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Thread: kazuku_myo - Moderator Application

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    kazuku_myo - Moderator Application

    Moderator Application

    Personal Information

    Byond ID?

    CM Character?
    Harry McLagan

    Are you 16 or older?


    On average, how many hours are you available per week to moderate?
    I guess 3-5 hours at the current time.


    Do you have any previous experience in being staff (not just SS13)?
    Yeah, I used to be a moderator for a large scale (~20k players) German Minecraft community, admin for a Mount 'n Blade Jailbreak Server, and administrator for a large roleplay seriousRP GMod community

    Do you play any servers aside from CM-SS13?

    Provide links to any previous Colonial Marines applications that you've made
    None, apart from Mentor application.

    Provide links to any previous Colonial Marines applications that you've made:

    Are you currently a staff member elsewhere (not just SS13)? If so, where?

    Have you ever been banned for more than 24 hours on Colonial Marines?
    Yeah, once a week about almost 2 years ago for dickish behavior.

    Have you ever been banned for more than 24 hours on ANY server? If so, which server, when, and what for?
    None that I'm aware of.

    Are you familiar with the chat program Discord (its use is required)?

    Communication is a vital part of being a Moderator. Are you willing to actively do so with the team?
    Of course, everything that is required for a fluent climate and work basis.

    Common Staff Situations

    A player randomly shoots someone at round start and MPs have detained him.
    I would most definitely begin to ahelp the player regarding the events that led up to his decision making of opening fire. While proper escalation procedure must be followed, assault with a deadly weapon is an IC issue which can be handled by Marine Law. However, if the player in question fired arbitrarily at another Marine without actually having a good roleplay reason to do so, I'd check his records if this has happened before to make myself self-aware of his past. Depending on the notes, I'd most likely stick another and apply a ban if the situation escalated too far, or reprimand him once more, then let the MPs take care of the rest.

    A player ahelps that a predator has violated the honor code when killing him, what should you do?
    I'd investigate the report of course and take both sides into consideration when asking the specific players. In either case, I'd apply a note to the predator and refer to the report section on the forum for the player so that the case automatically gets forwarded to the Council for investigation.

    You see a player walking around the ship naked and clearly lost at roundstart.
    I would PM him and ask if he requires help as he seems lost. Since guiding and introducing new players to the ropes of the game is the duty of Mentors, if available, I'd forward/task a Mentor with taking the player under their wing.

    A player is being very rude to you in adminhelps, calling you names and arguing everything you say. He is requesting to speak to an Admin+ staff member.
    As I'm aware, it's under my own discretion whether or not I forward a players complaint about my judgement or not. Generally being rude towards me falls under Rule 4 of Dickish Behavior and would most likely result in a timeout (ban) depending on the severity of his insults, and a note would be applied as well. Additionally, I'd also recommend the player to make a staff report on the forums if he thinks my judgement was poor/wrong.

    A player ahelps that a marine is named 'John Doe', how do you deal with this?
    As of Rule 12 regarding reasonable and lore friendly names, I'd PM the player to please change his name (or change it myself after informing him) due to it being unfitting and violating the rule. Optionally, depending on his note history, I'd mark it down for his record.

    You see a Maintenance Tech running around in armor and carrying a rifle. The security level is green and there has been no threat to the ship in the round at this point.
    MTs fall under Marine Law just like any other personnel aboard the Almayer. The SOP outlines to what extend firearms can be brandished/used aboard the ship, therefore I'd treat it as an IC issue that can be handled by MPs with brig time for example.

    A Marine ahelps that they were killed by a survivor. It is early round, the Marines have just landed, and the survivor claims that they were outright hostile to all Marines from the get-go and openly stated their intentions. How do you deal with this?
    The roleplay standards in the rulebook outline that Survivors are allowed to be hostile towards marines, however for that to be allowed this must met the condition of them being violent right away. I'd make the Marine aware of the rule and explain to him that this is indeed allowed to happen unless it were a little later in the game and the survivor at first pretended to tbe friendly and then turned hostile, which would be forbidden.

