USCMC MARSOC Employment Records: Jacob 'Paladin' Stone

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USCMC MARSOC Employment Records: Jacob 'Paladin' Stone

Post by Yacobpo157 » 10 Jul 2016, 18:15

Full name: Jacob Lorence Stone

Nickname(s): Paladin

Age: 28

Birth date: July 31st, 2151

Gender: Male

Position: Weapons Specialist, former MARSOC Emergency Response Specialist.

Notable traits: Willing to risk his live for others, loyal to the Corps and the Corps alone, slightly psychotic.

Persona: Bold, brave to suicidal points, strong headed, two-faced around officers giving them false respect to prevent conflict, a devout Catholic.

History: Growing up in a middle class family in Florida, he volunteered around the city he lived in in various places. His entire family history is of military service in the United States, to the United America's. Thus, at a young age he always wanted to serve. One day, as an Alter Boy at his local Catholic Church, a terrorist attacked it. Killing his mother, resulting in the lost of all limbs on his left side, and wounding his father forcing him to retire. This molded an intense hatred of insurrectionists and jihadists, along with those who insult his religion. Through his teenage years he served in the Volunteer Corps of the local police department. Went through Norfolk Naval Academy for a masters in human geography and a Bachelors' Structural Engineering. He then enlisted at the age of 21 and was immediately placed in special training due to his vast abilities with marksmen rifles and heavy weaponry, and explosives. Due to an instigation with a superior officer over the loss of an important squad member, he was temporarily deployed to the USS Sulaco for what could be called a "timeout".

Relations: Friends with Xur "Ghost" Durgens, not many relations other than that. Acquaintances with his squad.

Basic appearance: Various scars across his body, most notably one going down his right eye, visibly fit due to his constant work with B18 armor and heavy weaponry, six feet five inches.

Likes: Bravery, loyalty, honesty, patience, skilled marines.

Dislikes: Weaklings, cowards, liars, and backstabbers.

Strengths: Knowledgeable of military tactics, proficient in firearms and various forms of offensive combat, reliable, trustworthy.

Weaknesses: Easily confused with conflicts between trusted peers, electrical damage to his prosthetics, easily angered to the point of lashing out.

Other Info: Wears a cross around his neck, and a close fitting tactical ballistic mask on his face. Normally seen with a heavy pulse rifle.
It's not dying after you shot it a couple of times? I think the real question is, why didn't you keep shooting?

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