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===Appeal Sentence in a timely manner===
===Appeal Sentence in a timely manner===
The prisoner may request an appeal on his sentence from the Chief MP.  If the Chief MP is not available, he may appeal to the acting commander.  This right is rescinded during emergencies.  The Chief MP has the final say on all appeals, and can override the Commander if he feels it is in the best interest of the ship's safety.
The prisoner may request an appeal on his sentence from the Chief MP.  If the Chief MP is not available, he may appeal to the acting commander.  This right is rescinded during emergencies.  The Chief MP has the final say on all appeals, and can override the Commander if he feels it is in the best interest of the ship's safety.
An appeal is primarily intended to determine guilt or innocence.  A Chief MP or Commander (if there is no Chief MP) is expected to review  the evidence of the suspects crimes, the report of the arresting officer, and the testimony of the suspect.  If the Chief MP concludes that the suspect is not guilty of a law violation, they are to be released.  If they are found to be guilty, then the punishment stands.  Under no circumstances may anyone be given a Pardon if there is evidence to show a crime was committed.
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===Protection from threats===
===Protection from threats===
Prisoners must be kept safe, unharmed, and healthy during their confinement.  MPs must work to the best of their ability to ensure this.  Self-inflicting wounds will result in being straight-jacketed for the entire duration.
Prisoners must be kept safe, unharmed, and healthy during their confinement.  MPs must work to the best of their ability to ensure this.  Self-inflicting wounds will result in being straight-jacketed for the entire duration.  If the ship is at Red Alert, all MPs should return to the Brig to ensure the safety of prisoners.
====Release in the event of a catastrophe====
In the event of a Delta Alert (activation of self destruct) any prisoners may be released if the MPs believe that they will not be a threat to the crew.  A normal Red Alert, is not sufficient reason for a release unless the ship is being over-run by a large hostile force. 
<small>''note:'' a small force of enemies on board is not "over-run by a large hostile force".  You should ensure the prisoners are kept safe and alive as long as they are in your custody, and release them only if this becomes impossible to perform due to a large enemy force.
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Revision as of 06:24, 23 November 2017

United States Colonial Marines
Uniform Code of Military Justice

Note: The Commander of the USS Almayer and all its crew are not above UCMJ, Procedures, or Code of Conduct. UCMJ also applies to all personnel who are in the vicinity of a USCM Operation or on board a ship. The only exceptions are Diplomatically Immune Weyland-Yutani Executives (not including the on-board Liaison) and specially dispatched officials from High Command who have exception to authority for emergency matters.


The United States Colonial Marines Uniform Code of Military Justice is enforced by the Office of the Provost Marshal. On ships and USCM colonies this duty falls to the Military Police and Chief MP. They operate outside the authority of the command when enforcing the Law. The Chief MP has the final say on law enforcement within his operational area, unless overseen by higher ranking members of the Provost Marshal. Local Colonial Marshals are expected to fully co-operate with the Chief MPs and MPs when they are operating within their jurisdiction.

Arrest Procedures

Note: If a suspect is injured or wounded, alert Medbay to have a doctor sent to the brig. Unless the suspect's life is IMMEDIATELY in danger, they are to be brought to the Brig and treated there.

Compliant Suspect (not resisting or running)

  1. Verbally inform the suspect you are taking them into custody and the charge.
  2. Order the suspect to the ground.
  3. Handcuff the suspect.
  4. Bring the suspect to the Brig for processing.

Non-Compliant Suspect (resisting or running)

  1. Prepare a non-lethal method of neutralization
  2. Apply until they are no longer resisting
  3. Secure the suspect and Inform the suspect of their charge
  4. Bring the suspect to the brig

Dangerous Suspect (has used a lethal weapon against law enforcement)

  1. Ensure you have a non-lethal response prepared
  2. Engage the suspect and attempt to subdue them. Minimize collateral damage.
    • If the suspect cannot be subdued with non-lethal force,the Chief MP or acting commander (may authorize a lethal force response in extreme situations, primarily when Marine lives and/or the safety of the ship are at risk.
  3. Secure the suspect and any weapons they had and inform them of their charges.
  4. Bring the suspect to the Brig

Search Procedure

Note: If you take an ID to get access somewhere for a search, you must ensure the ID gets back to them when you are finished (or with their belongings if they are detained


  1. Inform the person you are conducting and of your intent (i.e. contraband, stolen items).
  2. If possible, conduct the search in the Brig or an isolated area so nothing is stolen.
  3. Begin the search and confiscate any illegal items.
    1. If they comply, you do not need to restrain them.
    2. If they resist, you may use non-lethal force to restrain them.
  4. If illegal items are found, follow Arrest and Brig procedures, otherwise release them.

