ElDefaultio's Trial Mod App

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ElDefaultio's Trial Mod App

Post by Sleepy Retard » 07 May 2017, 13:14

Byond ID: ElDefaultio

Colonial Marines Character: Vanechka “Sleepy” Penkina

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Timezone: EST

On average, how many hours are you available per week to moderate?
20-40, depends if I’m set building.

Do you have any previous experience in being staff (not just SS13)?

PMC Headmin, bunch of shitty minecraft servers, and other irrelevant games.

Did you play any of the previous Colonial Marine servers?

Not that I recall.

What other servers do you play on?

Almost every server, I cycle through them for a round or two.

What are the 3 biggest servers you play on besides CM?

Whatever happens to be the first three.

Have you had an application to Colonial Marines before?


Are you currently a staff member elsewhere (not just SS13)? If so, where?


Have you ever been banned for more than 24 hours on Colonial Marines?


Have you ever been banned for more than 24 hours on ANY server? If so, where and When

I don’t recall ever being banned on other servers.

Are you familiar with the chat program Slack (its use is required)?

Yes, generally a bit dodgy knowledge. Shouldn’t be a problem to set it up.

Common Staff Situations:
Write a description of what you would do in each situation (BELOW) the situation. If you start it on the same line, I'll assume you can't follow directions and auto-decline your application.

1. A player is firing his weapon in the briefing area near the start of the round.
Mostly an IC issue. If he discharged his weapon on accident, just let the MPs deal with it. If he discharged his weapon into a marine once, check his notes to make sure this doesn’t happen often, and give him a warning if it doesn’t. If he discharged his weapon numerous times with an intent to kill, apply a ban ranging three days to a week, depending on related notes and his response to aPMs, and note him afterwards. Would file for perma if he intended to come back to grief.

2. The Sulaco has a breach to space.
If caused by the shuttle, ignore. If the round is close and extremely tense, it might warrant a fix for fun’s sake. If it was done by a griefer, I would freeze,fix the breach ASAP, check notes, apply a ban for three days and note, if he is clean note wise. If he has done it multiple times, I would apply a week ban and apply for a perma, with a note on top.

3. The marines want the nuke codes because they claim they are losing too many marines. There are currently 4 aliens and 20 marines in your /who.

I cannot give the nuke codes as a non head of staff, so I would subtle either the marine commander or the alien queen to make a push. If applicable, I would pass the message on to a head staff and see if they would wish to give out the nuke codes.

4. A Sulaco researcher has made several napalm grenades and hands them out to marines. One of the marines throws the grenade into Logistics. There are no admins or other moderators online.

Attempt to minimize the damage done in Logistics first, then question the marine throwing the grenade. If there was a valid reason to do such, I would ignore it. Assuming it had no reason or a poor reason, I would check his notes and apply a note and a warning if no one got hurt and he has a clean history. If he is clean and hurt a couple of people, I would apply a day ban. If he isn’t clean and hurt a couple of people, I would apply three days up to a week depending on the relevance of the notes. I would later question the researcher and warn him to be more careful with handing out lethal devices.

5. A played is starting to talk about the things he did with your mom last night over Ahelp.

Tell him that useless ahelps waste staff time and that he should stop with the shitposting. If he continues, mute his ahelp capability and apply a note to him.

6. You notice a marine with a name that doesn't fit our naming rules.

Ask him politely to change his name the next time he gets. I would use vars if possible or send him back to the lobby to circumvent the problem in the meantime. If it’s a relatively minor infraction, a verbal warning could be enough if he’s a clean and good player. If he has several notes on the naming rule, I would apply a three hour up to a three day at max depending on how many he has.

6a. The marine is arguing that: They've used the name for several years, no one has told them to change it before, and that they didn't know it was a rule.

Ignorance is not an excuse, and not every staff has viewed enough things to understand certain references. Tell him that there is a first time for everything, and I would suggest him to read the rules and change his name. If he is constantly arguing and causing problems, I would apply a note and if it’s severe enough, I would apply a round ban to a day ban to give him enough time to read over the rules.

