Commander Report - Patton 'Hardtack' Moore

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Commander Report - Patton 'Hardtack' Moore

Post by FracturedAntler » 04 Aug 2018, 22:42

Your Byond Key:

Your Character Name:
Maximilian Valentine

Accused Byond Key:

Character Name:
Patton 'Hardtack' Moore

Approximate time and date of the incident:
10:20 PM Central Standard Time

What rules were broken:
3. No Griefing
4. No Powergaming
13. Battlefield Execution
16. Lethal Force

Description of the incident:
I, Maximilian Valentine, Corporate Liaison of the skies, take a brief stroll into the CIC so I can have a chat with the commander. I say something about beer in his Bible, how it would be a shame if anyone were to find out. Now, this wasn't a real threat, just a cute little character building moment for my corporate liaison role. So, we continue our conversation, he refuses to sign my paper, normal commander shit. We talk about The Company, I'm roleplaying as the typical Corporate loyalist, he's the stern commander who don't give no damn 'bout no big company. All fun and games. I "threaten him" by saying "We'll see about that!" as I walk out and he says something about The Company having no authority. And you know what? Under a normal situation, it would just be a fun little grudge between the liaison and the commander, but he took it too far.

I sequester myself in my office, fearing for my self because literally as soon as I left the commander's office he called security on me. I write my lil' fax to The Company about the incident, but I hear a knock on my door! But would you imagine who was knocking on my door (and by knocking on, I mean breaking into the reinforced wall to my office)? None other than the commander himself (well, technically a maintenance tech)! He was accompanied by a random PFC who he called his "deputy?" Apparently when he said "Yes I do understand, the only time I should ever come close to enforcing anything would be with a battlefield execution in an extremely dire situation" on his commander application, not only did he not mean it, but he literally became the "I am the law meme" that shit commanders used to be known for.

I ask to grow my apples, so that after I got arrested I would have something to come back to. Conveniently, the blast door button is right next to the planters, so I take my chance and make my escape. And I'm not fucking kidding when I say that this commander was fucking committed, he literally chased me through the upper deck for like what seemed like five minutes. But our fun is over when the commander pushes me over and takes my briefcase. I gather the strength of 1,000 bureaucrats and will myself up, I push over the commander and retake my Corporate assets. Little did I know that what I did next would be battlefield execution worthy: I hit him. Over the head. With my briefcase! The horror! Could you imagine? Officer Commander apparently forgot his taser and he pulled out his Mateba! I felt like an African American male in today's society that we live in (bottom text) encountering a police officer who "feared for their lives."

However, our commander is no Bill Carson. He fires probably three shots at me, doesn't hit a single one. I realize at this point "Hey, this is probably a situation where you're allowed to shoot back!" and I pull out my handy dandy 88 Mod 4 and shoot at the commander. And, remarkably, a corporate liaison is a better shot than a marine because I shot him once and he didn't get me a single time. I used this opportunity to escape to the lower levels, and make for LV-624. Some fucking narc snitch ass bitch told people I was on the Alamo, so I moved my ass to the Normandy. I waited for a while for it to leave, when I realized I could just take it myself. So I do. But, it doesn't leave quick enough. Some mech loader dude and a staff officer come to apprehend me. I escape their grasp briefly, when I'm taken hostage by two other marines who start beating me. The robust God that I am gets out of their way, but bullets start flying. And I, again, being a responsible, rule abiding good boy, wait to start shooting.

Jesus... the friendly fire. So much fucking friendly fire. Barely anything hit me out of dozens of bullets shot (good job, guys). But, alas, my story comes to an end and I die. Maybe, by now, the commander came around to his senses? No. He doesn't. Doctors try to defib me, but either he doesn't let them or I had so much brute damage (he said on Discord that it was impossible) So, now that my story has come to an end, what about Officer Commander Moore? Well, he isn't done with me, he needs to make the announcement about killing me!

Wait, I "tried to inject" the commander? Literally no where in the logs will you see anything like that, and it's just a bold faced lie to the crew to make him seem more justified in killing me.

Well, my dumb-ass took screenshots through BYOND which apparently doesn't include the chat so, I don't really have any. I'm sure that all the people who told me to make a report would love to share what they saw, and their side of the story though.

