USCMC Soldier Dossier #3140 - Ivan Ivanofsky

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USCMC Soldier Dossier #3140 - Ivan Ivanofsky

Post by SniperComZero » 21 May 2016, 17:40

Name: Ivan Ivanofsky

Nickname(s): "Bear", "Ruskie", "Vodka-swilling piece of shit"... you get the idea.

Age: 35

Date of Birth: 14th January, 2115

Gender: Male

Rank - Position: Sergeant - Heavy Weapons Specialist/Corporal - Combat Engineer/PFC. - Standard Squad Marine

Notable Traits: Russian, Throws 'cyka' around a lot, Tends to call most marines 'comrade' and 'tovarish' when they aren't acting like "fucking idiot cyka assfuckers".

Persona: Headstrong and overconfident, yet usually caring about his 'comrades'.

History: Ivan was born to a farmer family in Russia on Earth in the Sol system. He and his family fled to the USA when he was six due to his father getting into debt troubles with the Russian Mob. His childhood was lived in relative comfort, at least compared to back in Russia. Once he was the age of 15, however, things changed for the worse. He'd gotten involved in gangs in his area, and by the age of 16 had learned how to use guns and talk his way out of bad situations, two aspects vital to any aspiring ganger. Ivan left home soon after and spent the next years of his life honing and perfecting his abilities until he eventually became the right-hand man of a prominent gang. Being the right-hand man of course would not be an easy task, and during a police raid on one of the gang's safehouses, Ivan was arrested. He was given two options, either go to W-Y's maximum security space prison, or to enlist within the USCM. Obviously, he chose to join the USCM, thinking that it would basically be like being in a more organized gang, and to an extent, he was right. Ivan doesn't tend to talk about his criminal past, so most marines are in the dark about it.

Ivan hasn't had much action in his career before being transferred to the Sulaco. This may be due to his past criminal ties and command wanting to keep a close eye on him in case he goes rogue. He's done some odd jobs for the Corps but that's the extent of it.

While not being the most active marine in the Corps, Ivan always showed a knack for building, and an improvised defense. He showed this on an excursion to [REDACTED BY WEYLAND-YUTANI CORPORATION], where due to his quick thinking and acting, his makeshift barricades held off the local fauna for long enough for his squad to recover and eradicate the hostile wildlife. He was recommended in quick succession for the Corps' Engineer program and quickly graduated.

Ivan was sent on a number of dangerous missions, possibly on account of his past criminal ties. Command either wants him offed because of it, so sends him on what should have been suicide missions, or just views him as capable of dealing with himself. In any case, on a rebellion on the planet of [REDACTED BY UNITED STATES COLONIAL MARINE CORPS], during an assault, Ivan spotted an unused HMG, and held off the insurgent forces for an hour before reinforcements arrived. He was commended for his bravery and promoted, and also recommended and graduated from the Corps' heavy weapons program.

Basic Appearance: Ivan stands at 6'1", and is 150 lbs of lean muscle. He has a brown and full, if short beard and relatively short hair. He's never usually seen without his trusty helmet and shades, with the helmet also holding his 'lucky' pack of Lucky Stripes. When off duty he can also be seen with a trusty bottle of vodka near him.

Likes: Vodka, his comrades, competent command, cracking jokes, big guns.

Dislikes: Weak alcohol, selfish "assfuckers", incompetent command, boring operations.

Strengths: Usually remains confident in the worst of situations, and may even be able to rally his squadmates. He usually wants only the best for his squadmates.

Weaknesses: Can remain a bit /too/ confident in the worst of situations, and is a mediocre leader at the best of times. Generally questioning command if he doesn't agree with their decisions, and can be found cracking jokes at the worst of times.

Other Information:: ivan is best marine in corps [Added by account #3140, 29/12/49]

in case you didn't guess yes the different text styles on the history and rank parts represent why he's there. no the 'hostile wildlife' weren't xenomorphs
Ivan Ivanofsky, professional yeller of CYKA BLYAT, not so professional marine.

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Byond: lordekilly

Re: USCMC Soldier Dossier #3140 - Ivan Ivanofsky

Post by LordeKilly » 21 May 2016, 17:53

Yay, more Commie bastards running amuck, welcome to the team comrade.

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