
Actual good advice from my main man slayer

Also, unless the wiki changelog hasn’t been updated I think it’s odd that even with all these complaints people are having and all the suggestions the devs have yet to fix it. Please devs, you can say your working all you want but come on, couldn’t you at least just remove the warrior grab for now? They’d still be godly without it but just remove the grab and tail sweep until you can find a fix. It wouldn’t be that hard, really.

Honestly I’m getting tired of devs saying their working and no proof coming out that things are gonna change. I have no reason to think the devs will do anything to nerf defenders or warriors.

If the changelog has changed recently and the wiki just isn’t updated disregard or tell me I’m a nerd with the big gay.
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Re: New Castes Discussion Thread

Post by misto » 31 May 2018, 20:47

abilities other than lowering and raising your crest dont seem to see a lot of use by defenders. maybe an occasional tail sweep.

well, im sure youve heard enough complaints about warrior lunge paralysis and related mischief. but it really is quite unpleasant. this moveset, although creative, may need to be swapped for something else rather than trying to salvage something so flawed.

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Re: New Castes Discussion Thread

Post by BadApple » 31 May 2018, 20:53

Tailsweep is great. I love it, some stun and you fling marines around, sometimes into danger.

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Re: New Castes Discussion Thread

Post by Casany » 31 May 2018, 20:56

Honestly defenders just need a flat stat nerf. The abilities are fine, though the crest thing also needs a bit of an armor nerf because why use crushers when you can have defenders soaking bullets.

But their abilities aren’t actually that bad. Just their stats, like armor, HP, and plasma.
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Re: New Castes Discussion Thread

Post by OatzAndHoes » 31 May 2018, 21:02

I've played every xeno caste now since the update, as well as thrown in a few marine rounds to gain some perspective

Drones/hivelords: Roles largely unchanged by the new balance

Carriers: Relatively less important now that there are a lot more xeno players and rounds are much shorter, infecting isn't as high a priority

Runners: Largely useless and only used as a stepping stone to later castes now. Warriors on frenzy are competitive with runners speed-wise while not being made of glass rendering runners largely useless.

Lurkers: Bigger and bulkier than hunters, making stealth much more difficult while receiving no buffs from the update. Pounce is honestly a weaker version of the warrior lunge because warriors can use grabbed marines as human shields. Invisibility isn't effective on any surfaces outside of grass, and is way more visible than the old hunter stealth sprites. There really is no point to using this caste anymore unless you're going for rav.

Rav: Still big and mean. Still fun to chop limbs off.

Defender: Stands well on its own, and outside of drone is the only t1 that people seem to still willingly choose to not evolve from due to it being near idiot-proof. Kind of boring to use due to there being no real risk in playing defender.

Warrior: Like a lurker but better in almost every way. Grabs will cause marines to lose their minds in dchat/LOOC due to their buggy nature. Punches are also seriously underrated and can deliver near rav-tier damage. All in all the most powerful T2 by FAR. It really needs a nerf or other castes need a buff so we start seeing balanced hives again.

Prae: Is now by far the best T3. While 1 crusher or a boiler are still necessary for most sieges, this motherfucker can solo entire groups of marines with nothing but weeds. I've solo'd groups of 5 marines while young with this bad boy and lived.

Crusher: Not super necessary with the advent of defenders, although you'll want 1 for sieges in lategame, but that can just be drawn from one of the thousands of warriors.

Sentinel: Still necessary, but a lot of old support tree players are going combat tree now with hopes of getting prae. Definitely overshadowed by the new castes.

Spitter: Same as the sentinels.

Boiler: Still necessary and probably the second best t3 right now after prae.

All in all, all the old castes have been overshadowed by the power creep of the new castes. This ends up being a problem in a lot of games where they add new features. The combat caste is way too much of a jack of all trades, and a hive could probably easily win if it consisted of a few drones and the entire rest of the hive being combat caste. A nerf is badly needed. Here's a list of suggestions:

-remove defender and warriors ability to crawl through vents. They are supposed to be huge hulking xenos based off of the sprites. This will give people a reason to start picking lurker and runner again while giving survivors a little more of a chance to actually survive.

-get rid of warrior lunge. It's again rendered other castes such as hunter and runner useless by being a better version of their main ability

-Shrink runner and lurker sprites. The old sprites were actually designed with various tiles in mind back when we had the old tile sprites. It blended very well with a lot of tiles and was all in all an extremely stealthy caste. The new lurkers are XBOXHUEG and barely blend in with anything, even when cloaked.