How you would punish the accused:
Look, he came to me in Discord, he seemed apologetic (despite the fact that he lied about the situation to the CMP after the fact, and I'm still not sure if he would be apologetic about it if people OOC didn't make a fuss about it) I told him that I'd leave the decision entirely up the admins. Personally, I'm conflicted. Because commander should be a serious role, and I just don't know if it suits someone who made these kinds of choices.

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Re: Commander Report - Patton 'Hardtack' Moore

Post by Dubszor » 04 Aug 2018, 23:06

Okay! Well, i was a direct witness to everything after the CO broke into the CL's office.(I was observing). Everything FracturedAntler said, is true as far as i have seen. Truthfully, i feel as if the CO was being lrp/on the verge of soft griefing the CL. I had a super long post describing what i saw, but then i saw the rules said keep it simple, so i will. Sadly, i can't pull my logs from the round since it was too late.(Having ALL radio channels on does a wonder to your logs).

EDIT: I'm also one of the people who told Antler to write a report.
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Re: Commander Report - Patton 'Hardtack' Moore

Post by taketheshot56 » 04 Aug 2018, 23:08

Indeed you came to me in my office and threatened to blackmail me about my booze. Further being confrontational which is completely fine. I did indeed call the MPs because i believe threatening the CO with blackmail and otherwise within the first two minutes is disorderly. You ran back to your office. I call for Mps again at this point I check the manifest and confirm with the XO that ZERO MPs and CMPs were online. So I did indeed head off to the CLs office and I asked several members of charlie to accompany me just in case as there were still no MPs on. So the CE comes and he opens the wall for me and we go in. I was quite calm and I said you were gonna be detained. After we are inside your office a CMP finally wakes up and we call for him. He doesnt respond. So i tell you to wait there for the CMP to come get you. You made a break for it down the hall and myself and the charlie PFC that went with me gave chase While it may have seemed life five minutes it was more like one minute. I tried to tackle you few times and I did. You got up, and according to ROB hit me with the briefcase six times.

Now, to the injection part. When you hit me with the briefcase there was zero attack noise and I suddenly got very dizzy and my vision began fading. To me this seemed very much like some sort of injector attack. What it appears to have been however, was me having my skull cracked and you giving me brain damage which resulted in very similar effects to some sort of injection. Blurry fading vision, Dizziness. The text had scrolled up to much before I could check several minutes later and I assumed you had indeed injected me when in reality i had brain damage from the concussion. So yes, upon having that happen i drew my mateba and missed every single shot I fired. You were completely in the right to return fire. Resulting in my immense wounding. I call for help over comms. We call for the CMP who is alone again and cannot leave the brig due to the fact that there are no other MPs on and they have a prisoner.

So I tell the marines to shoot on sight due to the fact you are hostile and and armed.

At this point im taken for surgery for the large wounds i have received. While in the auto doc I make several orders to ensure you are properly defibbed when I heard you had been shot. The medics brought you into medbay and I continued to order them to repair the damage and revive you unfortunately it was too late. I did not at any point order you not to be defibbed I very much wanted you treated.

What followed was myself being pinged by ROB and we had very long conversation regarding the situation. Upon which I was indeed punished for the situation and given a hefty warning regarding the situation.

As for the rules broken. The issue of me going after you to enforce the law with no MPs on. Was dealt with in game with Rob.

for the BE, you did indeed attack me and caused severe enough damage with that briefcase to give me a concussion which took on the symptoms of some sort of injected chemical. Dizziness, blurry fading vision. So I did indeed at that point open fire upon you.

As for the announcement I ensured i made one regarding the situation and i informed the CMP if he had any questions to be sure to contact the Provost. The whole briefcase concussion thing was not made clear to me until later.
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Re: Commander Report - Patton 'Hardtack' Moore

Post by GoliathTheDespoiler » 05 Aug 2018, 02:51

Character witness here. Patton's had a seriously long history of being known for being strict to the point of hilarity and I'd even say 'BE hungry' most rounds he's CO. I personally don't consider him to usually be behaving as a proper CO should and executes/attempts to execute/threatens to execute for things that are seriously not worth the bullets.
Commander Joseph 'Goliath' Clancy, occaisonal Charlie SL. Widowed father of three. Sufferer of PTSD and extremely Australian.
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Warrant Officer Emile Clancy, Strict ex-police chief, now a tired CMP.
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Re: Commander Report - Patton 'Hardtack' Moore

Post by taketheshot56 » 05 Aug 2018, 04:18

GoliathTheDespoiler wrote:
05 Aug 2018, 02:51
Character witness here. Patton's had a seriously long history of being known for being strict to the point of hilarity and I'd even say 'BE hungry' most rounds he's CO. I personally don't consider him to usually be behaving as a proper CO should and executes/attempts to execute/threatens to execute for things that are seriously not worth the bullets.
Really? If Im so enamored with BEs as you claim. Why did i not have every single one of your mutineers executed just the other day? Ive never had a report on me before surrounding a BE unlike many other COs.