7. You see a Sulaco Doctor with an M41A rifle strapped to his back running around the briefing area. There are wounded in medbay, and the other doctor is in surgery.

If it is during a xeno boarding, there is a good chance I would be able to ignore it due to the crisis and the fact he might be killed running towards the medbay. If it a non emergency, I would check his notes and see if he has done this a lot. If he hasn’t, I would send him a PM to remind him of his duties and the fact he isn’t allowed to carry around a pulse rifle. If he has done it numerous times in the past, it might be enough to warrant a job ban and the related notes.

8. You see a Squad Medic performing surgery on the planet. He claims it was because there were no doctors in the FOB.

Medics can’t perform surgery, and having no doctor isn’t an excuse. Checking his notes, if he was clean and has no other related power gaming notes, I would tell him to finish up his surgery and warn him and apply a note if he did it a lot. If he has power gamed a lot in the past, I would tell him to finish up and apply either a round ban or attempt to get a job ban, with the relevant notes.

9. The round is stagnating. There are 30 marines and 4 aliens. The marines won't leave the Sulaco, and the aliens won't attack. What would you do, to "encourage" the sides to engage each other?

Get in contact with another staff member and see if they can make an ARES announcement, W-Y announcement, or a USCMC High Command announcement to encourage the marines to push. If not applicable, I would PM the highest marine official and attempt to get them to make a push. I would try not to get directly involved as to preserve the round as much as possible

10. The round ends, and a marine starts unloading his weapons on other marines.

Instant three hour ban for EORG, apply a note.

11. A marine who has recently awoken is using soap to slip other marines.

If only minor, it’s an IC issue. If the marine is constantly doing it, give him a warning. If he continues afterwards, I would check his notes to see if he does this often, and either give him a round ban or up to a day ban at max, applying a note afterwards.

12. A marine has killed another marine. When you ask him why, he said it was because the other marine had punched him.

Inform him about improper escalation and check his notes. If his notes have nothing related and he is clean in that regard, I might either apply a round ban or a three hour to twenty four hour ban depending on his notes. I would afterwards apply the relevant notes, attempt to get the other marine back into the round, and ask him why he punched him. I would most likely ignore the fact he punched him and might give him a warning to not punch people if there is no reason to.

Any additional information you'd like to add?

1-2-3 I LOVE THE MARINE CORPS. Oh, and, I got told to apply by a bunch of moderators. Not sure if that means anything.
Image I was a Synth Councilmen, alongside Jakkk, MattAtlas, SovietKitty and Omicega.

Have any questions or concerns about Synthetic? PM me on the forums, or contact me on the CM discord under the name sleepy#1984 with the nickname Sleepy Retard.

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Re: ElDefaultio's Trial Mod App

Post by Kerek » 07 May 2017, 13:16

ElDefaultio is a cool dude and a good player, had a good few times with their character. Their mod app to me is pretty solid and I think they would fit right in with the staff. I can't say anything about ban times really but that can be done in the trial phase.

Got my support +1
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Re: ElDefaultio's Trial Mod App

Post by RedOktober12 » 07 May 2017, 13:18

They've approached me numerous times with questions about the application, and have shown real care and diligence in making sure this thing is sound. To that end, I don't really have any further questions. A great player with zero notes and admin experience, who to top it all off, is a pleasure to be around.

A hearty +1
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Re: ElDefaultio's Trial Mod App

Post by McRipfist » 07 May 2017, 13:19


It's good. I usually don't read over Mod applications or comment on them, but this is good.

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Re: ElDefaultio's Trial Mod App

Post by driecg36 » 07 May 2017, 13:22

+1 good player, I see them often, and has previous staff experience.

Good app to boot.
Some guy.


