PO (Brodie) kills RO (Chuck Bicar)

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Byond: Chocolate_bickie

PO (Brodie) kills RO (Chuck Bicar)

Post by chocolate_bickie » 01 Oct 2018, 19:54

Your Byond Key: Chocolate-bickie

Your Character Name: Chuck Bicar

Accused Byond Key(if known):Unknown

Character Name: Brodie (I can't remember the second part of his name)

Approximate time and date of the incident (Central US Time for fastest results): 4:40

What rule(s) were broken: Rule 4, Rule 14

Description of the incident: I was the RO for the round. The round had progressed normally with very little going on other than some Weyland Yutani mercenaries being spawned in. I told a Cargo Technician to call me if any mercenaries came asking for equipment and went into the Requisitions Break Room to get some food. During this time a PO (Brodie) entered requisitions. I assumed he was planning on stealing the pizza, so I put it in my backpack. I then said 'Yes?'. Then he opened fire with his Mod88 pistol and shot me to death. I was confused and at first thought it as just someone impersonating the PO, but it wasn't. I called out for help before I died, so the MPs arrested the PO and I was defibrillator. I went to perma, where the PO has been sent, to ask him both IC and OOC why he killed me. His IC response was 'SCARED' and he gave no response in LOOC that I heard. A MP told me in LOOC that they were apparently new.

Evidence (screenshots, logs, etc): I tried to take screenshots but they ended up only being of the left side of BYOND, no the chat logs.

How you would punish the accused: If they are a new player then a warning. If not then probably a timed ban.

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Re: PO (Brodie) kills RO (Chuck Bicar)

Post by Patrick81291 » 01 Oct 2018, 20:39

Arresting MP here.

Get a call that the RO is dead, run east until I reach cargo and enter. RO is on the floor in the south-east room with a PO holding his sidearm out in the open. Another MP and I use the door as cover and shout for him to drop his weapon. He exits the room and I down him with a taser bolt after I accidentally pistol whip him (Oops) I try to talk to him during transport to the brig and one of the only things I get out of him is "New to the game" in IC chat. I show him what LOOC is and bring him to the holding cell where he explains there was a fight (Not sure if true) and he used his pistol to defend himself. I OOC explain that's an improper escalation and IC explain it wasn't an equal use of force to count as self-defence. *Off to perm we go* I mentioned in LOOC what he did wrong about the improper escalation and the importance of reading the rules. After this, the RO showed up like he said but didn't say much after that, might be confused about the whole IC/OOC stuff after I told him he shouldn't say anything about the "game" in IC chat.

Tl;dr New player.

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Re: PO (Brodie) kills RO (Chuck Bicar)

Post by Mizari » 02 Oct 2018, 18:06

Ok the player in question has indeed got history, his name was Brodie Moberly. I checked the logs and they are indeed a new player, however they recently was punished with a Job-ban for murdering two people as an MP. Suffice to say, this may be upgraded to a timed ban however I will leave the admins with a final decision on this matter.

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Byond: Skysoldier

Re: PO (Brodie) kills RO (Chuck Bicar)

Post by Skysoldier » 03 Oct 2018, 01:42

This sounds something that should've been ahelped and should've been dealt that way as I feel, was it?
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Byond: Chocolate_bickie

Re: PO (Brodie) kills RO (Chuck Bicar)

Post by chocolate_bickie » 03 Oct 2018, 03:54

I made an initial ahelp when the incident happened, but I never got a message saying it was being responded to. I ahelped again later to ask if it had been dealt with and it wasn't. I asked if I should make a player report which I was told I should do.

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Re: PO (Brodie) kills RO (Chuck Bicar)

Post by Mizari » 03 Oct 2018, 16:21

Logs for incident:
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Byond: Imperator_Titan

Re: PO (Brodie) kills RO (Chuck Bicar)

Post by Imperator_Titan » 03 Oct 2018, 16:57

Player is receiving a full on command jobban and a 3 day ban due to his repeated history of such offences.

Resolved - 3 day ban + command jobban applied.
