Player Report - William 'Jester' Crimson

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Player Report - William 'Jester' Crimson

Post by biscuitsakimbo » 25 Sep 2018, 13:59

Your Byond Key: Biscuitsakimbo

Your Character Name: Apple 'Watts' Briggs, at the time of the incident I was Lurker 711

Accused Byond Key(if known): solidfury7

Character Name: William 'Jester' Crimson

Approximate time and date of the incident (Central US Time for fastest results): 12:10 PM, 9/25/2018

What rule(s) were broken: I'm not sure /what/ happened despite being 100% sure something happened. Almost definitely Rule 6: no Metagaming or Metacommunication.

Description of the incident:
I'll include something from earlier in the round for the sake of being thorough even if it's mostly tangential. As a lurker, I saw solidfury7 kill two monkeys during a lull in the fighting as he tried to hold his cades against me and one warrior. Clearly not something you're supposed to do, but shortly after that is when the incident that I think needs investigation begins.

After he was captured by that warrior, he escaped from it's stomach and led me on a little chase that ended in me swallowing him. I headed back to the hive, attempted to regurgitate him, and found that I couldn't. I was confused, thinking it might be some sort of bug related to regurgitate, so I LOOC'd to see if solidfury7 was still in my stomach. He wasn't, so I shrugged, kicked myself for not even noticing he had gotten out of me, and headed back out to find him. He was then cornered by a large group of xenos, including myself, and captured. The xeno that swallowed him was Warrior 751 (who apparently was Grimcad), which I knew due to the audible stomach rumbling message. On the way back to the hive, solidfury7 escaped from the warrior and ran into maint where there was one spitter, and I followed him in. He attempted a disarm on the spitter, then immediately he disappeared. I figured that was really strange, and guessed he got deleted or something for killing the monkeys earlier. I ahelped because I wasn't quite sure what happened.

My ahelp with Grimcad convinced me completely that solidfury7 was either bug abusing, exploiting, or cheating with the help of someone on staff while metacomming. I have no idea how he did it, or who helped him, frankly I have zero idea what happened, but I KNOW he did something shady. He disappeared right in front of me, there's a message that proves he was there, and there was at least one other player who saw that he was there. I doubt anything more than an investigation will come of this report, though. I wouldn't even be surprised if it gets dismissed out of hand.

Evidence (screenshots, logs, etc): I didn't save screenshots of my ahelps with Grimcad, but you'll see them when he posts them, I suppose. I didn't take any relevant screenshots as the events happened because I wasn't immediately convinced something was going on. If there's any evidence, it's in logs I don't have access to.

How you would punish the accused: If the investigation does turn up clear evidence of wrongdoing, a perma.

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Re: Player Report - William 'Jester' Crimson

Post by solidfury7 » 25 Sep 2018, 14:32

I wasn't deleted, nor did I bug abuse, I was devoured. It's a common xeno feature.

The idea that I was meta-comming on staff is silly, considering that I later found out the Warrior that actually fucked me up twice, was a member of staff.

Anyway, I'll highlight why the ape was killed.

I was given the CL role, so I decided to try something new as a survivor, I decided to hole up in an area with two monkeys which were already in the area and barricade myself in. The other survivors I presume went to the Wardens office.

A warrior found me and pointed at the monkey, I proceeded to point at the monkey and I was gesturing that I'd give him the smallhost willingly, I was basically trying to bribe the xenos to let me go or at the very least, buy me some time.

As I was about to throw it over, you begin to start bashing on the barricades and heavily damage em, I proceed to fire at you until you back off, evidently I cant throw the ape over the cade while you're attacking it.

You proceed to smash it further, the warrior joining in, I shoot at you both and when you back off and come back around for another volly, I proceeded to shoot the first ape to set an example.

The idea was somewhat based off the Alien Resurrection, where aliens are willing to compromise or follow certain behavioural patterns if the threat of somekind of punishment is there. (

Regardless, it didnt work so I shot one of the apes in to crit, hoping the message would be sent but by then I had a breach in my barricades, and the warrior managed to capture me.


So yeah, that was my motivations for it. If I wished to powergame, easiest thing to do is just go wardens and do the usual boring stuff, I just tried to do something interesting for everyone involved.

On an OOC basis, the staff informed me that taking Apes hostage isn't allowed anymore, nor is killing them, I didn't know this so I said it wouldn't be done again. I didn't realise the ruling changed so, I apologise for shooting the ape, but it was during a roleplay situation or at the very least, an attempt of one, rather than for example, me running around beating the shit out of them.
William 'Jester' Crimson
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Re: Player Report - William 'Jester' Crimson

Post by Grimcad » 25 Sep 2018, 15:11

I'm going to put what I saw here as a witness and allow another staff member to pull logs as I am involved.

I was Warrior 751. I hear via hive mind that a host had escaped and so I start booking it through the hallways looking for said host. Eventually I find it surrounded by other xenos. After some dancing around I manage to get him with the lunge ability, pinning him down. Several xenos start to devour him myself included. Then I'm not entirely sure what happens. At the time I thought that I had moved before the devouring was completed, moving the body and breaking everyone's devour. Because the next thing I know is that he is booking it down the hallways, where I eventually catch up to him again, lung him once more and devour him again. (This is only seconds later mind you, not minutes, not long enough to auto-regurgitate a host.) This time safely infecting and nesting him. The thing is, is that something odd happened. After I had devoured him the second time I was still moving slowly, and my hand icon was still was showing that I had something in my grip. You know, where it shows you can upgrade your grip to pull off limbs and whatnot. I had to drop the "body" (which was actually in my belly) before I could actually move quickly again. The only thing I can even think of is that maybe I pulled the body out of your belly after you had devoured him, but I have NEVER heard of a bug like that before.

Sometime after I have Crimson nested and infected you ahelp wanting to know where he is. And that's pretty much where our PM logs will start. Long story short I thought biscuitsakimbo was mistaken about devouring him (because I thought I had accidentally pulled him away before he could finish) and told him that he must have been mistaken.

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Re: Player Report - William 'Jester' Crimson

Post by Imperator_Titan » 25 Sep 2018, 15:39

I'm going to go ahead and resolve this right now, seeing as how I've already investigated the situation myself.

He wasn't metacomming and his disappearance was the result of him being devoured. Him being regurgitated was due to the auto-regurgitate feature so he wasn't exactly abusing bugs. The only bug was with grimcad, in which he and another xenomorph devoured him at the same time, leading both of them to have him devoured. In any case, he still ended up infected and nested so it's not exactly an issue and will probably be fixed later on as it's a confirmed bug.

Resolved - No action will be taken.