    You receive an ahelp from a player stating that an MP has locked them up in permanent confinement for running into Requisitions and taking an attachment that was laying around.
    MPs must always follow Marine Law and have no leeway to bend the rules. While they are allowed to overlook minor crimes, it should be known that MPs must also hand out punishments that are reasonable to the crime. Permanent confinement seems excessive and out of line, so I'd question the MP and investigate the reasoning behind his handed out punishment. Depending and going forward from there on, I'd decide whether or not he violated a rule or was reasonable in his actions. If he were wrong, I'd apply it to his notes and make him aware of Marine Law, if his records already prove massive misdemeanous, job ban him.

    The round is stagnating. There are 30 marines and 4 aliens. The marines won't leave the ship, and the aliens won't attack. What would you do, to "encourage" the sides to engage each other?
    As to not deklay the round, I'd give a psychic directive to the remaining Xenos for an honorful final push in the attempt to make a turn around for their kind and make Queen Mother proud. Marines (XO/CO/acting commander) would be given a subtle message for example that he needs to encourage his men to push forward and weed the remaining Xenos out for a flawless victory on their end. All to keep it IC and roleplay-fair.

    You are playing as a medic, and another medic overdoses all your patients and prevent marines from being revived. It seems like it may be on purpose. How do you deal with this situation?
    As far as I'm aware, if I'm part of the active round, I'm not allowed to take action myself. I'd most likely ask for another member of staff via either ahelp or msay to take care of the situation, followed by a small explanation of what happened.

    The round ends, a Marine starts shooting a hostile CLF member and the CLF member ahelps about being killed after the round ended.
    Seeing as the round ICly continues even past the coded end of round timer, hostile forces and interactions are still allowed. The same way UPP/CLF can engage Marines and vice versa past round end, Xenos and Marines can have the same endeavour.

    A Marine is running around disarming, punching and stealing gear at round start. You receive an ahelp from one of the victims.
    Small shenangigans are within the bounds of Marine Law and can be handled by MPs. Rule 4 "No Griefing" declares that major shenangigans that disrupt the flow of the round need to be dealt with. Depending on the severity of the players actions and how far he has taken his abrasive behavior, I'd check his records, apply another note and then ban/reprimand him as deemed neccessary.

    You receive an ahelp from a Marine saying that he was killed by another Marine. When you ask the murderer why, he said it was because the other Marine had punched him.
    I would promptly investigate and PM the accused player as to why he found it neccessary to shoot a Marine over a punch. I'd get information of both sides as to how the fight started to gain info on if the fight may have escalated from something else to be sure that the report is valid. If the report is proven valid and he was shot without anything else happening beforehand, I'd check the players notes hand out a ban along with a note if the player has had similiar impulsive behavior.

    You find out that there is an improper mutiny occuring. The mutineers are rallying together and preparing to storm the CIC. How would you attempt to resolve this situation?
    As per Rule 17 which concern the mutinies, I'd try to identify the leader and inform him of the neccessary steps he has to take for the mutiny to be authorised. If I cannot make the leader out, I'd most likely aghost and inform everyone involved in LOOC or in worst case remind those involved via OOC regarding the rule.

    There are minor racist comments going on IC. 9 of the 10 people are laughing and RPing but one player gets offended and Adminhelps about it.
    Rule 3 declares that things like racism, bigotry shouldn't be exaggerated to another level of people getting actually offended. I'd tell the player to just keep his cool and let things play out IC, as he can still report it to MPs. If things get more out of hand, I'd probably PM the player causing the trouble and inform him/warn him about his behavior.

    A marine opens fire at round start in briefing killing multiple marines and instantly logs off.
    Immediately apply a ban for griefing under Rule 4. Obviously players like that hold no intention to play on the server and want to cause havoc. I'd also file for a permanent ban afterwards.

    You see a player playing a Xeno larva/chestburster run towards the frontlines straight from the Xeno hive the second they burst and die.
    Rule 11 declares that suicides or ragequitting should never be considered and instead have an ahelp request take place for a staff member to take you out of your role. I'd PM the player and ask why he has done so, check his records if he has done this in the past and depending on that apply a job ban if neccessary or a note if it happened once or twice.

    You see a Xeno memeing, saying AYYLMAO, REEEEEE etc in hivemind chat, as well as insulting the Queen.
    As Xenos have no free will and would never rebel against their Queen, I'd PM the player and tell him to tune it down, else he may risk recieving a punishment like being killed, or banned. AYY, REE etc. are common things and can be passable as long as it doesn't get too excessive.

