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Thread: Solidfury - #15 and maybe #14

  1. #1
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    Solidfury - #15 and maybe #14

    Player Report
    Your Byond ID?

    Your Character Name?
    Richard Pickard

    Accused Byond Key(if known):

    Accused Character Name
    William 'Jester' Crimson

    Approximate time and date of the incident (Central US Time for fastest results)
    7:00 EST 1/18/19

    What rule(s) were broken:
    #15 and maybe #14

    Description of the incident:
    This was at the near-end of a zombie/UPP/CLF event round, so maybe that plays into it. I got a report from a MT asking me why my office as a CL was locked. Now, I, like most CL's keep my office locked at all times so I asked why they were asking. They told me that they were breaking into my office under order of the CMP. I was not informed of this and (to my knowledge) I was not found to have committed any crimes that round. The reason why I was so against MT's and the RO breaking into my office was not only because I was given no reason, but because I had incriminating evidence against the Captain of him asking me for bribes. Once I got there I asked the MT and RO what they were doing breaking into my quarters. They told me that they were doing it on orders of the CMP. Because of the aforementioned reasons I pulled the shotgun out of my armor (this was code red so I was allowed a shotgun under marine law) because there were UPP and CLF terrorists and they could be breaking into my office for the faxes/combat drugs that I have. I DID NOT point the gun at them, only had it in my hands. I demanded they get out of my company office and they called the MPs because I was "pointing it" at them. The MP's arrived and one of the SO's pointed his pistol at me while the MT continued to break into my office. They then found the incriminating documents and I was being accused of slander. As they were throwing out the illegally got evidence, I got one of the papers and destroyed it. After this the UNGA MT disarmed and punched me and the CMP harmbatoned me in the head. I never got an explanation why people were breaking into my office. I tried to contact Solidfury over discord but I got no response. Since it was the end of the round practically, I got no response on my ahelp. I am confident I have not left any information out and I have no desire to hurt Solidfury's reputation or get him punished past what would be normal.

    Evidence (screenshots, logs, etc):
    How you would punish the accused:
    So while the Validing UNGA RP MT and the SO who pointed his gun at me were both in the wrong, I don't really care about that because it is understandable. CMP is a high RP role and it responsible to Marine Law perhaps more than the Captain. Perhaps the CMP had harm intent on by mistake? But then why would he not respond in LOOC? Why did he order people to break into my office without telling me? Why did he not go through proper arrest procedure and tell me I was under arrest? I simply want answers to these questions. I have played with him a few rounds and he is generally a good CMP, so I just want clarification. If it is decided what he did was against rules, I don't think anything above a warning is appropriate. I don't have any desire to stir up drama I just want answers.

  2. #2
    Admin solidfury7's Avatar
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    Sure, I'll address this as briefly as I can.

    You had a weapon raised at the MT and the CE, while you may say that is simply wielding it, that is seen as aiming it and I'm sure many of the community will concur, they (MT/CE) were breaching your office because it was believed you were infected or had an infected in your building,. Logs will collaboarate this as I informed multiple departments about this. This was later found out to be the zombie at research regenerating or making audio sounds. However at this point, the fact you were pointing at two military personel breaching in to your office was cause enough to continue the search of your office. I believe the MTs already had your evidence out. They proceeded to hand it over and read out your criminal activites.

    I proceeded to read such things and confirm them, when the SO ceased to aim at you, you proceeded to run with a piece of documentation and destroyed it infront of the Captain, the CMP, MPs and SOs. This was clearly extremely damning evidence, so I attempted as best I can to stop you before you did it even more so. Unfortunately, the sedation dart gun seemingly didnt work, and I was on harm intent simply because due to the CLF/UPP sleeper agents, which were immune to stuns, it was the only way to keep them down (That or I was blocking your exit, I cant recall)

    Regarding your LOOC, I simply did not see it (Nor do I really respond to them anyway), you do need to realise, this was a HvH infection event, with inflitrators, rogue synths and various other shipside pressures. I had all communications online, MPs screaming for extraction, the CE telling me there was a sabatour, a zombie on the ship somewhere and the situation with you.

    Regarding you not being told you were under arrest immedietely, you were burning evidence, of course I'm not going to tell you to lay down while you burn evidence. An MP was told to haul you off after you the doctor treated you, and you were to be detained for crimes which I dont recall in full, logs will show what I told the MP, I do know one was contraband.

    You were told to be placed in perma because you were to be interrogated, however as you stated the round ended shortly after.

    Also, I do appreciate the attempt to reach out to me before the report, it is an extremely pleasant change of pace, however I am nearly always on streamer mode, if you wish to contact me, its best to hit me up on discord with a DM. Hence why I didnt see your attempt at contacted me in last round change until just now.

  3. #3
    Manager Emeritus Grimcad's Avatar
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    I think the main points of this report are the Search and then the Harm intent hit.

    As it stands now, there is nothing in Marine law stated when they can search the CLs office. Which means that the CMP can search the office at any time. As long as they say that they are conducting the search to someone, then they are free to do so.

    I believe the harm baton is credible as an accident. From the sounds of it he hit you once. And his reasoning for being on harm intent is solid.


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