'The Observer' - Roleplay Exclusive Yautja Discussion

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'The Observer' - Roleplay Exclusive Yautja Discussion

Post by GoliathTheDespoiler » 03 Sep 2018, 01:26

So as of my last few rounds as predator, I've been mixing things up by trying a different sort of playstyle to the default hunters.

I've been turning my predator, R'ka, from an angry anti-xeno biased Yautjan trapper, to a more '''''pacifist'''' neutral observation role. I've spent rounds usually observing quietly from some corner near the marine's frontlines, making the occasional clicking and such to remind them that I'm still there, just watching.

As some others can attest, I've also been rather notorious for literally standing next to marines to watch them fight. As both an amusing way to highlight the fact that people are so scared of predators they can stand wherever they want and NOT get shot, and as a great way to quickly (and rather riskily) promote roleplay for frontline marine roles. As well as this, I've also performed 'trader' roles, such as being a butcher that provides meat and hides to marines in exchange for information about human culture or items of interest (weapons, tools, etc.) and I've seen alot of OOC/Dchat feedback saying that people enjoy interacting with these.

Some other 'events' I've tried to host include little note 'riddles' that I dot around some maps, usually with one leading to another in a sequential order, and a prize at request or a duel at the end.

So I'm wondering; what does everyone consider of this playstyle? Do you enjoy having a predator that's passive and more focused on roleplay? Or do you prefer the more hostile and challenging ones?

Personally, after my most recent report, I've been rather scared to return to the normal hunting patterns predators typically perform, as that is what results in the most OOC rage, frustration, and, eventually, reports. And me being a filthy RP nut, I adore having the opportunity to roleplay more actively with marines in a way that doesn't involve just cloaking, 8roaring, then whipping the shit out of them.
Commander Joseph 'Goliath' Clancy, occaisonal Charlie SL. Widowed father of three. Sufferer of PTSD and extremely Australian.
Corpswoman Judith 'Mèrci' Clancy, quiet, caring daughter looking out for her siblings.
Warrant Officer Emile Clancy, Strict ex-police chief, now a tired CMP.
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'R'ka Us'Tribi' Serpent Trapper, hateful predator.

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Re: 'The Observer' - Roleplay Exclusive Yautja Discussion

Post by ThePiachu » 03 Sep 2018, 05:37

I somehow feel some players have been coddled a bit when it comes to preds. "Just ignore them and they won't start a fuss" seems to be the modus operandi in most cases.

Observing a predator that's just sneaking about and observing the fight is also a bit meh, but that might be my personal taste. It seems to reinforce the above.

I'd honestly like to see predators influence the round more, not less. The first few times I encountered a predator as a xeno, it changed how I played that round. I played more carefully, less wandering around aimlessly, less doing things by myself. But over time I learned that most preds would not pursue you anyway, so now it doesn't affect my games as much. I am yet to be killed by a predator, and I am yet to see predators be a major influence when I play a Marine.
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Re: 'The Observer' - Roleplay Exclusive Yautja Discussion

Post by Build_R_ » 03 Sep 2018, 06:18

The observation is interesting and makes people aware of the predator's presence but it doesn't really contribute anything to the round, it's just some *roars and blurs you have noted in the back of your mind while you're killing xenos.

I'd really prefer to see some new gimmicks from predators or at least something aside from the usual run after a target, wristblade them repeatedly and kill anyone who interferes. I'm sure there's little to no methods of playing predator that are unique anymore but it would be nice to see something unusual from a predator.
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Re: 'The Observer' - Roleplay Exclusive Yautja Discussion

Post by Steelpoint » 03 Sep 2018, 09:00

Predators are just 'present' when they are in the round.

Akin to throwing a castrated Wizard into a round. They fuck around in the background, click between themselves as they spout at how pathetic the oomies are while waiting to kill something.

I feel Predators might be more interesting if there was a game mode focused on their inclusion, but that is not viable at all since the role is whitelisted so you have no guarantee there will be anyone around to play em. I've seen Predator rounds where no Predator spawns, either there are no whitelisted players on, those who are on don't want to play or they are already playing as a Marine/Xeno.

In fact, I still believe the whole Predator concept is only half finished and is massively relient more on the whitelisted players ability to 'roleplay' the role to compensate. You spawn in with a vague goal of 'kill them all' with half truths being spurted by former Admins about what you are expected to do. It's gotten to the point where we needed a Player Council of voted in Whitelisted players just to start solving the issue.
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Re: 'The Observer' - Roleplay Exclusive Yautja Discussion

Post by GoliathTheDespoiler » 03 Sep 2018, 09:40

ThePiachu wrote:
03 Sep 2018, 05:37
I somehow feel some players have been coddled a bit when it comes to preds. "Just ignore them and they won't start a fuss" seems to be the modus operandi in most cases.

Observing a predator that's just sneaking about and observing the fight is also a bit meh, but that might be my personal taste. It seems to reinforce the above.

I'd honestly like to see predators influence the round more, not less. The first few times I encountered a predator as a xeno, it changed how I played that round. I played more carefully, less wandering around aimlessly, less doing things by myself. But over time I learned that most preds would not pursue you anyway, so now it doesn't affect my games as much. I am yet to be killed by a predator, and I am yet to see predators be a major influence when I play a Marine.
If there's one thing that will instantly remove that coddling is if preds can hunt already injured prey.

And I'm talking the slightly injured xenos/2 burn damage marines, because preds cannot hunt you unless your health is full. And since everyone is usually kinda injured, they don't have any viable targets.
Commander Joseph 'Goliath' Clancy, occaisonal Charlie SL. Widowed father of three. Sufferer of PTSD and extremely Australian.
Corpswoman Judith 'Mèrci' Clancy, quiet, caring daughter looking out for her siblings.
Warrant Officer Emile Clancy, Strict ex-police chief, now a tired CMP.
Xenomorph Queen 'Pandinus' ruler of the Alpha Hive. "I want more children!"
'R'ka Us'Tribi' Serpent Trapper, hateful predator.

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Re: 'The Observer' - Roleplay Exclusive Yautja Discussion

Post by Renomaki » 03 Sep 2018, 12:13

I like to think of myself as one of the more "social" predators of the party, often using the translator to taunt, snark and comment on events that marines or xenos may experience.

Sure, hunting good game is all nice and dandy, but when you are as picky about who you kill as I am (I tend to have a very small selection of xenos I tend to go after), you got a lot of time to kill in between scouting missions. Plus, marines tend to be more passive towards predators that communicate compared to those that just pop up outta no where and roar at them, and I had quite a few amusing moments from such casual conversations.

Predators are a High RP Role, and with that you are expected to be creative in how you interact with people.
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