USCMC Marine Record - [MILITARY] - Johnathan W. Arcticus

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USCMC Marine Record - [MILITARY] - Johnathan W. Arcticus

Post by ratto99 » 11 May 2016, 00:30

Full name : Johnathan Wolfe Arcticus

Nickname(s) : Deadeye, Wolf

Age : 21

Birth date : January 14th, 2139

Gender : Male

Enlisted Rank : Sergeant

Position : Squad Specialist

Current Location : USS Sulaco

Notable traits


Persona : Tactful and Dedicated, Sergeant will do anything to complete an objective, barring things like killing innocent people, killing a squadmate, suicide, etc. He tries his hardest to keep morale high, cracking jokes, and not acting negatively. He actively tries to protect his fellow marines, experiencing multiple near-death situations because of this. Additionally, Arcticus, is greatly built, spending hours at the gym and working out every day. He is very calm and confident, you could even say that he could stare down the barrel a gun and would not waver. He is still human though, thus so, like anybody, can be mentally broken.


Born on LV-704, he is the son of United States Space Forces Captain Anthony Wolfe Arcticus, and Colonial Marines Staff Sergeant Ashlynn Arcticus, who would often fight about whether John should become an officer in the USSF or enlist in The Colonial Marines. Around the age of 10, John's parent's were both killed during a house robbery and he was taken in by a small, yet well equipped Group of Rebels and was taught to clean weapons. Later, at age 13, he was taught how to act with discipline, and how to follow orders(Which often included killing multiple people), around the age of 16, John started receiving training on a jungle planet, learning guerrilla warfare, and how to use a sniper rifle. He did this for 3 years, learning his local forest like the back of his hand, and he also had an inherent talent with rifles. At one point they also removed all of John's limbs and replaced them with stronger prosthetic limbs. Some of John's most The Colonial Marines were sent to the planet after getting a distress signal from a Weyland-Yutani vessel that John's rebel group shot down. Only a couple minutes before The USCMC arrived, Ron "Deadeye" Blanche, the leader of John's group, promoted John to "Scout Sniper". They didn't even see them coming, The USCMC killed all but one person, Johnathan Wolfe Arcticus, a helpless prisoner that was captured by the Rebel Group. They decided to enlist him into the USCMC. After finishing his specialist training on The USS Washington, he was assigned to the USS Roosevelt, where he spent 2 years with no combat encounters. In 2149, John was assigned to the USS Sulaco, where he is currently serving in, and has been sent into four combat missions.


Family :

Anthony Wolfe Arcticus - Father - Dead at 45 - Occupation: Captain
Ashlynn Arcticus - Mother - Dead at 43 - Occupation: Staff Sergeant
Kaylee Arcticus - Sister - 14 - Occupation: Honor Student


Akemi Ikeda - Friend - Occupation: Marine Specialist
Gratian Mcfall - Friend - Occupation: Marine Standard
Ruby Lafortune - Fiance - Occupation: Marine Standard

Basic appearance : Tanned white skin with a few slightly visible blemishes. Barely visible scarring below eye hands and on gut, light brown hair, baby blue eyes, heavyweight musculature, approximately 5"11 tall



>Talking to Friends
>M37 Armat Systems Pump Shotgun
>Baby Blue
>Ruby Lafortune
>Firing Guns
>Making People Laugh
>Looking at the Stars


>Talking About His (Dead) Parents
>The Dark
>Seeing Friends In Pain
>Arrogant People



>Doesn't Judge
>Common Sense


>Will Give up Life for Friends

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