    A Xeno player calls the shuttle a "dropship". A different Xeno player ahelps that it's low role play to call it a "dropship".
    I'd tell the player to simply look over it. The rules state that the hive mind is simply a English translation and that common terminology of known objects/positions is allowed to be named like for example humans do.

    A Command staff player at briefing near round-start mentions there are aliens on the planet. You receive an ahelp from a marine regarding this.
    I'd PM the person in question and remind that the roleplay standards clearly state that all personnel aboard the USCM is not aware of the xenos existance and check his notes. If this has happened before, I'd stick another note and forward the Commander to the CO Council, additionally telling the player to file a player report.

    You find a Marine killing another Marine on the EVAC Pod to take the last spot and claims it was RP as he was saving himself. There are two other marines in the pod along with him.
    Seeing as this is a very controversional thing, I'd investigate whether or not the player followed the appropriate escalation procedure. Marines are allowed to RP fear and emotional distress, so the will to survive may be enough of an acceptable RP reason to save his own life, while still respecting the escalation procedure. If the player led the shooting by doing adequate roleplay which allowed for a shooting, it'd be passable as an IC issue.

    A player insults you after you warn them for a minor issue and begins ranting in LOOC or dchat about staff and mentions you specifically, referring to you as an 'idiot' and a 'retard'.
    This falls under Rule 3 again of dickish behavior. If the player consistently keeps the insults and demeaning up, I'd tell him to simply file a staff report on my judgement and advise him to cut the flame. If he kept it up, I'd apply a time out for him to cool off.

    A player ahelps saying he was hugged by a Xeno when he was ssd, and wants the larva be removed from him via admin powers. How do you handle the ahelp?
    Seeing as this can happen as it also happened to me a lot of times, it's sadly still an IC issue and the player will have to live with it. So I'd just tell him that we cannot do anything about it and he just has to resume as it is with the larva inside him.

    You see a fellow staff member give wrong information in an Adminhelp or incorrectly enforce a rule.
    I'd tell the staff member about his wrongdoing in msay and eventually PM the player that was misguided with an update on the correct rule to make sure that the mistake is patched out.

    Two staff are arguing in msay if an ahelp is breaking a rule. Because the staff who took the ahelp thinks the player broke a rule, they ban the player based on their interpretation of the rules, with others thinking the person was fine. What would you do?
    As I cannot overrule or change the judgement of another moderator, I'd just take the incident to a manager and let them resolve the issue as they are responsible and tasked with keeping moderators and their judgements in line and according to the rules/procedures.

    Why would you like to become a moderator?
    I've been playing on CM for quite a while, already under the old Apop/Feweh era and always found quite a large interest in the community and the flow of the game. In my short time as Mentor and my return after a long break from the game and getting myself familiarized with the changelogs and updates, I'd like to extend my horizon and jump back into handling players requests and issues by being a helping and resolving hand for those who need it.

    In your opinion, what is the most important quality for a moderator?
    I think being open minded and able to handle criticism, accepting and correcting mistakes is one of the most important properties a person in power can hold. Having the ability to understand your counterpart and remaining level headed even in the most heated situations to act out professionally is probably one of the biggest things a good moderator should hold.

    Anything else you
    I've recently got back into CM, but I'm still pretty familiar with most things as I actively played long enough the recent time to get back into the loop. I have a good history of notes, though since my abscence and timeout from CM, a lot has changed and I'd like to prove that as a trial moderator. I wissh everyone reading this a good day and that'll be it.

  2. #2
    CM-SS13 Host ThesoldierLLJK's Avatar
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    I don�t have an issue really with your notes, but I do have an issue with you being removed from

    Can you tell us why in your own words you were removed?

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    Quote Originally Posted by ThesoldierLLJK View Post
    I don�t have an issue really with your notes, but I do have an issue with you being removed from

    Can you tell us why in your own words you were removed?
    Honestly, it's been so long, I'm not certainly sure what actually happened. Apparently there were a few issues in terms of how I responded to people which I - in my opinion - wasn't aware of, as I always tried my best to respond as professional and mature towards an individual as I can. I had a 2-3 disagreements with a fellow Mentor which probably resulted in a small argument which was later on (as far as I remember) resolved, by the reason of why I was removed was, if I recall the reasoning, due to "unprofessionalism" which wasn't further elaborated on when I asked. But then again, it's been almost 2 years now, and a lot of time has passed.

