Player Report - Queen Leibniz

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Player Report - Queen Leibniz

Post by Drownie » 01 Sep 2018, 15:38

Your Byond Key: Drownie

Your Character Name: Sarah 'Menace' Dennis

Accused Byond Key(if known): Leibniz

Character Name: Queen

Approximate time and date of the incident (Central US Time for fastest results): 15:32 01/09/2018

What rule(s) were broken: Metagaming.

Description of the incident: In the round end, after SD being activated, the Xenos held the Alamo (Dropship crashed) until the the rods being up to the Queen order all Xenos to move to SD to hold it in a way that don't allow marines toggle it and destroy the ship. It is obvious via countless witness that the Xenos only did their hive here due to the SD, even though they don't know about the existence of such device.

Evidence (screenshots, logs, etc):

How you would punish the accused:
Jobban or maybe a low ban.
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Re: Player Report - Queen Leibniz

Post by MattAtlas » 01 Sep 2018, 18:02

Hey hey, Victor Rennem & I (the synth) fixed telecomms and then activated the SD.

So we died after the SD got unexpectedly rushed by aliens, we thought we could metal gear solid it out but it didn't work, coolcool. SD was still activated at least. So far, no meta.

The questionable part starts when a Mature Carrier walks into the SD, saying the xenos should destroy "the core", slashed the SD APC (not problematic by any means) and I think encouraged protecting the SD. Around this point, a warrior seeing the rods go up said that's probably a bad thing or something like that.

The second Queen dies after rushing and a new one evolves, this time heading over to the SD, suggested by the Carrier I believe. That coupled with the Warrior saying 6 rods were up was probably the main motivation. By the time marines charged the SD, Xenos were already there waiting for them, and we all know how it turned out. A few xenos were camping the SD throughout the round after it got activated but that's about it.
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Re: Player Report - Queen Leibniz

Post by Exodus » 01 Sep 2018, 18:15

Hi, I was the Warrior mentioned just above.

I don't remember initially why we went over to SD, but I believe it had something to do with us simply going through the standard issue patrol of the upper decks for Tallhosts. I do remember that by the time I had arrived, both Rennem and the Synth had already been killed and were splayed out near the doorway. I observed quietly as a couple of other Xenos (Might have been the Carrier above) went about the process of slashing up the APC, which I questioned since it seemed to be a somewhat... strange endeavor.

As we were leaving, and after no one had substantiated my questions over why we were paying such a big deal to the machine, one of the rods went up, and made this obnoxious hissing noise. Being an alien death machine, I immediately took that as a challenge, and set about the process of attempting to "kill SD". This involved frankly complaining in Hive Chat about the seeming indestructibility of the device, and RP'ing smacking harshly against the control rods at several points. For several minutes, I was the only Xeno sitting around in the SD, RP'ing with what is, in honestly, an inanimate machine.

That said, obviously SD didn't stop. So I continued to try to appease it, because it felt like a fun thing to do, pretending that something entirely inanimate was somehow a living being, and informing the Hive of the general status of said inhuman beast. At some point, our second Queen did die as stated above, and our new queen was encouraged to head towards SD away from the PMC group who were on the lower deck. I do remember that the Queen at no point stated that it was their idea to go to SD, but rather that a great deal of chatter occurred which directed them towards Ovi'ing in the back of SD.

I remember that we stopped by SD, but decided as a group that it would be far better to simply chase after the last few marines instead of hiving it up in SD. We left SD for the most part, and began prowling the hallways. We were gone for only maybe two minutes or so, around near Research when all of a sudden one of our Ancient Drones was killed in SD. As there hadn't been any tallhosts upstairs in quite so time, we naturally began to head back to SD, and our Carrier began to scream loudly in Hivechat that we needed to return.

We got there, found one marine and the XO, and infected or killed them. I remember at this point the XO began to loudly proclaim in LOOC that we were all "metafags" which was a bit uncalled for, and rather rude behavior, and I informed him that he had slain a Drone which had called us back as a sort of peace-offering to assure him that we hadn't just been camping out.