Nor do I have any previous notes regarding bad BEs. Every BE ive done before has been legitimate and determined legal. Smacking the COs skull with a briefcase 6 times giving him a concussion with no MPs in sight is more than reasonable to defend ones self.

I run a strict ship that is my prerogative as CO. Other COs base their quirks off other things. I base mine off discipline.

It seems to me you are making your character report off the fact that I squashed your "Cardboard cult" the other day in cargo and said "Heads will roll, literally" if you didnt drop the cult act and work like normal marines. Later in that round yourself leading a mutiny over the fact I didnt tolerate your cult.
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Re: Commander Report - Patton 'Hardtack' Moore

Post by GoliathTheDespoiler » 05 Aug 2018, 06:13

taketheshot56 wrote:
05 Aug 2018, 04:18
Really? If Im so enamored with BEs as you claim. Why did i not have every single one of your mutineers executed just the other day? Ive never had a report on me before surrounding a BE unlike many other COs.

Nor do I have any previous notes regarding bad BEs. Every BE ive done before has been legitimate and determined legal. Smacking the COs skull with a briefcase 6 times giving him a concussion with no MPs in sight is more than reasonable to defend ones self.

I run a strict ship that is my prerogative as CO. Other COs base their quirks off other things. I base mine off discipline.

It seems to me you are making your character report off the fact that I squashed your "Cardboard cult" the other day in cargo and said "Heads will roll, literally" if you didnt drop the cult act and work like normal marines. Later in that round yourself leading a mutiny over the fact I didnt tolerate your cult.
That is related, but that isn't the entirety of why I made that witness claim. You've always, as far as I'm aware, been one to look to BE things, and going so far over someone who just said 'we'll see about that' is pretty in character with what I've claimed. But that is my opinion, and it should be taken as that.
Commander Joseph 'Goliath' Clancy, occaisonal Charlie SL. Widowed father of three. Sufferer of PTSD and extremely Australian.
Corpswoman Judith 'Mèrci' Clancy, quiet, caring daughter looking out for her siblings.
Warrant Officer Emile Clancy, Strict ex-police chief, now a tired CMP.
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Re: Commander Report - Patton 'Hardtack' Moore

Post by awan » 05 Aug 2018, 08:20

I think the entire report here will be mostly about the BE and not other actions during this round as another staff member already dealt with those. There is however one thing I want to adress and I will do so below a warning tag.
So taketheshot as a whitelisted commander can do a BE when he sees you as a threat to the mission.
 ! Message from: awan
The following is my opinion and other staff may disagree.
It has been ruled that the CO cannot give someone else the authority to BE. They have to do it themselves. They can also not order blue on blue for other reasons. The order listing you to be shot on sight would thus i.m.o have been an illegal order and the players were not justified in shooting the CL. That makes it a potential rulebreak for those players as well. When I get home I will look into the logs and post some additional information.

Edit:If you follow the provisions/procedure in marine law you can get mp's to use lethal force on subjects without issue.
The above was about a blanket order to kill someone for all marines.
Last edited by awan on 05 Aug 2018, 08:56, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Commander Report - Patton 'Hardtack' Moore

Post by FGRSentinel » 05 Aug 2018, 08:49

Just going to comment as a character witness, but I have to agree with Goliath's statement. I've believed Hardtack is BE-obsessed since my first round under his command when he tried (and failed) to BE someone for wearing a clown mask and refusing to remove it. Nobody reported it because he Hardtack got killed in the process, I think, but it still set the standard for what I expect from him.
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Re: Commander Report - Patton 'Hardtack' Moore

Post by ThesoldierLLJK » 05 Aug 2018, 10:08

I was on last night during the tail end of this and can confirm that RobBrown4PM handled the rule violation issue.

I will be posting the various logs.