Unsecured Area

  1. Secure the area with Police Tape. If none is available, have additional MPs help secure the area.
  2. Search any locations, lockers, crates, and personnel within the area, following the above rule for Personnel.
  3. Take any recovered illicit items to the brig and store them in the Evidence area for processing.

Secured Area

  1. Request someone responsible for the secured area to be present.
  2. Declare your intent and reason for the search.
  3. Request access from whoever is responsible for the area.
    1. If the person responsible is the person you are investigating or the search is relative too, you may restrain them and use their ID temporarily for access. Ensure an MP guards them.
    2. If no one is available, request either the CE or an MT to over-ride the door. In a pinch, any combat engineer will do. Ensure the area is re-secured after you leave.
  4. Search the area for whatever evidence or whatever you are expecting to find.
  5. Ensure that no unauthorized personnel other than the individuals executing the search enter. Detain anyone unauthorized.
  6. Ensure nothing is stolen, and anything taken is relevant to the search. This is not an excuse to loot.
  7. Anything taken in the search is to be brought the Brig and stored in Evidence for processing.

Detainment and Brig Procedures

Note: If the prisoner is removed from his cell for ANY REASON the timer is PAUSED. Time spent outside a cell does NOT count towards time being served for the crime, even if he is in medbay. Also, Prisoners should NEVER be left with their ID on.

  1. Inform the prisoner of the charge and set the timer
  2. Remove all equipment from the prisoner and place it into their locker. Weapons may be secured in the MP armory if you wish.
  3. Conduct a thorough search of all their belongings.
    1. If the suspect is being held for less than 30 minutes for a non-violent offense, remove all of their equipment with the exception of their boots, jumpsuit, and radio.
    2. If the suspect is being held for more than 30 minutes, is considered an escape risk, has committed a violent offense, or presents a danger to himself or others, then remove all their equipment and dress them in an orange jumpsuit and boots. Return their radio, unless they are abusing it.
  4. Buckle the prisoner to the bed.
  5. Flash the prisoner and remove their handcuffs.
  6. Recover your handcuffs and any equipment and leave the cell.
  7. For the duration that there are prisoners in the Brig, the Chief MP or a regular MP must be in security AT ALL TIMES (unless it's an emergency).

Prisoner Rights

The following is a list of basic rights the prisoners have. They can NOT be denied, except in an extreme situation and only then with authorization from the Chief MP.

Medical Treatment

All treatment must take place in the brig if possible. If not, an MP may escort a prisoner to medbay for treatment. The prisoner MUST have an orange jumpsuit and shoes, and will not be given their Radio or ID until they return. Time spent in medical will NOT count against their sentence.

Access to a Radio

Unless the prisoner has abused the radio, they are authorized their headset. If any MP believes that it is being abused (including being used to co-ordinate a prison-break), this right can be denied.

Appeal Sentence in a timely manner

The prisoner may request an appeal on his sentence from the Chief MP. If the Chief MP is not available, he may appeal to the acting commander. This right is rescinded during emergencies. The Chief MP has the final say on all appeals, and can override the Commander if he feels it is in the best interest of the ship's safety.


An appeal is primarily intended to determine guilt or innocence. A Chief MP or Commander (if there is no Chief MP) is expected to review the evidence of the suspects crimes, the report of the arresting officer, and the testimony of the suspect. If the Chief MP concludes that the suspect is not guilty of a law violation, they are to be released. If they are found to be guilty, then the punishment stands. Under no circumstances may anyone be given a Pardon if there is evidence to show a crime was committed.

Protection from threats

Prisoners must be kept safe, unharmed, and healthy during their confinement. MPs must work to the best of their ability to ensure this. Self-inflicting wounds will result in being straight-jacketed for the entire duration. If the ship is at Red Alert, all MPs should return to the Brig to ensure the safety of prisoners.

Release in the event of a catastrophe

In the event of a Delta Alert (activation of self destruct) any prisoners may be released if the MPs believe that they will not be a threat to the crew. A normal Red Alert, is not sufficient reason for a release unless the ship is being over-run by a large hostile force. note: a small force of enemies on board is not "over-run by a large hostile force". You should ensure the prisoners are kept safe and alive as long as they are in your custody, and release them only if this becomes impossible to perform due to a large enemy force.

Execution Procedures

“The man who passes the sentence should swing the sword. If you would take a man's life, you owe it to him to look into his eyes and hear his final words. And if you cannot bear to do that, then perhaps the man does not deserve to die.”
Executions of prisoners are authorized for crimes with execution as the maximum punishment. Additionally, if the maximum amount of time to be served is greater than 1 hour, or for repeated offenders, the Chief MP or Acting Commander may request an execution. Both must agree for an execution to be authorized.