Our Carrier was in crit, and I believe at this point we began to get them healed. The Queen finally listened to the advice of some of our more vocal hive members, (I remember a Spitter or a Sentinel was encouraging it, but I couldn't tell you which.) and I believe Ovi'd in the backroom. I don't actually remember seeing her in Ovi form back there, but I imagine that she must have done so, since my pointer was directed towards SD.

Anyway, blah blah, PMCs came up, blah, fight, I died, and there I am, splayed out in the hallway in OP's picture.

So, tl;dr: The idea to setup in SD was not the Queen's, and there's a fair chance that they could have simply accepted the advice of other hive members. I don't think anyone should be punished for listening to other players, especially since that's something that the community typically advocates doing for Queens anyway.
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Re: Player Report - Queen Leibniz

Post by Drownie » 01 Sep 2018, 20:11

So, let's make the chronology of events that led the Xenos to make a hive in SD.

Act One > Even though the battle was hot in the Hangar, where we had all Marines, there were some Xenos at the Upper Deck patrolling for survivors, some of them smashing APCs as usual. Exodus who was a Warrior noticed the accumulation of Xenos at SD and decided to ask why of the importance of that location, no one answer so she decided to adventure herself inside the SD - one rod went up and she decided to slash it, nothing happens, for some reason instead of leave like a normal xeno would do with a Sentry or a simple CL shutter being opened up she decided to stay and warn all Xenos about the "metal machine".

Act Two > The Warrior gets in a group, and start to patrol the Upper (at this point the fighting at Hangar have cooled down) then all of sudden a Drone die near SD, then they move to this area. A battle happens and one Carrier is injured, just two hosts walking around - at this point, in my view as MP and fighter, the Queen left the DS where was the main battlezone just when the Marines were just some PMCs and PFCs.

Act Three > After the Queen decides to leave the DS to SD when the marines were at their weakest moment, they stay here waiting for something. But after some couple of minutes, the PMCs and a MP (myself) tries to assault SD and get slaughtered.

Now, let's make the chronology in an OOC point of view.

Act One > Some Xenos leave the battlezone to check Upper and SD, slash some APCs and then leave. One Player(AKA Exodus) move to SD so them can check SD status - all of that happening while the Xenos were being pushed hard at lower. More Xenos start to the check SD then leave, Exodus decide to stay here and warn the Xenos about SD existence and bla bla.

Act Two > Exodus get in a hunt group and decides to leave the area, so a Drone die to SD and they are forced to move back, it is obvious that marines are trying to active it. They warn the Queen and she decides to leave the battlezone when the Marines were at their weakest moment, she doesn't want lose.

Act Three > The hive is made here and they stay camping waiting to the Marines assault SD and get slaughtered.

Following the IC line, the Xenos decided to make a hive here just because two hosts appeared here and the machine makes things appears from the ground. Even though they were winning ground at the moment.
Following the OOC line, the Xenos got afraid of losing because someone would active SD, so they leave the battlezone to camp it.

I'll wait the logs so I can put my arguments further.
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Re: Player Report - Queen Leibniz

Post by Emeraldblood » 17 Sep 2018, 17:47

Looking into this
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Byond: Loco52

Re: Player Report - Queen Leibniz

Post by Loco52 » 17 Sep 2018, 18:56

Logs relevant to this:
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Re: Player Report - Queen Leibniz

Post by Emeraldblood » 06 Oct 2018, 18:05

Right, may have actually forgotten to get back to updating this but let's pretend I didn't. Queen didn't do anything wrong in this cause and it was mostly other Xeno suggesting to make SD into the new hive. Making the hive in SD itself isn't meta and if the Marines have already lost it to the Xeno, they're either going to have enough power to kill the Xeno in the SD or they're just not getting it back anymore. SD is probably going to be going under a few changes in the near future so these will hopefully help iron out some of the problems currently faced with the SD system we have right now.

Resolved - No major rule break; minor things hopefully to be smoothed out in the future with updates.
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