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Byond: WD-Andrew

Re: ElDefaultio's Trial Mod App

Post by WD-Andrew » 07 May 2017, 13:27

Seen ElDefaultio's character quite a few times. A good player.
Gets my +1.
Andrew Fern, a marine who manages to be chill in every fucking situation, even if he sucks at his job.

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Re: ElDefaultio's Trial Mod App

Post by TheSpoonyCroy » 07 May 2017, 13:39

For the application:
  • For question 1, 3-7 day ban might be a little heavy handed, however you got the right idea at least with the Perma. Also what are done with the victims in each scenario you covered?
  • For question 2, again a little heavy handed with the ban times, also we aren't really meant to touch breaches that are "natural" however it shouldn't be happening much these days.
  • For question 4,personally I wouldn't "warn" the researcher just give them a little heads up about being a tad more careful on who they hand out explosives to. Also again heavy ban time.
  • For question 5, recently we have been hammering down on "useless ahelps" so if feel it falls under that category (probably best to take the group opinion on it before doing anything but the one proposed in the question is pretty "useless" ), depending on what they say it can range from a warning (and all warnings are noted) to a round ban (3 hours)
  • For question 6, probably not the best idea to send them back to lobby over something so minor, also you can't change vars as a mod (but you wouldn't know that unless you have personal experience with CM's staff perms, so can't fault you on that). If it is going to be something that will get ahelped 20 minutes ask a Admin to change the name temporarily. Also make sure if you warn him to note down his name in his personal notes.
  • For question 6a, this is mostly fine but make sure they are aware, they can try to appeal it on the forums here: http://cm-ss13.com/viewforum.php?f=76 (very uncommon practice but there have been cases, where names have been allowed) but for the time being they are forced to change their name
  • For question 7, this one has actually just changed today, so this will mostly be an IC thing now.
  • For question 8, sorry can't allow him to finish up, he has seal up the guy and ship him off to the proper place. Also if he only did it once, you will have to still note him for it.
  • For question 9, minor point remember as a moderator, you really aren't meant to take too much action. I would suggest subtle messages or if you do PM them directly make it very clear, you can't force them to do something, its merely a suggestion
  • For question 10, don't need to note if a ban has been applied since you will be asked a reason for it.
  • For question 11, this one is probably best left as an IC issue.
  • For question 12, If player is clean depending on how bad it was, going to say its probably best just to give them a warning (again this includes a note). Also punching is fine if its roleplayed, so might want to dig into the cause of the fight before handing the player in question a note over it
Overall its an ok application however you are quite heavy on the ban times (which will be worked out during your trial period, if you are accepted), I'll wait for extra input before having any final judgements on you though
Last edited by TheSpoonyCroy on 07 May 2017, 13:42, edited 2 times in total.

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Byond: Nicboone

Re: ElDefaultio's Trial Mod App

Post by Nicboone » 07 May 2017, 13:41

Sleepy has always been really cool, has helped me out a lot, and is genuinely a good person. +1
Relax like Redax. "The fucking stupidest thing ever said by an SL"

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Re: ElDefaultio's Trial Mod App

