Commander Heinz 'Wulfe' Mueller

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Byond: tinfoiltophat

Commander Heinz 'Wulfe' Mueller

Post by tinfoiltophat » 20 Sep 2018, 00:07

Your Byond Key: Tinfoiltophat

Your Character Name: Ashley Clark

Accused Byond Key(if known): Bancrose

Character Name: Heinz 'Wulfe' Mueller

Approximate time and date of the incident (Central US Time for fastest results): ~10:30 Central

What rule(s) were broken: Rule 2, Roleplay

Description of the incident:While in deadchat, the map Ice came up somehow, I'm not sure. I only joined late in the conversation, and saw Bancrose talking about how if he was the CO on Ice, he would deliberately try to end the round as quickly as possible so that marines could play a better map. I think this is behavior that's extremely unbecoming of someone who is both a Mentor and CO whitelisted, and clearly puts their idea of fun before everybody else's. Per rule 2, "Your character's actions, feelings, and knowledge n-game should be based solely on the character's experiences and not your own as the player." Deliberately losing a round on any map just because you personally don't like the round would be a pretty clear violation of that, and borderline griefing for the people who actually enjoy playing on that map.(Especially given that the map is chosen by players voting.)

Evidence (screenshots, logs, etc):
DEAD: Mentor(Bancrose) says, "Okay let me put it plain for you chief, I aint wanna play Ice Colony, and niether does anyone else."
DEAD: Mentor(Bancrose) says, "So I'm going to order you all to LZ2 so we can go play Big Red or something more tasteful."
DEAD: Mentor(Bancrose) says, "Yeah well retards, better pray I dont get CO during your Ice round"
DEAD: Mentor(Bancrose) says, "Cause we going all LZ2."

OOC: Tinfoiltophat: bancrose
OOC: Tinfoiltophat: are you memeing
OOC: Bancrose: Not in the slightest.
OOC: Tinfoiltophat: or do you actually throw ice rounds as CO
OOC: Bancrose: I wouldn't say Throw it.
OOC: Bancrose: I just want the round to go by quick.
OOC: Tinfoiltophat: that's pretty garbage
OOC: Bancrose: Yeah. I'm not sorry tho.

How you would punish the accused: Honestly, I would just warn that that's not okay, and give him a note and watch for that kind of behavior in the future. I'm not trying to get his whitelist removed or anything, and I honestly think he's a pretty good commander all around, I just don't like that COs openly and publicly say "I don't like this map, I'm going to end it as quickly as possible so we can play something different."

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Byond: Bancrose

Re: Commander Heinz 'Wulfe' Mueller

Post by Bancrose » 20 Sep 2018, 00:15

I'm sorry this had bothered you.

But I have 2 things here to reply to this.

1. LZ2 is a Viable Strategy that is capable of winning, You could say its the Commanders fault we lost the round, but it also falls on marines as well.
2. I never explicitly said I was going to throw the game intentionally, Especially as this has been evidenced by all of my previous Ice Colony rounds. I only want rounds to end in a quicker and more timely fashion.

I hope this clears some of your concerns.
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Re: Commander Heinz 'Wulfe' Mueller

Post by ThesoldierLLJK » 20 Sep 2018, 11:05

Pulling logs for this, will have them posted after my lunch break.

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Re: Commander Heinz 'Wulfe' Mueller

Post by ThesoldierLLJK » 20 Sep 2018, 13:03

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Also we've hidden many responses, remember rule 2, unless you were directly involved don't post, thanks.

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Re: Commander Heinz 'Wulfe' Mueller

Post by Emeraldblood » 20 Sep 2018, 16:06

Commanders will almost never be punished for using a different strategy than normal, especially one as simple as using LZ2 over LZ1. Saying that LZ2 results in generally faster rounds is just a fact of the map and not even true in every case. Bancrose isn't actively throwing a round just by using LZ2 and as long as he still upholds the role, he's (and all COs) are fine to use whatever LZ they want.

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