  1. The Commander or Chief MP must make a ship-wide announcement from the CIC communication console informing the crew of the intent to execute the prisoner, why, and the execution method. In a code Red or Code Delta situation, this procedure can be ignored. (Example: "I, Captain Erin Kowalski, hereby authorize the execution of Donald Cluwne on the charges of murder, assault, and damage to the ship. He will be executed by firing squad in the briefing room.") Authorized methods of execution are either Firing Squad (handled by MPs) or Lethal Injection (handled by CMO).
  2. The Acting Commander OR Chief MP (whoever made the initial request) MUST be present at the execution.
  3. The Condemned MUST be given a chance to give any final words. They may use a radio for this (even if their radio was taken for abuse).

Battlefield Execution

The Commander & Admiral of the Almayer holds the authority to perform a Battlefield Execution (Important: Only whitelisted Commanders have this authority). They may kill anyone under their command or on their ship without any warning or procedure if they feel they are a threat to the mission. The CO/Admiral must state why the individual was executed and should the MPs have concerns, they may contact USCM High Command VIA FAX to inquire if the execution was reasonable afterwards. (This is similar to the "Rule 0" rule which applies to admins - you're able to do this, but it's much better not to, since you are subject to the consequences of your actions and may be removed from the whitelist if your reasons aren't acceptable.).
This power can only be used on captured prisoners when it is not possible to perform standard execution procedures.
(This is similar to the "Rule 0" rule which applies to admins - you're able to do this, but it's much better not to, since you are subject to the consequences of your actions and may be removed from the whitelist if your reasons aren't acceptable.)

Incompetent Command

As Military Police you are expected to enforce the Law and Procedures upon all members of the crew. If the Commander, XO, or any command staff are in violation of UCMJ at any time, the Chief MP is authorized to remove them from command permanently and replace them with whoever is next in the Chain of Command. However, this requires confirmation from Central Command before it is enacted (you can use the fax machine in the Chief MPs office). If they are not going to be removed from command permanently, they can instead be placed into the brig to server their sentence and the next in command takes temporary command. Central Command does not need to approve these cases and only needs to be alerted. However, visiting executives and Admirals are NOT bound by this and can only be removed with Central Command approval.

Special Provisions


Military Police are strictly forbidden from participating in mutinies against the legitimate Command staff. If you are made aware of a mutiny, you must take all necessary actions to prevent it and protect the legal Command Staff. If, the Chief MP believes that the legal command staff is unable to perform their duties for any reason, the Chief MP may contact Central Command for permission to relieve them of command and replace them with the next officer in the Chain of Command (using the fax machine in the Chief MP office). If a Chief MP is not available, a consensus between the MPs can result in the same situation. Mutinies are unlawful, however, and MPs must do everything in their power to prevent and suppress a Mutiny.

Command Requested Arrests

If the Commander, Acting Commander, or a Staff Officer requests a marine to be arrested for a crime, you MUST arrest said marine. You may hold the marine for a maximum of 10 minutes while evidence is gathered. If the marine is proven innocent in the end, the requesting officer may be held liable for a False Arrest charge.

Crew Authorized Weapons

  • Code Green - Authorized Weapons may be carried by deploying marines, security (non-lethals only), the Acting Commander, XO, Staff Officers, and Requisitions Officer. If you have a weapon, you must keep it holstered at all times while on the ship. This applies to Deploying Marines as well.
  • Code Blue - All crew are authorized pistols. Unless there is an immediate threat, only Law Enforcement may have weapons unholstered.
  • Code Red - No Weapon Restrictions (Except as explained in the Rules)

Exceptions: If you or someone you are responsible for are in immediate, life-threatening danger and the appropriate code-level has not been set. (Note: Meta-gaming rules still apply and over-ride the exception)

Current Marine Laws

NOTE: It is the duty of the arresting marine, to determine the punishment, ranging from the Minimum to Maximum. It is reccomended to make the severity of the punishment meet the crime and to minimize excessive punishments.
EXCESSIVE TIME: If the total punishment is to exceed 60 minutes, the Chief MP can give special permission for permanent confinement, no matter the crime.

