False Charges - CMP Varisia Lote

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False Charges - CMP Varisia Lote

Post by Sleepy Retard » 13 Apr 2018, 20:48

Your Byond Key: ElDefaultio

Your Character Name: Vanechka 'Sleepy' Penkina

Accused Byond Key(if known): The13thzodiac

Character Name: Varisia 'Firestorm' Lote

Approximate time and date of the incident (Central US Time for fastest results): 4:00 CST

What rule(s) were broken: 13: MPs are bound to follow Marine Law as RULES. Exceptions must be approved by staff via Ahelp.

Description of the incident: As the Chief Engineer, I had jokingly said over the MP radio that the CMP should arrest themselves for assault because they had facepalmed. A while later they decided to arrest me for 'False Arrest'. I ran away for a bit and ended up getting the book slammed on me. Nothing wrong with the resisting and conduct unbecoming because I had resisted so conduct unbecoming would apply, however, I had not ordered a false arrest as I would be out of my bounds ordering an arrest:

If the Commander, Acting Commander, or a Staff Officer requests a marine to be arrested for a crime, you MUST arrest said marine. You may hold the marine for a maximum of 10 minutes while evidence is gathered. If the marine is proven innocent in the end, the requesting officer may be held liable for a False Arrest charge.

Seeing as we had a Commander, an XO, and five LTs - I was no position of being Acting Commander and thus ordering a false arrest. As well, they shouldn't be arresting people because they joked about you facepalming. I only am making this report as I couldn't ahelp since I didn't know it was a break of rules.

Evidence (screenshots, logs, etc): I sadly have no evidence, because I didn't think they were technically breaking rules until after it all.

How you would punish the accused: Just a warning. Job ban if they already have extra warnings. Nothing super harsh, but if it's a repeat offender then it should be dealt with.
Image I was a Synth Councilmen, alongside Jakkk, MattAtlas, SovietKitty and Omicega.

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Re: False Charges - CMP Varisia Lote

Post by Imperator_Titan » 14 Apr 2018, 05:04

Okay, this seems to be a recurring problem with the player in question. If what you say is true, I'd be in favor of a jobban at this point. I'll be log diving in a while and posting the results here later.

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Re: False Charges - CMP Varisia Lote

Post by Solarmare » 14 Apr 2018, 06:27

I will state that the player seemed to think a hug on them as cmp was enough to justify a sentence of twenty minutes, which does fall under rule 1 for being rather dickish and I think was considered as much by some and others for the sentence during an earlier such thing this month. I'll state my opinion on this later when the logs we provided but that incident seemed to show an MP trying to arrest people for any reason they could other than one that makes sense.
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Re: False Charges - CMP Varisia Lote

Post by solidfury7 » 14 Apr 2018, 08:20

I'd like to say I've noticed this player using the role to soft grief as well.

They're a good roleplayer so it's a shame to see them go down this route but it's pretty obvious that theyve got far to carried away.
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Re: False Charges - CMP Varisia Lote

Post by Kavlo » 14 Apr 2018, 10:33

At the time of this happening there was around 10 people in a discord voice including the two main people involved in this report, after Eldefaultio got arrested he went afk to go get some food and while afk the CMP in question said "The CE (Eldefaultio) fell for the bait", I know there is no way to prove they said it unless more people post confirming it but I'm posting it anyway.
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Re: False Charges - CMP Varisia Lote

Post by Bancrose » 14 Apr 2018, 10:47

As a player witness, I once witnessed Varisia order the MP's to execute any marines fleeing.

These are the type of MP's that I BE'd for their ridiculous antics and I've noticed it is a reoccurring issue with her.

