Staff Report: ElDefaultio

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Staff Report: ElDefaultio

Post by RevealingFortune » 23 Aug 2018, 07:14

Your Byond Key: RevealingFortune

Your Character Name: Nevari Moore

Their Byond key: ElDefaultio

Approximate time and date of the incident (Central Us Time for best results): Approximately 5:30AM CST

Which Staff Protocols ( ... =57&t=5647) were broken:
5. Determine the punishment.
Do not abuse your power

Description of the incident:
- Incident starts with the CL, Connor Anderson, planetside at the FOB. He was playing with the game's targetting feature, and pointing guns at marines with a M4A3 pistol. Eventually, he aims it at me, the PO. I pull out my shotgun, target him, and tell him to put his gun away immediately.
- CL doesnt. Instead, he moves, proccing the autofire and get blasted with a buckshot.
- The MP (Cheng 'Monk' Chan) nearby observing the situation finally decides to act by arresting me. (The MP was planetside to deal with the rambo XO Brendan Stern after he wordlessly rushed out onto the frontlines with a shotgun and heavy pulse rifle).
- I adminhelp. The subject of this report, ElDefaultio responds. Unfortunately, by the time I decided to report the logs were flooded. I was muted from adminpms, making me unable to request a copy of the initial adminhelp. It went something along the lines of: "An MP is arresting me for trying to defend marines from a situation he was watching", except, in a far less tactful manner.
- ElDefaultio askes me to elaborate? (Once again, logs are pushed up so I dont have specifics, and I'm muted so I cant request. If someone could post here the exact exchanges it would be appreciated.)
- After some explanation, ElDefaultio doesn't seem to clearly understand the situation. The CL was shooting at people, and when I was trying to apprehend him he got hit by the targetting system. ElDefaultio undermines the situation by virtually saying it doesnt matter since nobody was actually hit (despite the shots being fired because the CL was targetting people). Pushes the issue off as IC.
- I try to explain to him he was shooting at people. Unfortunately, my attempts at explanation are cut off because I was muted for being argumentative.
- After a good minute of being muted, he finally messages me with "would you rather an improper escalation note? its ic, leave it at that"
- Following me start on this report, I was able to talk to him for a brief moment in deadchat.
- I wasn't muted from admin PMs for even calling him dense (It'd take really thin skin to mute for that), but for being argumentative in an engagement that barely even reached the argument point.

Evidence (screenshots, logs, etc):

How you would punish the accused:
Honestly. .I've at a very terrible experience with CM staff. I've received note after note after blow after blow for situations that involve self-defense. I've even been banned after shooting back and killing someone who tried to outright kill me. I'm jaded, and the jaded me wants to say kick them.
You guys probably wont do that. You're protective of your staff. My own reports have been kicked aside with barely a statement in the past (viewtopic.php?f=71&t=17806), with the issues being deflected because "oh lul you're probably more robust than him". But for fucks sake, at least try to get them in line with how to deescalate situations instead of outright muting people because they're tossing a few PMs your way.

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Re: Staff Report: ElDefaultio

Post by Sleepy Retard » 23 Aug 2018, 07:15

As a side note, the "This is pathetic" was about a situation involving a BE, not their argument.
Image I was a Synth Councilmen, alongside Jakkk, MattAtlas, SovietKitty and Omicega.

Have any questions or concerns about Synthetic? PM me on the forums, or contact me on the CM discord under the name sleepy#1984 with the nickname Sleepy Retard.

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Re: Staff Report: ElDefaultio

Post by TR-BlackDragon » 23 Aug 2018, 07:38

Log dive
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Re: Staff Report: ElDefaultio

Post by RevealingFortune » 23 Aug 2018, 07:47

If possible, could you fetch the logs of the conversation I had with ElDefaultio, or at least the very beginning?

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Re: Staff Report: ElDefaultio

Post by awan » 23 Aug 2018, 07:59

admin pm logs:
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Apologies I needed a bit longer to check out the other pm's.

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Re: Staff Report: ElDefaultio

Post by Imperator_Titan » 23 Aug 2018, 12:40

This is being resolved. This was all handled through IC means, I don't see why you're reporting him for that. As for the muting incident, he specifically told you that it was an IC issue and you continued to argue with him. It's clearly listed in the rules that arguing with a staff member will end up with you being given a harsher punishment, so him muting you after you disregarded him is completely justified.

Resolved - No action will be taken.