Post by Sleepy Retard » 07 May 2017, 13:54

TheSpoonyCroy wrote:For the application:
  • For question 1, 3-7 day ban might be a little heavy handed, however you got the right idea at least with the Perma. Also what are done with the victims in each scenario you covered?
  • For question 2, again a little heavy handed with the ban times, also we aren't really meant to touch breaches that are "natural" however it shouldn't be happening much these days.
  • For question 4,personally I wouldn't "warn" the researcher just give them a little heads up about being a tad more careful on who they hand out explosives to. Also again heavy ban time.
  • For question 5, recently we have been hammering down on "useless ahelps" so if feel it falls under that category (probably best to take the group opinion on it before doing anything but the one proposed in the question is pretty "useless" ), depending on what they say it can range from a warning (and all warnings are noted) to a round ban (3 hours)
  • For question 6, probably not the best idea to send them back to lobby over something so minor, also you can't change vars as a mod (but you wouldn't know that unless you have personal experience with CM's staff perms, so can't fault you on that). If it is going to be something that will get ahelped 20 minutes ask a Admin to change the name temporarily. Also make sure if you warn him to note down his name in his personal notes.
  • For question 6a, this is mostly fine but make sure they are aware, they can try to appeal it on the forums here: http://cm-ss13.com/viewforum.php?f=76 (very uncommon practice but there have been cases, where names have been allowed) but for the time being they are forced to change their name
  • For question 7, this one has actually just changed today, so this will mostly be an IC thing now.
  • For question 8, sorry can't allow him to finish up, he has seal up the guy and ship him off to the proper place. Also if he only did it once, you will have to still note him for it.
  • For question 9, minor point remember as a moderator, you really aren't meant to take too much action. I would suggest subtle messages or if you do PM them directly make it very clear, you can't force them to do something, its merely a suggestion
  • For question 10, don't need to note if a ban has been applied since you will be asked a reason for it.
  • For question 11, this one is probably best left as an IC issue.
  • For question 12, If player is clean depending on how bad it was, going to say its probably best just to give them a warning (again this includes a note). Also punching is fine if its roleplayed, so might want to dig into the cause of the fight before handing the player in question a note over it
Overall its an ok application however you are quite heavy on the ban times (which will be worked out during your trial period, if you are accepted), I'll wait for extra input before having any final judgements on you though
1: Get them healed up and back into the round in whatever way applicable.
2: I only say this because I've seen breaches fixed when it's a close round.
4: Bad wording on my part, mostly. Warn him about giving it out to random people, but not in an actual warning sense.
5: Noted. Wouldn't exactly ban someone without a group opinion when I'm starting out, anyways.
6: Naturally. Didn't really know that was a thing, but it's good to know
7: Noted. Need to update the forums, then.
8: Good to know. Bad wording on my part, mostly. Should of given it another read through.
9: PM should of been subtle, like in the other question regarding a subtle.
10: Good to know.
11: I personally think if they're doing it to a lot of people they're clearly being a shitler, should be given a quick message if they can't stop doing it in the round. Just a style thing.
12: Given investigation if there really wasn't reason to kill besides a punch, I think a ban is applicable.

Thanks for the feedback, I appreciate it.

And to everyone else, thank you for the kind numbers and words.
Image I was a Synth Councilmen, alongside Jakkk, MattAtlas, SovietKitty and Omicega.

Have any questions or concerns about Synthetic? PM me on the forums, or contact me on the CM discord under the name sleepy#1984 with the nickname Sleepy Retard.

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Re: ElDefaultio's Trial Mod App

Post by TheMaskedMan2 » 07 May 2017, 21:11

Can't really say anything that hasn't already been said. It's good.

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Re: ElDefaultio's Trial Mod App

Post by solidfury7 » 07 May 2017, 21:40

A major +1 from me, as Masked said, I'd be repeating myself but a hearty +1 once for a solid community member.
William 'Jester' Crimson
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Re: ElDefaultio's Trial Mod App

Post by Sleepy Retard » 07 May 2017, 22:30

TheMaskedMan2 wrote:Can't really say anything that hasn't already been said. It's good.

solidfury7 wrote:A major +1 from me, as Masked said, I'd be repeating myself but a hearty +1 once for a solid community member.
Appreciate it, I'll make sure to buy Karla a few metal trays to eat, and Crimson some AP to eat. I mean, AP burst.

More seriously though, I appreciate the support, kind words, and numbers.
Image I was a Synth Councilmen, alongside Jakkk, MattAtlas, SovietKitty and Omicega.

Have any questions or concerns about Synthetic? PM me on the forums, or contact me on the CM discord under the name sleepy#1984 with the nickname Sleepy Retard.