Sadly you cannot BE the MP's anymore so this is the only way to sort out her issue with short of Ahelping it.
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Re: False Charges - CMP Varisia Lote

Post by Bronimin » 14 Apr 2018, 11:13

Saw them the other day trying to restrain prisoners in a red alert situation and bring them to the Normandy in violation of UCMJ procedure, keeping them tazed and handcuffed while she dragged them to the dropship from the brig:
Prisoners must be kept safe, unharmed, and healthy during their confinement. MPs must work to the best of their ability to ensure this. Self-inflicting wounds will result in being straight-jacketed for the entire duration. If the ship is at Red Alert, all MPs should return to the Brig to ensure the safety of prisoners.
Release in the event of a catastrophe

In the event of a Delta Alert (activation of self destruct) any prisoners may be released if the MPs believe that they will not be a threat to the crew. A normal Red Alert, is not sufficient reason for a release unless the ship is being over-run by a large hostile force.
Note: a small force of enemies on board is not "over-run by a large hostile force". You should ensure the prisoners are kept safe and alive as long as they are in your custody, and release them only if this becomes impossible to perform due to a large enemy force.

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Re: False Charges - CMP Varisia Lote

Post by Imperator_Titan » 14 Apr 2018, 13:49

Logs regarding the situation:

CE making the joke regarding the CMP
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Afterwards in the brig when questioned why by Alan Jones.
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This definitely warrants a MP/CMP jobban imo. They have ANOTHER active report for MP shitlery. This needs to end now.

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Re: False Charges - CMP Varisia Lote

Post by VarisiaLote » 14 Apr 2018, 14:19

I suggest a job ban as CMP for myself at this point as it is clear I have been failing the past few weeks to double-check the Marine Laws on a couple of occasions. However, I want to clarify a few points.

The first, was that the hug for assault was to take the Marine Law passage literally, however it violates Rule 1 as I was told after much discussion with a mod. With the Red Alert incident, I was attempting to reclaim Valentina to take her to safety (not letting her free as we weren't on Delta until after we were all KIA by the Xenos) as both my MPs not following " A normal Red Alert, is not sufficient reason for a release unless the ship is being over-run by a large hostile force." as well as several Marines trying to free Valentina (hence the tasering). Not only that, Valentina was in Perma at the time.

Now for the this Report. I agree with it. I thought all officers Lt. or above, who were able to issue an arrest to MPs which is clearly wrong. However, the it's just a joke part ignores Engineering's CO Mess 'security project' which really was calling into question all Engineering's sanity. That still won't change the fact the arrest was clearly illegal. For that, I apologize, but a job ban is more then appropriate at this point.
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Re: False Charges - CMP Varisia Lote

Post by Sleepy Retard » 14 Apr 2018, 14:46

I would like to clarify the security project. ICly and I'd say OOCly too, Balto and I are good friends. He's called me his most loyal officer, and that he can trust me with decision making.

Why do I say this? Well, what do any good friends do? Fuck with each other. We had requested permission to remodel upper engineering - and he said yes, on the condition I secured the mess.

Like any good friend, I made a piece of shit defense system just to mess with him. Nothing 'crazy' that would make him question our sanity. I put tape over the door and claimed it's illegal to pass by engineering tape, and I had several other items labeled with either polite warnings or clearly joking names. We had some funny RP and all was well.

After the round Balto poked some fun at me in discord about the whole thing. It was just a joke between two friends. Nothing insane as you claim. Unless you consider friendships insane.
Image I was a Synth Councilmen, alongside Jakkk, MattAtlas, SovietKitty and Omicega.

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Re: False Charges - CMP Varisia Lote

Post by Emeraldblood » 16 Apr 2018, 21:18

Right, so the CMP was actually arresting you because you made a joke that they should arrest themselves? I'm sure this is just some misunderstanding but obviously, this doesn't warrant an arrest on any level. Due to the fact there is another report on the13thzodiac open at the same time, they will be receiving a job ban from the CMP position for the time being. MP will still be available to play but the CMP is expected to know and follow Marine Law more-so than just a normal MP would. Due to not having a full understanding of Marine law, the position will be blocked for them until they wish to appeal after having learned the police role more thoroughly with MP. Resolved - Reported player has been banned from CMP.
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