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    At the current, I don't think the amount of hours you can put in is enogh to even stay on staff. Barring that, you also don't seem to have a whole lot of recent playtime. This month you have a bit, beside that you've been very inactive. I don't really feel comfortable with you on the mod team without another solid month at least of activity. Preferably two. And the answers all seem to be very lax.

    Secondly one answer in particular really seems to stand out, and that's "Another staff gives wrong information or incorrectly enforces a rule." For the most part, you let it happen, maybe with the wrong information bit you might say otherwise, when it comes to enforcement just record, and pass it up to the correct head of staff, don't tell them they are wrong.

    All in all, i think you need more play time before being a mod.

  5. #5
    Admin Taketheshot56's Avatar
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    Can you explain why you were removed from mentor after two weeks and hopefully provide some insight for this?
    Former member of the Commanders Council, PM me if you want help with making a whitelist or have a question.

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    Quote Originally Posted by sargash View Post
    At the current, I don't think the amount of hours you can put in is enogh to even stay on staff. Barring that, you also don't seem to have a whole lot of recent playtime. This month you have a bit, beside that you've been very inactive. I don't really feel comfortable with you on the mod team without another solid month at least of activity. Preferably two. And the answers all seem to be very lax.

    Secondly one answer in particular really seems to stand out, and that's "Another staff gives wrong information or incorrectly enforces a rule." For the most part, you let it happen, maybe with the wrong information bit you might say otherwise, when it comes to enforcement just record, and pass it up to the correct head of staff, don't tell them they are wrong.

    All in all, i think you need more play time before being a mod.
    Thanks for your feedback.

    Yeah, I've just recently returned after some long inactivity haul since I was just burned out and RL caught up with me, so I went there instead. I was just letting myself go a little bit on the server to familiarize myself with the up-to-date additions and standards ever since the big staff change happened post Apop era, and thought I'd give a shot regardless just to see how far I can get. I'll take note of that however, thanks.

    As for the last part of the record, I'll note that as well. Thought it'd be plausible enough to at least inform the player of the correct thing as to not confuse someone.

    Quote Originally Posted by Taketheshot56 View Post
    Can you explain why you were removed from mentor after two weeks and hopefully provide some insight for this?
    Hi there, no problem. I already did that if you look at the post above sargash. I've tried fetching my memory since it's been like 2 years.
    Last edited by Pfanner; 03-23-2019 at 09:59 PM.

  7. #7
    Manager Emeritus & System Administrator
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    The amount of time that you think you'll be available to moderate isn't even close to the minimum required, and while I realize it was a different era, being removed from staff is a pretty big negative, made even worse by the fact you were only on staff for 2 weeks before being removed. I personally don't feel your answers for why you were removed are satisfactory, as they come off as extremely vague to me. This is going to be a -1 from me for now.
    TrialModerator from 12/15/2018 to 12/29/2018
    Moderator from 12/29/2018 to 6/29/2019
    TrialAdmin from 6/29/2019 to 7/29/2019
    Admin from 7/29/2019 to 6/17/2021
    Manager from 6/17/2021 to ???
    ManagerEmeritus from ??? to ???

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    Quote Originally Posted by Grimreaperx15 View Post
    The amount of time that you think you'll be available to moderate isn't even close to the minimum required, and while I realize it was a different era, being removed from staff is a pretty big negative, made even worse by the fact you were only on staff for 2 weeks before being removed. I personally don't feel your answers for why you were removed are satisfactory, as they come off as extremely vague to me. This is going to be a -1 from me for now.
    Hiya, thanks for your feedback. While I can understand the concern and the worrysome vibe that's given from the fact I was removed, one should still consider time as an important factor. As I stated earlier, I'm not quite sure myself to what exact reasoning I was removed, and people like Jerkface could probably offer more insight to that as he was already part of the team back when I was instated as Mentor. I can only give so much information as I recall after 2 years.

  9. #9
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    As others have stated your hours for moderation is too low.