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Re: New Castes Discussion Thread

Post by spookydonut » 31 May 2018, 21:32

Steelpoint wrote:
30 May 2018, 11:20
Certain stuns might be less of an issue if you could still 'crawl' while in the stunned phase.
Pls no, not the crawl memes

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Re: New Castes Discussion Thread

Post by Steelpoint » 01 Jun 2018, 11:04

spookydonut wrote:
31 May 2018, 21:32
Pls no, not the crawl memes
I don't think it is unfair to consider it. Several other servers offer that feature in relation to their stun/knockdown systems as a way to lessen the major effects of being incapacitated in that regard. I'm also suggesting the possibility of Xenomorphs have a similar 'crawl' system in addition, or unique too.

Maybe it is not a viable system for CM, but I think it could offer a interesting gameplay change.
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Re: New Castes Discussion Thread

Post by RobBrown4PM » 01 Jun 2018, 14:08

I'd be in favor of seeing Defenders and Warriors losing the ability to crawl through vents. Also, I'd like to see some love given to the crusher, as the Defender has replaced it in almost every way.

The warrior's throw should also be nerfed, imo, but other than that I think we're sitting pretty balance wise.
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Re: New Castes Discussion Thread

Post by spookydonut » 01 Jun 2018, 14:16

Crawling was trialed and was a huge meme.

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Re: New Castes Discussion Thread

Post by CSolaris » 01 Jun 2018, 22:26

+1 for warriors and defenders losing the ability to vent crawl. Also, I’d like to say that I’m actually very happy with where the praetorian is currently. Pre - update prae was a bore to play as, I’ll admit as someone who almost always went prae, being a pheromone beacon was more or less your only use because most of the time you weren’t at a high enough upgrade to machine gun spam your spit - and you were still pretty squishy without a decent means to protect yourself since you branched off from the sentinel / spitter line. Now, I can support fellow Xenos and still be able to defend myself with the shotgun cone spray and increased durability.
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Re: New Castes Discussion Thread

Post by Renomaki » 01 Jun 2018, 22:52

Now that I think about it, why is a frontline fighter just as good at ambushing via the vents compared to the ACTUAL AMBUSHERS?

I too agree that they should lose their ability to use vents, if only to reinforce their role as frontline fighting castes who use their brawn more than their brains. They are big, hit like a truck and eat lead for breakfast.

Meanwhile, Runners and Lurkers should promote more observant, tactical styles of play, with lots of hiding and ambushing, and of course utilizing the vents to the fullest to spy on marines and prepare ambushes.
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Re: New Castes Discussion Thread

Post by Tony Lotrick » 01 Jun 2018, 23:16

Crawl your way to victory. Does anyone sees warriors throwing marines into the hangar PIT? Its demands sacrifices. Bring USCM nuggets to the PIT!
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Re: New Castes Discussion Thread

Post by HellTrooper » 02 Jun 2018, 10:08

Whoever came up with the warrior grab should be summary execuited,I just played 5 rounds in a row where I got killed by grab>throw>stun>grab>throw, across the map and then had my legs removed in their hive just in case i weren't salty enough.
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Re: New Castes Discussion Thread

Post by Rohesie » 02 Jun 2018, 14:11

If CM was a democracy and we were holding elections the Devil himself could be elected if he only promised to remove warrior grab. It's the single most hated feature in the game. Deadchat and OOC salt about it every single round without exceptions.
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Re: New Castes Discussion Thread

Post by Nyeshivuu » 02 Jun 2018, 18:00

They RUINED the hunter, it was my favorite caste but now it sucks at stealth. Devs need to fix it.
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Re: New Castes Discussion Thread

Post by TheMusician321 » 03 Jun 2018, 01:08

IMVader wrote:
02 Jun 2018, 14:11
Deadchat and OOC salt about it every single round without exceptions.
very justified salt too, I've seen single warriors ambush 3-4 people and would stun lock them while throwing them back to the hive or just killing them outright, not even groups are safe from warriors.
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Re: New Castes Discussion Thread

Post by spookydonut » 03 Jun 2018, 02:06


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Re: New Castes Discussion Thread

Post by Meatshield » 04 Jun 2018, 07:06

I think a lot of people need to calm the fuck down. The warrior changes were good.

There are some issues I'd personally like seeing fixed - namely, something to help Marines to "finish off" xeno when they get the upper hand. Right now, if marines are close to winning, the game can drag on for hours with the marines losing squaddies one by one to a completely new hive. But I am not sure how this can be fixed without the game turning into "kill the queen". I wouldn't complain about devs here though, they nerfed the warrior as per the community wishes. Stun + grab + fling does not exist anymore. If you think something is needed to improve the game, suggest it, get others to support it and I reckon there's a good chance it would be implemented.

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