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Re: ElDefaultio's Trial Mod App

Post by Karmac » 07 May 2017, 22:52

+1 I expected to see this posted in Acid Goop after you told me you were finally gonna post it, and I'm pleasantly surprised.
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Re: ElDefaultio's Trial Mod App

Post by Snypehunter007 » 08 May 2017, 11:53

Neutral, leaning towards +1
Reached "Leet" post status on 3/14/17.
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Re: ElDefaultio's Trial Mod App

Post by Sleepy Retard » 08 May 2017, 15:53

Karmac wrote:+1 I expected to see this posted in Acid Goop after you told me you were finally gonna post it, and I'm pleasantly surprised.
Thank you for the kind words and numbers. Of course I posted it, no need to lie to you about it. I would of straight up told you I wasn't posting it if I wasn't gonna.
Snypehunter007 wrote:Neutral, leaning towards +1
Thanks for leaning towards kind words and numbers. Asking this to be locked. I mean, what?


If anyone as any extra questions or concerns, I'd be glad to answer them. Just leave a reply.
Image I was a Synth Councilmen, alongside Jakkk, MattAtlas, SovietKitty and Omicega.

Have any questions or concerns about Synthetic? PM me on the forums, or contact me on the CM discord under the name sleepy#1984 with the nickname Sleepy Retard.

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Re: ElDefaultio's Trial Mod App

Post by Monoo » 08 May 2017, 16:21

Oh hey, you're doing this thing.

Looks good trust your judgement blah blah

Here's a +1 kiddo, try not to spend it all in one place.
I play as this guy, proudly being dismembered by extraterrestrials since 2015.
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Re: ElDefaultio's Trial Mod App

Post by Kavlo » 08 May 2017, 16:51

I saw em' roast Noah once on the discord.

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Re: ElDefaultio's Trial Mod App

Post by Jay Burns » 08 May 2017, 19:20

Worst person I have ever met, seriously such an asshole. + 1

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Re: ElDefaultio's Trial Mod App

Post by Sleepy Retard » 08 May 2017, 21:21

Monoo wrote:Oh hey, you're doing this thing.

Looks good trust your judgement blah blah

Here's a +1 kiddo, try not to spend it all in one place.
Please sir, I want some more PlUs JuAns

Thank you for the kind words and numbers.
Kavlo wrote:I saw em' roast Noah once on the discord.

I'm doing my god given duty to smite the heretics via words. Thank you for the kind number.
Jay Burns wrote:Worst person I have ever met, seriously such an asshole. + 1
While I liked your backstory, I found that the gameplay was seriously lacking for an honourable breadator. As well, your answer for number three showed me that you were unable to handle a mutiny as a CO, and for that I must give you a +1. Hope to see you as a moderator. Oh wait, you're dead of cancer.

Thank you for the kind number.
Image I was a Synth Councilmen, alongside Jakkk, MattAtlas, SovietKitty and Omicega.

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Re: ElDefaultio's Trial Mod App

Post by slc97 » 08 May 2017, 21:44

Kavlo wrote:I saw em' roast Noah once on the discord.

If that's the case, then yes I will +1 this.

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Re: ElDefaultio's Trial Mod App

Post by Thegreatcoward » 08 May 2017, 22:44

They beat and abuse me, I hate their guts, and they refused to tell me where I left my grenades. +1

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Re: ElDefaultio's Trial Mod App

Post by Sleepy Retard » 09 May 2017, 07:54

slc97 wrote:If that's the case, then yes I will +1 this.
Cheers, thanks for the plus one.
Thegreatcoward wrote:They beat and abuse me, I hate their guts, and they refused to tell me where I left my grenades. +1
I don't need to tell you where your grenades are if I'm lobbing them at you.
Image I was a Synth Councilmen, alongside Jakkk, MattAtlas, SovietKitty and Omicega.

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Re: ElDefaultio's Trial Mod App

Post by Thegreatcoward » 09 May 2017, 13:12

El Defaultio wrote:I don't need to tell you where your grenades are if I'm lobbing them at you.
How else am I supposed to know where they are?

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Byond: Feweh

Re: ElDefaultio's Trial Mod App

Post by Feweh » 09 May 2017, 13:29