    A question in regards to your answer of
    "Immediately apply a ban for griefing under Rule 4. Obviously players like that hold no intention to play on the server and want to cause havoc. I'd also file for a permanent ban afterwards."

    Would you not aheal those affected? A player breaks an ooc rule and clearly does not care for the fun or rules of our server. Would you let people who wish to ruin others fun do this and players affected just have to deal with it?

    For your answer to
    "A player insults you after you warn them for a minor issue and begins ranting in LOOC or dchat about staff and mentions you specifically, referring to you as an 'idiot' and a 'retard'."

    You state that your give them a timeout, which you did specify that means a ban. While if they are being extremely disruptive you have tools to mute if needed. And the game is known for salt. I'd recommend not added to a fire by banning an angry player making angry decisions. You can ignore and toggle the chat if it bothers you and when you see them later let them know that their salting was over the top and to try and reel it in for future cases.

    For your answer of stepping into another staffs ahelp and overriding their answer and completely disregarding them being the one to handle it as they marked it shows you have little regard for cohesion in the staff team. I mean by this is that it shows that while a moderator may have given incorrect information, instead of talking with them and getting it discussed and them speaking to the player of "oh I was informed what I told you was incorrect, it's actually this." You decided the best course of action is to jump in essentially say that they are wrong and show that there's no teamwork within the staff team and no respect for the process. This being what it comes off as to me.

    With your other answers you seem to fall into a pitfall that is very common and is debatable but I find an extremely good quality to being a moderator. Not being extensive with how thorough you'll investigate things. Saying that you check notes, talk to players, dish out required punishment. Do you not check logs to ensure players aren't outright lying, ensuring that one player did say they'd kill the other?

    And you seem to hold a harder grasp on punishments. I see a lot of bans. While yes rule breaks NEED punishments. We are a community around a game for fun and explaining that to a offending player and helping them to understand the problem and that we are all here to have fun may do better than a ban.

    With these issues and what you have said in response to your short time and removal as a mentor I must say a large -1. I'd recommend looking at accepted moderator applications and looking at the detail and thought. Don't just see what's required to become a moderator but how you can go even further beyond that to be the best. Good luck in your future endeavors.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Daturix View Post
    As others have stated your hours for moderation is too low.

    A question in regards to your answer of
    "Immediately apply a ban for griefing under Rule 4. Obviously players like that hold no intention to play on the server and want to cause havoc. I'd also file for a permanent ban afterwards."

    Would you not aheal those affected? A player breaks an ooc rule and clearly does not care for the fun or rules of our server. Would you let people who wish to ruin others fun do this and players affected just have to deal with it?
    Oh no, of course not. When I was writing the application I only had the most basic and straightforward methods in mind. Obviously I'd patch everyone involved and just give those affected a hint in LOOC that the situation has been dealt with and everyone recieved a heal. I just forgot to mention that in the process.

    Quote Originally Posted by Daturix View Post
    For your answer to
    "A player insults you after you warn them for a minor issue and begins ranting in LOOC or dchat about staff and mentions you specifically, referring to you as an 'idiot' and a 'retard'."

    You state that your give them a timeout, which you did specify that means a ban. While if they are being extremely disruptive you have tools to mute if needed. And the game is known for salt. I'd recommend not added to a fire by banning an angry player making angry decisions. You can ignore and toggle the chat if it bothers you and when you see them later let them know that their salting was over the top and to try and reel it in for future cases.
    While I understand that it may come off as that I'd like to just press bans on everyone insulting me, my applying a 'time out' I was sort of refering to what you mentioned in your reply. I guess I kept it too vague for the explanation to be understandable enough, my apologies in that regard. I understand that dishing out bans especially in on-going and heated arguments can cause for further disruption and issues, especially when it comes to user-staff relations as it'd make me seem like a dick to the person that may not be able to control his emotions at the given moment and just take him by his hand professionally to let him cool off. And I wouldn't say angry decisions, I personally get little to never truely agitated in heated conflicts to maintain my aptitude.