Charge Description Minimum Punishment Maximum Punishment
Disrespect to a superior Using offensive names, disobeying orders, or being directly disrespectful to someone of a higher rank or position. Each offense stacks. Punishment time is per offense. 5 Minutes 10 Minutes
Hooliganism Behavior that is generally disruptive to the ship and crew that classifies as low level shenanigans not deserving of more severe punishment. Things such as slipping people with soap/water, excessive window knocking, and force-feeding other marines. 5 Minutes 10 Minutes
Improper Uniform Moving around the ship outside the Cryo/Cafeteria/Preparation areas without proper military uniform for your job during non-emergency situations. Marines should always be wearing their uniform, boots, and armor at a minimum. Regular crew should be wearing their uniform and boots/shoes without armor unless there is a direct threat. MPs should not have riot armor except in riot situations. Any headgear should be your properly assigned headgear or an approved military alternative. 5 Minutes 15 Minutes
Disorderly Conduct Directly and intentionally disrupting primary operations of the ship. Fighting in the RO line, disrupting the briefing, or inciting rioting/mutiny. 10 Minutes 30 Minutes
Insubordination Failing to follow a lawful order from someone of a superior rank or position. 10 Minutes 30 Minutes
Drinking on Duty Consumption of any alcohol or inhibiting chemicals during a military operation or while on active duty. 5 Minutes 10 Minutes
Damage to Government Property Damaging the ship or making any unauthorized modifications to it during peacetime.To get authorization, confirm with the department head the change falls under, the Chief Engineer, and the current commander. Return ship to it's exact previous state. 30 Minutes.
Resisting Arrest To resist a lawful arrest by a Military Police officer (most people run, be fair). 10 minutes 30 minutes
Interfering with an arrest To disrupt or interfere with a lawful arrest. Same punishment as accused Same punishment as accused
Jailbreak/Escape To escape, attempt escape, or be broken out. Double initial time is applied to all involved Permanent Confinement
Trespassing Unauthorized access of an area restricted by Command personnel or an area which a person does not have access to. 5 Minutes 30 minutes.
Contraband To retain possession of, distribute, or use contraband items, including drugs and non-standard issued equipment. 10 minutes
confiscation of contraband items.
30 minutes
confiscation of contraband items.
Theft To retain possession of items belonging to another marine. 10 minutes
item returned to owner
45 minutes
item returned to owner
Drug Use Consuming either space drugs or medical compounds not authorized for distribution. 5 Minutes 10 Minutes
Drug Distribution Distribution of medical compounds (including combat stimulants) without authorization from the CMO and Acting Commander. Includes space drugs, which are never authorized to be distributed. 15 minutes 30 minutes
Demotion from chemical access
Drunk on Duty This only applies to the Military side of USCM: Excessive drinking resulting in becoming drunk planetside, or while serving aboard the ship as a general crew member to the point you are unable to communicate properly or perform your job. Until Sober Demotion
Drunk and Disorderly This only applies to Civilian jobs and Survivors: Excessive drinking resulting in either being unable to communicate and perform your job correctly, or belligerent behavior Until Sober Demotion
Minor Weapon Violation Improper operation or conduct with a weapon you are authorized with during green or blue alert. This includes walking around with weapons un-holstered or discharging weapons during non-emergencies. Warning for first offense (always) 5 Minutes AND confiscation of weapon
Unauthorized Weapon Possession of a weapon you are not authorized during a non-emergency situation, detailed as code levels in the Weapon Usage for Crew section above. As code levels decrease in threat, weapons should be stored appropriately and not kept on-person or in personal areas. Warning and
confiscation of contraband items.
30 Minutes and
confiscation of contraband items.
Assault To threaten or use physical force against someone without intent to kill. 10 minutes. 30 minutes.
Neglect of duty Failure to perform their role to an acceptable standard. For example, a Commander failing to properly organize and ensure his personnel are given orders. 10 Minutes. Demotion/removal of command
25 minutes
Assault with a deadly weapon To enact physical force against someone with a lethal weapon, such as a sidearm, blade, or rifle. 20 minutes Permanent confinement
Manslaughter To be the cause of another person's death without malicious intent. 20 minutes
45 Minutes
Murder or Unauthorized Execution To attempt or succeed in the attempts of killing someone with malicious intent. Executions are only authorized with permission from and in the presence of the acting Commander. Permanent confinement Execution
Mutiny To attempt or succeed at overpowering or overthrowing a commanding officer. Permanent confinement Execution
Terrorist Collaboration To act as an enemy to the corporation or engage in acts that attempt to hurt or endanger the corporation. Permanent confinement Execution
Sexual assault To attempt to or succeed in the acts of assaulting another person sexually, including rape. Permanent confinement Execution
Conduct Unbecoming of an Officer Breaking any laws when you are an officer will always result in this added to the penalty. You are an officer and expected to act with dignity, honor, and respect at all times. Double Brig Time Double Brig Time
Repeat Offender To repeat a previous crime you have been convicted or and released from. Double time (stacks with conduct unbecoming of an officer) Permanent Confinement
False Arrest To order the arrest of a Marine who is then found to be innocent. Does NOT stack with Conduct Unbecoming of an Officer 5 Minutes 10 Minutes

Military Officers and military law enforcement agents are expected to use their best discretion when applying sentences and apprehending those who violate the above laws. Failure to do so will result in immediate contract termination at the discretion of Central Command military officials.