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Thread: Crimson_Imperator - Ban Appeal (Permanent Ban)

  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Crimson_Imperator - Ban Appeal (Permanent Ban)

    Ban Appeal
    Byond ID?
    Crimson Imperator
    Do you confirm you have read the Appeal Rules and that this appeal conforms to them?
    Character Name?
    Nicholas 'Locust' Pershing
    What is your discord tag? (If appealing a discord ban)
    Red Imperator#1507
    Type of Ban?
    Permanent Ban
    What is your Bancode?
    If jobban, which job are you appealing?
    Admin who banned you (if known)
    Total Ban Duration
    Remaining Duration
    What other servers do you play on?
    none rn
    Are you now or have you been banned on any servers? Which ones?
    Do you play using a Virtual Machine?
    Is your copy of Windows legitimate?
    Do you connect using a VPN? If so, which provider?
    Reason for Ban
    I never Received in game notifications about it, and was never told I was banned by the admin. Ban was applied later for some reason. I wanted to play around a bit so I created multiple Most Robusto Marine signs by screwing them to the wall then removing them to get multiple. I put them on the DS and handed them out to the marines, they seemed to enjoy it and it caused 0 round impact. A Dev asked me about if I had anything to do with it, I explained what I did in the ahelp, and he stopped talking to me. I presumed he was just curious about it since he was a dev and so I explained how it works so he could patch it if he wanted, since it had no effect on the gameplay. I like CM and just wanted people to have a bit of a laugh seeing a good 50 turbo robusto plaques, my intention was never to cause issues.
    Link to previous appeals for the same ban (if applicable):
    Your appeal, including evidence (screenshots, etc). If you were in the wrong, explain what you did that was wrong, and describe how you have or will improve your behavior.
    I believe I was banned for creating Most Robust Marine signs and putting them on the dropship, although I am uncertain since it only says "Exploiting" on the ban. I do not believe it counts as exploiting since it gives no advantages, and ruins 0 peoples gameplay or experience. I have been careful recently with what I do in CM, I have avoided engineering, and much of the more off the wall things in CM. I believe what I did was not exploiting, because creating a few robusto signs does not give any in game advantages for the marines. I created rough 50-100 signs and gave them out to the marines because I wanted to make them laugh and have a good time, I do not believe I should be penalized for just trying to make other people have fun. I have told people in the past of the screwdriving bug, and it was never considered bug exploiting by any admin when I did it in the past. I have pictures of times where I made the entire medbay floor into medical signs, and the admins never had a problem with it. I know I am held to a higher standard when it comes to CM.
    Do you understand that making low-effort appeals (short/does not address the issue/shitposts) may lead to immediate denial and/or other types of consequences?

  2. #2
    Senior Admin
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    You were talked to about what you did, at length, by a Developer who then requested someone from the admin staff to take over and properly sanction this.

    The message you are getting is from the reinstated perma. The actual ban reason, as stated in our notes system is:

    Banned for exploits, reinstating previous perma - Found a bug that let the endlessly duplicate an in game sign item to the point that the entire dropship was filled with them. Once again tried to feign ignorance over obviously discovering exploitative/bugged mechanics and abusing them in game. This is at the very least the THIRD time you were caught doing this and the MO is always the same. I refuse to belive you are THIS ignorant, the only other option is that you are doing this on purpose and we do not allow people who constantly exploit sever mechanics on our server.
    By the time we finished investigating the matter and I was ready to talk to you and inform you of my decision, you were already disconnected form the server. I did what is typically staff protocol and ban you, then file for your perma, which I reinstated myself.

    I will be very clear.

    You have multiple bans for using exploits to create unexpected behavior in game. I banned you for it. Another staff member banned you for it. You were permad for it. And you do exactly the same thing, this time using a dupe bug to create 30+ instances of the same sign that (and you are not being directly blamed for either of the following) was a) used to make a swastika in-game and b) crashed my client when I tried to look up its variables trying to trace whoever did do the former thing.

    Us: "Do not exploit in game bugs, report them and move on"
    You: "Hey I exploited this bug but it was fun for everyone involved!"

    Management/heads will decide what to do with this appeal, I don't want to close it outright even though I probably should.
    Senior Administrator

  3. #3
    CM-SS13 Host ThesoldierLLJK's Avatar
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    We literally just unbanned you for the same thing and gave you the benefit of the doubt. You literally did the same thing again, you can appeal in 6 months.
    Unhinged retiree boomer man
    Get off my lawn you kids

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