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Thread: Johnny_Fanta - 2, 11 (4?)

  1. #1
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    Johnny_Fanta - 2, 11 (4?)

    Player Report
    Your Byond ID?

    Date of Incident
    October 23, 2020

    Your Character Name?
    Curtis Weeter

    Accused Byond Key(if known):

    Accused Character Name
    Johnny Butcher

    Approximate time and date of the incident (Central US Time for fastest results)
    7:30 CST

    What rule(s) were broken:
    2, 11 (4?)

    Description of the incident:
    Basically, After round start I ask the CMO for permission to deploy to the FOB, Granted- So i start getting FOB ready, and also start work on an Unga tank for the Ungas.

    After all this, I decide to hop in the APC for a ride down, to suddenly discover that another doctor has taken spot, and lightly yells at me for being there- Apparently deciding that he'll be APC doc regardless of who was already taking that seat, nor asking the CMO for permission to deploy.

    I figure- Alright, I didn't want to be in the APC to begin with, and go on my merry way to my FOB surgery room, where upon I hear on the comms that the guy apparently had no idea how the anesthetic tank on the table worked, that he was too slow with surgery, etc etc- I figure he's new.

    My grievance is that even though marines on the front line were apparently being hugged left and right, he decided to commit suicide right there in the APC, no other word given by shooting himself

    Evidence (screenshots, logs, etc):
    Didn't take any, as I heard this on comms, so the tank crew for that big red round would have to give their two cents on it

    How you would punish the accused:
    I dunno the punishment for such a thing

  2. #2
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    The ckey in question is Johnny_Fanta, not Johnny_Fantac

    Johners asks to deploy. Permission is granted. MedAPC is chosen.
    Spoiler Spoiler:

    Johners enters the APC. Johnny_Fanta confronts him, Johners leaves.
    Spoiler Spoiler:

    Johnny is asked if he is new by a random patient. Claims no anaesthetic.
    Spoiler Spoiler:

    Johnny commits suicide in the APC.
    Spoiler Spoiler:

    Johners ahelps for their ckey.
    Spoiler Spoiler:

  3. #3
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    Hello, I'm Johnny Butcher. I was asked by nanu to reply to this as I'm not a big fan of using the forums, so I don't personally check them whatsoever. I don't understand the reasoning behind this report, I like to mess around on my characters, sometimes act like an asshole Ic'ly and overall act as a nuisance to others. It's part of the character, though at the end of the day I do my job as intended. If I'm a marine, CL, Doctor, Vehicle Crewman, or a Squad Medic that's how I'd usually act with other characters and engage with them.
    In this exact situation, sure I threw around false threats, avoided asking the CMO to be the APC medic, but there are ways for me to get punished IC'ly by Military Police or OOC'ly by staff. Neither MPs nor staff spoke to me during that round or after the round had ended. CM has a subjective view on roleplay and everyone has a choice as to how they portray themselves, so unless I was spouting "memes" at you, disarming you, and actually trying to physically harm your character, that's not really in any way an attempt to hinder your experience.

    When it comes to my experience as a doctor, I'm fairly new to that role as I prefer the more action-heavy medic role. I help myself with the wiki, so it's expected of me to be slow as I don't try to memorize the different types of surgeries. Either way, the doctor isn't a frontline role and I can't just waltz out the FOB to kill Xenos or leave the M-APC to drag people in, I sat in it and waited for patients. Whenever a patient would enter or get dragged into the vehicle I'd treat them, take a larva out, patch up an organ, and all that, so as far as I'm aware that's my primary function as a Doctor. I healed injured players, sat inside of the APC, rode along and that's about it.

    I was the first one to reach the APC, I took the risk of getting arrested by not asking the CMO, but that's an IC situation that could've been easily settled in-game. Just because you didn't reach it on time and asked for permission doesn't really change much, you played it safe, I didn't as I wanted to get into the action of an APC doctor. Again, I used colorful language when our characters met, though what's it to you how I speak IC'ly? Why does it matter how I treat annoying "colleagues"? We're not Aurora or Bay station, the server enforces a basic level of roleplay, which even by itself is rare because I see squaddies, SLs, Doctors, and other minor roles being assholes, disarming players to take something from them, getting into fights with players over dumb shit, some even spouting memes. If you did feel offended, I understand your stance and I've had issues with a lot of players as well when it came to their own style of roleplay. I can change the way I talk to players IC'ly if it'll make others less inclined to report me for it.

    Finally, suicide was valid in my eyes as it was the last stand for me. The APC was stuck in a narrow tunnel, with t3s at the front and behind it, its wheels and armor were destroyed. The xenos were pushing us into the cave slowly, while spitters were degrading the armor. I didn't want to get captured and nested, so as the two tank crewmen were discussing what they could do to fight off the xenos if they were to enter the APC, I simply took a pistol from the ground and shot myself then and there. I've seen wounded marines suicide bomb, CLs shooting themselves in the head when xenos were about to breach their office. This was not a different scenario, I was at the end of the line and just took myself out to avoid captivity and the eventual bursting which would've led to more xenos spawning. Suicide is allowed, It's not the first time I've had to commit suicide when In a tough situation. The logs can clearly show how and why I did it, the logs can show the xenos damaging the APC further, destroying it..etc. Just check the logs and you'll see the sheer number of xenos that were around us, pushing us and trying to get in desperately.

  4. #4
    Head Developer Nanu308's Avatar
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    Being new is not something we punish for and he states it himself and this is why timelocks were implemented, when it comes to some of his IC comments those are on the verge but doesnt cross the mark in my opinion.

    For the suicide, i heard with one of the Vechile Crewmen from that round on Discord and he could confirm the story of being cut off as well as Johnny Fanta looking quite new.

    Report Denied for the aforementioned reasons.
    Head Developer & Marine Law Maintainer

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