    Quote Originally Posted by Daturix View Post
    For your answer of stepping into another staffs ahelp and overriding their answer and completely disregarding them being the one to handle it as they marked it shows you have little regard for cohesion in the staff team. I mean by this is that it shows that while a moderator may have given incorrect information, instead of talking with them and getting it discussed and them speaking to the player of "oh I was informed what I told you was incorrect, it's actually this." You decided the best course of action is to jump in essentially say that they are wrong and show that there's no teamwork within the staff team and no respect for the process. This being what it comes off as to me.
    I apologize. I probably worded my answer wrong and made it look like as if I wanted to chime into the ahelp conversation and tell the player 'yeah sorry admin X said it wrong, it's actually..' as to undermine the other staffs ability to handle the situation accordingly. By 'I'd tell the staff member about his wrongdoing in msay and eventually PM the player that was misguided with an update' I was actually hinting at discussing it with the moderator in msay to clear up the debacle. Seeing as sending a PM to the player and bringing discord into the scenario would be more unsettling than helpful, I'll take your advice and just scrap that idea. For the cohesion part, from what I fetch from my experience as Mentor, I usually didn't have issues when it comes to working with others and keeping the workflow.

    Quote Originally Posted by Daturix View Post
    With your other answers you seem to fall into a pitfall that is very common and is debatable but I find an extremely good quality to being a moderator. Not being extensive with how thorough you'll investigate things. Saying that you check notes, talk to players, dish out required punishment. Do you not check logs to ensure players aren't outright lying, ensuring that one player did say they'd kill the other?
    Of course. I guess my answers fell a little lax on the detail part for that to shine through. As I said in the question regarding a Marine shooting another for punching them, 'I'd get information of both sides as to how the fight started to gain info on if the fight may have escalated from something else to be sure that the report is valid.' was sort of the meaning of me investigating whether or not the player is lying to me by checking logs/questioning (if neccessary) more people that are involved to resolve the case. I should have probably outlined that better, my pardon.

    Quote Originally Posted by Daturix View Post
    And you seem to hold a harder grasp on punishments. I see a lot of bans. While yes rule breaks NEED punishments. We are a community around a game for fun and explaining that to a offending player and helping them to understand the problem and that we are all here to have fun may do better than a ban.

    With these issues and what you have said in response to your short time and removal as a mentor I must say a large -1. I'd recommend looking at accepted moderator applications and looking at the detail and thought. Don't just see what's required to become a moderator but how you can go even further beyond that to be the best. Good luck in your future endeavors.
    On that matter, I guess my answers that I gave in the questionary make me come off a little ban happy. When it comes down to my own experience as a player in the past, I acknowledge that bans usually were either good or bad for myself, and seeing as most people hold no ill intention for example when they just died and let off some steam which then rubs off on a member of staff in terms of insults, flame etc. there's more than enough ways to deal with things that don't have to involve removing a player from the server. Of course explanations are of utmost importance and also provides for a decent transparency and cohesion between user and staff since making a player understand your judgement will usually make them adjust and settle down a little bit, though I think sometimes, depending on the players intention and past, some harsher punishment also can work wonders, for example like a 3 hour ban.

    I guess the fact I was removed as Mentor 2 years ago under different leadership and amongst completely different people that were staff members back in the day seems quite outstanding and diminishes my chances even further. I thank everyone for the feedback so far and obviously take it to heart in order to improve for another application in the future, but I'd appreciate to see that something that has happened in the past under different circumstances to just let bygones be bygones. As it stands unclear, and to update the insight a little further from what I can remember since it's just been far too long and I obviously had different things in my life to tend to, one of the reasons I was removed by Feweh was due to apparant 'unprofessionalism' in regards to my behavior. While I was trying to understand and question as to how my appearance to the public was unprofessional and even seeked a conversation with Apop back then, I was never officially told what I did wrong in the direct as to improve my behavior, leaving me in a dark spot with my reputation stained. I only recall having 1-2 disagreements with another Mentor in msay, though I don't recall ever having myself shown from an unprofessional, abrasive side to a player when it came down to reports. If anyone would like to know something, as I mentioned, Jerkface can probably shed more inside if he remembers the situation back then. This is all I can give in terms of information, I don't remember much more.

    I'll look forward to more feedback and question answering on my app, and hope that a large gap like that will not be held against me as if it just recently happened. Things and people change, and while I don't think I've been majorly in the wrong, I have altered for sure. Thanks everyone so far!

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