The conversation about alcohol/NDA
► Show Spoiler
CL then starts writing a form, looks like NDA form
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CO attempts to contact MP's
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CO attempts to get a "deputy" to go to the CL office
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CL Fax to Company
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CO discusses CL and his intent
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CL writes something
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CO confronts the CL
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Also ahelp sent to admins from CL
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The Struggle begins
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CO declares the CL hostile
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CL attempts to go planetside on the Normandy
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CL is Confronted by marines on the Normandy
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Command Announcement where commander decalres open season on CL so to say.
► Show Spoiler
After announcement fight on Normandy
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The CL has been located and killed, CO wants him revived
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Re: Commander Report - Patton 'Hardtack' Moore

Post by Bancrose » 05 Aug 2018, 11:30

Character Witness as I was a ghost.

As a Commander or the Warrant Officer. You may authorize Lethals on someone after they have proven armed and dangerous. So this is not a BE persay, Watching the CL fire lethals at the CO. Firing on the Marines, The fact you did that makes you literally open season. No commander would ever let you get away with that.

And as on the topic of Patton's character. You may find that hes a hardass but there is nothing against the rules in that. And to say hes BE hungry. Well have you met me before? I'd consider Patton tame by most standards, as he will go the MP route...usually.
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Re: Commander Report - Patton 'Hardtack' Moore

Post by taketheshot56 » 05 Aug 2018, 11:46

FGRSentinel wrote:
05 Aug 2018, 08:49
Just going to comment as a character witness, but I have to agree with Goliath's statement. I've believed Hardtack is BE-obsessed since my first round under his command when he tried (and failed) to BE someone for wearing a clown mask and refusing to remove it. Nobody reported it because he Hardtack got killed in the process, I think, but it still set the standard for what I expect from him.
Well the primary reason for that attempted BE was for massive insubordination at the hands of Charlie SL who drew his chimp gun on me when he was acting out the role of a clown since be believed that is what staff wanted. The clown mask caused many issues and thus it was subsequenlty hasn't been since with me having spoken to the admin running that round for half an hour and them agreeing with me.
awan wrote:
05 Aug 2018, 08:20
I think the entire report here will be mostly about the BE and not other actions during this round as another staff member already dealt with those. There is however one thing I want to adress and I will do so below a warning tag.
So taketheshot as a whitelisted commander can do a BE when he sees you as a threat to the mission.
 ! Message from: awan
The following is my opinion and other staff may disagree.
It has been ruled that the CO cannot give someone else the authority to BE. They have to do it themselves. They can also not order blue on blue for other reasons. The order listing you to be shot on sight would thus i.m.o have been an illegal order and the players were not justified in shooting the CL. That makes it a potential rulebreak for those players as well. When I get home I will look into the logs and post some additional information.

Edit:If you follow the provisions/procedure in marine law you can get mp's to use lethal force on subjects without issue.
The above was about a blanket order to kill someone for all marines.
I fully believe that I was justified I issuing the order to shoot on sight. The lethal force rule describes this as such.

"Do not attack another player without a legitimate, explainable roleplay reason that could be applied in a similar, real-life scenario. A fist fight does not suddenly escalate into a gun fight. Even if you are justified, you are still susceptible to Marine Law."

When the CL has opened fire on the CO he is 100% hostile. He is now moving through the ship having already used lethal force on the commander.

I called for the CMP to come deal with the situation and he could not respond due to the OOC rule about leaving the brig. Thus I gave the order to the marines.

Precadent has been seen before where shooting at the commander earns you a gunning down by the marines and no such issues have arisen.
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Re: Commander Report - Patton 'Hardtack' Moore

Post by Mizari » 13 Aug 2018, 04:06

Honestly after reading this report it does indeed make me worried about the order for all marines to kill the CL which for me is a big no no. The situation itself was poorly managed at certain points like the arrest and chasing scenario.

I must stress my concern at this stage however management will decide on an appropriate course of action.

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Re: Commander Report - Patton 'Hardtack' Moore

Post by Emeraldblood » 02 Sep 2018, 22:07

Alright, hitting the CO six time is a lot different than just one time. The BE is pretty valid under those actions and would be left IC (being you started to assault him), however, the CO is unable to label people to be killed. At best, he can announce them as a deserter and to be detained if found or maybe say that the CL tried to kill you and he's not allowed to get back on the ship or he'll be considered a hostile. The main point is you can't just tell everyone to murder a guy unless it's being done in a proper way (Execution or BE) but there's plenty of fair RP ways to go about this.

This will be left at a warning but future CO rule breaks from taketheshot56 will result in CO suspension/removal.
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