USCM file: Jacob Kaipov

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USCM file: Jacob Kaipov

Post by Zygman » 02 May 2016, 09:27

Full name:Jacob Kaipov

Nickname(s):Overlord, Jake.


Birth date:May 24th


Notable traits:Soft when off guard and serious with a bit of hot-headedness when on alert.

Persona: Jacob Kaipov absolutely can't stand it when people are doing silly shit during a mission, triggering his hot-headed temper and forcing him to yell at those who are doing jack-shit. Whenever he has some room to breathe, he is up for a casual chat and even jokes. If there's some pushover joking around and making fun of others then you can expect Jacob to make fun of that person. Jacob Kaipov also acknowledges any fuckups he makes and can have a rather soft side to him when he makes one, such as misfire.

History:Jacob Kaipov was born into a materialistic family who held money in high regard, more than anything else or any person the family had known. During his infant and toddler age, his family had some couple of run ins with the law, according to their permits, they were only allowed to sell alcohol, but they had sold drugs as well when it wasn't allowed at the time. Because of that, he had rarely seen his father during that time and only met him once he was a little more grown up, but he didn't get to spend much time with him anyway. Victor Kaipov was the only person he could look up to, his mother had focused more on the business than on the kids. He tried to get along with his sibling as much as he can, though unlike Victor, Jacob had grown up to be much softer and calm, though when it comes to serious moments, he has that Kaipov anger that he unleashes when he can't hold it anymore.

When he had entered his early childhood, his father passed away and the alcohol business was getting worse. The family had problems paying their rent and taxes, they were about to drown in debt and Jacob had to help the family by doing easy jobs for miniscule amounts of money. It taught him responsibility and patience for he had none of that beforehand. It gave him a hardworking attitude when it came to studying, allowing him to eventually become smart enough so he could get a scholarship. Out of all the things he could've picked, he decided to go for electromechanical engineering that could be put to use later in the future. After he had gained a bachelor's degree, he went to work as an engineer for some time, making a living out of that and sending money to his mother monthly to help her out.

Then came a time when the USCM was searching for people that they could count on and those that would be willing to fight for the good of mankind. Such a patriotic company had lured Jacob Kaipov into it's grasp and he knew that his brother had already been a marine for over 9 years. He had a small amount of experience compared to his brother but he knew that he had to join the USCM and try to work his way up in a way. His bachelor's could be put to use as he had the ability to work as an engineer and eventually proved himself good enough to become a specialist, albeit he needed a lot of hard work to get that rank. At this point of time, he is a new specialist with little simulation or real combat training, trying to make a living out of the USCM and hoping that he could keep his brother's anger at bay whenever he loses his cool.

Relations: Victor Kaipov - Older sibling.

Cole 'Grifter' Cash - A man he had met out in the field, despite having yelled at him the first time and accidentally misfired into his leg, they manage to get along well and watch eachother's backs when in combat.

Basic appearance: He stands at 6'0, has a very long beard and a pompadour haircut. As a specialist, he can almost always be seen wearing B18 armor and smoking a cigarette. He seems to be pretty fit for a man which is to be expected in the USCM. He has a missing front tooth.

Likes: People who can get the job done, people who look out for one another, red tea with milk and no sugar, humor, sincere folk, any kind of food.

Dislikes: Silly shit out on the field, pushovers, pretentious pricks.

Strengths: Reliable in a way, Trustworthy, Adaptable in both combat and social situations.

Weaknesses: Unexperienced in combat, A prick when that Kaipov anger is triggered.

Other Info: An apple a day keeps the doctor away but half a cup of apple seeds fulfills all of death's needs.

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